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Having a Bad Day? Stop here for a Good Rant!


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Read the Reckoners books, then take a right past My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, walk through the field of pugs, and give a wave to Shia LaBeouf as you traipse over the Washington/Oregon state line. :P



What happened? 

My favorite teacher is the most amazing person on this planet, and she is extremely dedicated to her students. She always gives up her weekends to help you if you're struggling. She often pushes us outside of our comfort zones because she actually wants to see us succeed, because she genuinely cares about us, and wants to see us succeed. But she's also always open to talk about social and emotional problems, and she actually cares, and connects with us an individuals. And I just found out that she's moving schools. *Note that I had her this year, and was going to have her next year also. She broke the news to us yesterday, where I cried 9 times in total. Yesterday was my day for grieving, and now I'm just angry. I'm losing the only person who really actually cares about me.

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My favorite teacher is the most amazing person on this planet, and she is extremely dedicated to her students. She always gives up her weekends to help you if you're struggling. She often pushes us outside of our comfort zones because she actually wants to see us succeed, because she genuinely cares about us, and wants to see us succeed. But she's also always open to talk about social and emotional problems, and she actually cares, and connects with us an individuals. And I just found out that she's moving schools. *Note that I had her this year, and was going to have her next year also. She broke the news to us yesterday, where I cried 9 times in total. Yesterday was my day for grieving, and now I'm just angry. I'm losing the only person who really actually cares about me.


I'm so sorry. :( How far away is she moving? Will you be able to see her on occasion? 

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I'm so sorry. :( How far away is she moving? Will you be able to see her on occasion? 

She's actually not moving far, but we'll probably never see her. And what hurts is that she's being so nice. My friend and I have used every trick in the book to make her stay-emails, persuasive letters, begging, bribing, ..etc. We even nominated her for Colorado Educator of the Year, where she could get $25000! But she's still leaving. And what I hate is that she's being really nice, which makes it hurt more. And I can see that it was a hard decision for her too. I made her cry because I was making a motivational persuasive argument, which made me feel really bad for making it harder for her. :( 

Edited by Sarcasm
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She's actually not moving far, but we'll probably never see her. And what hurts is that she's being so nice. My friend and I have used every trick in the book to make her stay-fake emails, persuasive letters, begging, bribing, pity crying...etc. We even nominated her for Colorado Educator of the Year, where she could get $25000! We're even considering writing a letter to the school where she got offered, saying how she's horrible,and nobody likes her, but we’re not that mean or desperate. We’ve done everything. But she's still leaving. And what I hate is that she's being really nice, which makes it hard to hate her, so it'll hurt less. And I can see that it was a hard decision for her too. I made her cry because I was making a motivational persuasive argument, which made me feel really bad for making it harder for her. :( 



That does sound awful. :( Why is she leaving? More money, is the job closer to home, or is it something else? 

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Both. She's raising two young children, so it's understandable that she should put her family first. I hate being so selfish, but life's taken so many things that I value in the past few months that I'm not just going to let go. She is the most amazing person ever, and I know I will never meet someone like her again.  :( -This emoticon is not even a millionth representative of my sadness.

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She's actually not moving far, but we'll probably never see her. And what hurts is that she's being so nice. My friend and I have used every trick in the book to make her stay-fake emails, persuasive letters, begging, bribing, pity crying...etc. We even nominated her for Colorado Educator of the Year, where she could get $25000! We're even considering writing a letter to the school where she got offered, saying how she's horrible,and nobody likes her, but we’re not that mean or desperate. We’ve done everything. But she's still leaving. And what I hate is that she's being really nice, which makes it hard to hate her, so it'll hurt less. And I can see that it was a hard decision for her too. I made her cry because I was making a motivational persuasive argument, which made me feel really bad for making it harder for her. :( 



Honestly, she's probably already signed the contract with the school district.  It's a done deal.  And whatever her reasons for going (salary, better career opportunity, a school otter tank) know that it's nothing to do with you.

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Honestly, she's probably already signed the contract with the school district.  It's a done deal.  And whatever her reasons for going (salary, better career opportunity, a school otter tank) know that it's nothing to do with you.

Yes, I suppose. But that doesn't dull the pain.  :(

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I am so sorry about that.  :(  I have had quite a few teachers move away from my school, just one year before I move to a different school, for instance.  Two of my teachers have gotten married and moved.  They were my favorite teachers.  One of them moved to Georgia, and the other moved to California.  I live in Utah, so those are kind of far away.  Kind of.  Not like it's a different continent or anything, though.  And another one of my teachers retired in the same year.  All of that combined was a hard blow on my emotions... I probably broke down at least 20 times before the year was over, so don't feel too bad about that.

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Yesterday, while driving home from work, my car started shuddering on the freeway. Fortunately I was close to my exit, so I just coasted for the last mile and on the off-ramp, tested to see if I could accelerate at all or if the engine itself was having problems. I could accelerate, but I couldn't go over 2500 RPMs. So I took it to an auto shop. They were about to close, so they gave me a rental car and kept mine overnight so they could run the tests this morning to figure out what was wrong. Apparently there's some sensor that broke, which in terms of auto failure is actually a good thing (or at least, it's cheaper to fix than an engine or transmission issue), but it still means that with the labor and parts and everything, it's going to cost me just shy of $300.  :angry:

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Yesterday, while driving home from work, my car started shuddering on the freeway. Fortunately I was close to my exit, so I just coasted for the last mile and on the off-ramp, tested to see if I could accelerate at all or if the engine itself was having problems. I could accelerate, but I couldn't go over 2500 RPMs. So I took it to an auto shop. They were about to close, so they gave me a rental car and kept mine overnight so they could run the tests this morning to figure out what was wrong. Apparently there's some sensor that broke, which in terms of auto failure is actually a good thing (or at least, it's cheaper to fix than an engine or transmission issue), but it still means that with the labor and parts and everything, it's going to cost me just shy of $300.  :angry:

Hang in there. At least it's not 1000. At least they're not asking to be paid just for the inspection.

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Yesterday, while driving home from work, my car started shuddering on the freeway. Fortunately I was close to my exit, so I just coasted for the last mile and on the off-ramp, tested to see if I could accelerate at all or if the engine itself was having problems. I could accelerate, but I couldn't go over 2500 RPMs. So I took it to an auto shop. They were about to close, so they gave me a rental car and kept mine overnight so they could run the tests this morning to figure out what was wrong. Apparently there's some sensor that broke, which in terms of auto failure is actually a good thing (or at least, it's cheaper to fix than an engine or transmission issue), but it still means that with the labor and parts and everything, it's going to cost me just shy of $300.  :angry:

Storm it. That's...ouch. They'd better fix it good after all that...Good to know you were ok though, despite the auto failure.


Was really tired and wasn't paying attention when I picked up the phone. I'm a bit of a grouch/misanthrope/introvert by nature, so by really bad luck, I got into more hot soup when my work supervisor was on the phone.

Some days, I just want to find a hole and crawl in there and never come out again.

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Hang in there. At least it's not 1000. At least they're not asking to be paid just for the inspection.


Actually 50 of that is for the Level 1 inspection they had to do to find out what specifically was the problem. :P But yes. I am definitely counting my blessings that it was only 300 and not 500 or 1000. I can afford 300. I don't want to, but I can.

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All Hades is about to break loose at work next week.  I am gonna enjoy the heck out of my three-day weekend (including ConQuest and a Brandon signing!), because I'm gonna need the fortitude to make it through the madness that is coming.


As if it's not enough that it's just going to be a hot mess, my team lead and manager are going to be out on vacation.  This is going to leave me and another coworker to tag-team the job of pretend team lead while the hot mess is going on.


On the bright side, we know it's coming.  And this means that when something really stupid happens (as it inevitably will), I will get to pass the news on to the uberbosses and tag on the line, "in accordance with the prophecy."  Because I live for moments when I can say things like that.

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All Hades is about to break loose at work next week.  I am gonna enjoy the heck out of my three-day weekend (including ConQuest and a Brandon signing!), because I'm gonna need the fortitude to make it through the madness that is coming.


As if it's not enough that it's just going to be a hot mess, my team lead and manager are going to be out on vacation.  This is going to leave me and another coworker to tag-team the job of pretend team lead while the hot mess is going on.


On the bright side, we know it's coming.  And this means that when something really stupid happens (as it inevitably will), I will get to pass the news on to the uberbosses and tag on the line, "in accordance with the prophecy."  Because I live for moments when I can say things like that.



Making the most out of a terrible situation. Level: Expert.

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As if it's not enough that it's just going to be a hot mess, my team lead and manager are going to be out on vacation.  This is going to leave me and another coworker to tag-team the job of pretend team lead while the hot mess is going on.

Yikes. Well, at least you should have an example of "stepping up to the plate" for mid-year reviews!

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Making the most out of a terrible situation. Level: Expert.


I've had lots of practice.  I also enjoy such work-related pastimes as IM'ing ridiculous gifs to my coworkers and driving my team lead crazy.


Yikes. Well, at least you should have an example of "stepping up to the plate" for mid-year reviews!


It's not the first time I've done it; Team Lead has made no bones about the fact that he wants to move more into a Compliance-type role, and when that day finally comes, I fully intend to throw my hat into the ring for his current position.

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DAD. An open door does not mean "Come on in!" I have to leave the door open so I don't roast. BANGING YOUR FIST AGAINST THE WALL IS AN ANCIENT REQUEST FOR ENTRY. PLEASE MASTER IT. <_<


...do you not have a window? Ouch.


Even with a storming sign on my door, nobody seems to knock. Annoying.

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...do you not have a window? Ouch.

Even with a storming sign on my door, nobody seems to knock. Annoying.

I do, but it's already started getting hot here. Open a window during the day, and it'll hear the whole house up. And I have two fans in my room, but it's still not enough...

Anyway, I'll just suffer the heat. I know what it's like though. When I was a teen, I had to put a sign on my door to get my siblings to knock, but my parents almost never did. They've been doing it more now that I'm an adult, but I wish they'd do it regardless of whether the door was open or closed.

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I do, but it's already started getting hot here. Open a window during the day, and it'll hear the whole house up. And I have two fans in my room, but it's still not enough...

Anyway, I'll just suffer the heat. I know what it's like though. When I was a teen, I had to put a sign on my door to get my siblings to knock, but my parents almost never did. They've been doing it more now that I'm an adult, but I wish they'd do it regardless of whether the door was open or closed.


Our cabin is very large but divided into just three living spaces and no personal rooms for a family of seven. I write my posts every day with my insane little siblings running past me every other minute screaming at the top of their lungs.


Point is, I can empathize with you but I've personally long since given up the idea of privacy. :P

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My body and I have a long-standing disagreement on when is an appropriate time to be sick. Aside from it thinking that every couple of weeks or so is reasonable it apparently decided that my final two weeks of uni classes ever (half-way through said weeks atm) with multiple major assessment tasks due was a fantastic time for constant headaches. Awesome.

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