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Having a Bad Day? Stop here for a Good Rant!


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He probably got a lucky hunt in last night.  Soon, his prowess will grow, and you'll be getting "presents" on your doorstep.  Oh, the joys of severed lizard heads!


When I was a kid, we had a cat named Smiley. After living with us for one year—during which she saw every member of our family celebrate a birthday—she began bringing us "presents" on those days. I got a dead mouse one year, while my brother got a dead bird. 


It was kind of sweet. I mean, seeing a beautiful bird dead on the doorstep was a bit morbid for an early morning sight, but I like to think she knew it was our special day and brought us something to celebrate. That, or she realized her humans were holding some sort of festival and thought it would be rude to not bring a gift. 

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When I was a kid, we had a cat named Smiley. After living with us for one year—during which she saw every member of our family celebrate a birthday—she began bringing us "presents" on those days. I got a dead mouse one year, while my brother got a dead bird. 


It was kind of sweet. I mean, seeing a beautiful bird dead on the doorstep was a bit morbid for an early morning sight, but I like to think she knew it was our special day and brought us something to celebrate. That, or she realized her humans were holding some sort of festival and thought it would be rude to not bring a gift.

That is quite adorable, actually.

My cat can't catch a junebug.

Okay, so today in ap world history was gross. We finally got the surprise essay my teacher has been hinting about for the past two weeks. Now, let me tell you about whap essays. You can get one of three types- compare and contrast, document based, and changes/continuities over time (CCOT). But that isn't all. Each one has a "formula" you have to follow, or else you'll fail so badly. Basically you have to memorize a chunk of poorly written text and plug your own stuff into there, even if it isn't correct.

Now, me, being the poor memorizor I am, had none of them memorized except for document essays. So I was screwed before we even got the prompt. It was a CCOT essay, over the hardest topic I've ever gotten. I knew nothing, I repeat, nothing about this prompt. So I sit there, trying to think up changes and I get nothing.

So I go "storm it," write the thesis (which formula I can luckily remember), one change, and then turn it in. I was done.

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It's so thoughtful of the natural environment of Texas to constantly remind me of all my physical weaknesses. I mean, what would I do if I didn't have constant cactus thorns, mesquite scratches, and bug bites to remind me of the fragility of Man? Thanks a lot, Texas.<_<



On the bright side, little Bliss, who has been roaming the local woods for the past couple of days, finally came back to the house. Which is wonderful. :D

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Ah yes, the sound of my ap world history grade going down as I continue to rack up the Cs on quizzes.

Is it anything like AP US History? I took that and was pleasantly surprised to learn that the test, which our teacher had built up as harder than his quizzes by far, was actually rather easy.

That said, I'm sorry. :( I never did well on DBQs.

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It's so thoughtful of the natural environment of Texas to constantly remind me of all my physical weaknesses. I mean, what would I do if I didn't have constant cactus thorns, mesquite scratches, and bug bites to remind me of the fragility of Man? Thanks a lot, Texas. <_<



On the bright side, little Bliss, who has been roaming the local woods for the past couple of days, finally came back to the house. Which is wonderful. :D


I think the universe is trying to tell you something. On the 17th Shard, you may be like as unto a god, but in the real world, you are as fragile as any other.


Clearly the only solution is to jack yourself into the Matrix and live there forever.


...Also, glad to hear Bliss is okay. 

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Okay, so today in ap world history was gross. We finally got the surprise essay my teacher has been hinting about for the past two weeks. Now, let me tell you about whap essays. You can get one of three types- compare and contrast, document based, and changes/continuities over time (CCOT). But that isn't all. Each one has a "formula" you have to follow, or else you'll fail so badly. Basically you have to memorize a chunk of poorly written text and plug your own stuff into there, even if it isn't correct.

Now, me, being the poor memorizor I am, had none of them memorized except for document essays. So I was screwed before we even got the prompt. It was a CCOT essay, over the hardest topic I've ever gotten. I knew nothing, I repeat, nothing about this prompt. So I sit there, trying to think up changes and I get nothing.

So I go "storm it," write the thesis (which formula I can luckily remember), one change, and then turn it in. I was done.


From somebody who took APWH and got a 5, YOU CAN DO IT! My advice? Memorize those formats for the essays! My AP teacher showed us an essay (this was 5 years ago, remember), and all the factual info was wrong. Kid got a 3, because his format was correct. <_<  Those formats are very important. The essay on the actual AP test was CCOT for me. I want to say the culture we focused on was China? But I don't remember by now.


Good luck! I can try digging out my APWH stuff if you'd like!

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Is it anything like AP US History? I took that and was pleasantly surprised to learn that the test, which our teacher had built up as harder than his quizzes by far, was actually rather easy.

That said, I'm sorry. :( I never did well on DBQs.

 I haven't taken APUSH yet so I wouldn't know. Not going to, though, I'm taking my history next year as high school and college credit, so I can get some hours. Even if I don't make that, there's no way you'll find me in that horror inducing class. I've heard bad stories from juniors. 

From somebody who took APWH and got a 5, YOU CAN DO IT! My advice? Memorize those formats for the essays! My AP teacher showed us an essay (this was 5 years ago, remember), and all the factual info was wrong. Kid got a 3, because his format was correct. <_<  Those formats are very important. The essay on the actual AP test was CCOT for me. I want to say the culture we focused on was China? But I don't remember by now.


Good luck! I can try digging out my APWH stuff if you'd like!

Thanks man! I have all three essays, DBQ, C/C, and CCOT. Everyone is cursing the DBQ but I really don't see how bad it is. Its just long. But they give you all the info! CCOT will probably kill me.
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I hated DBQs, because if one of the documents contained something you neglected in your essay, you can kiss a good grade goodbye. Some of the ones I practiced in class would involve a single line that was rediculously important, but was easy to miss. A lot of people struggle with putting themselves in the shoes of other people, which can make DBQ really hard as well.

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I don't mind them; I always get the best grades on the DBQs compared to the others.


In any case, let me tell you about my storming day. Now, to set the mood. Its been dreary outside for quite some time, and today it was pouring so hard we had a flash flood warning. I get to band, and have to give my piccolo up because my director wants to pass it around. Which is fair, to me. But then she passes out the straight up WORST piece I've ever been given. It sounded awful and was so easy to play. But the band loved it. So guess what we're keeping.

Skip forward a bit to ap world. The first part of the class went great, but then lunch rolled around and we came back, only to discover the horror of a compare/contrast thesis on our desks along with essay paper. The time starts, but then five minutes later, someone decides to pull the fire alarm. At first, we were ecstatic. Yes! No essay! And then we realize. Its pouring outside. The Stormfather must be angry. Its wet. And we have to go outside. But still, no essay! So we wait for twenty minutes in the cold and the wet. And then we get back, only to find that the school put us on modified block. Meaning we still had fourty minutes of ap world. And you know what that means. Essay time! Soaking wet too, because some rotting piece of chull dung decided to pull the alarm, in the middle of a flash flood.

Edited by LarkoftheRiver
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And I thought my school sucked. o_O Have all the upvotes for your troubles. I had a PE teacher once who was an ex-Marine and who thought it would be a great idea to do drills at 8:00 in the morning after a rain. Soaking wet half the day. So yeah, I know how that feels.

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Hey guys first post in this thread, i haven't had an unfortunate series of events like this in a long time. Okay

1) This morning I ate my cereal, and the milk was kind of funky. Literally the minute after I eat it I start to feel kind of crappy. I push through it, it wasn't that bad yet. And then comes fifth period, band class, my favorite. But I feel like I'm going to hurl the whole time, I felt super crappy. I was told my multiple classmates that I literally went green. So usually at this point I'd head to the nurse and go home. But every time I go to the nurse she basically tells me that I'm fine and that I should go back to class. Also I had a big test seventh period, that I did not want to miss. 


2) I am, as I said, in the school band. A classmate of mine that plays lead alto saxophone, neglected to tell my band director that he couldn't make the festival we have tomorrow. I play lead clarinet, but I play alto in jazz band, but even then I'm not very skilled at it. So my director asks me to play his part about two days ago. The alto saxophone has a huge solo in one of the pieces and a person even less prepared than me might have to play it. 


I am feeling better than I was earlier today, but still I'm in a pretty big bind, I'll probably be able to go to the festival, but how often does sickness just come and go in about twelve hours. 


Sorry for the long post, I just have to lament my situation. 


On a different note:


I'm so aggged!! Avengers 2 has been released in Europe apparently and yet we have to wait till May 1 in the States. Not happy atm!


I know I want to see it so bad, I'm not as aggravated as you but I feel your pain

Edit to add: BTW my upvote on your post is a pity upvote (is that what it is called?) I don't enjoy the situation you are in

Edited by The Honey Badger
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I'm so aggged!! Avengers 2 has been released in Europe apparently and yet we have to wait till May 1 in the States. Not happy atm!

Really? Somewhere's actually getting a movie later than Australia for once?

Might finally get enough backlash that publishers get the stupid differences in release dates sorted.

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So, they've released the first image of the Joker as he will appear in the DC Cinematic Universe film Suicide Squad. He will be played by Jared Leto, and will exist within the same continuity as Henry Cavill's Superman and Ben Affleck's Batman.




Disclaimer: you may have guessed from my choice of thread that I'm not happy with this. I'm sure plenty of people will love this take on the character. But as for my thought on this image and this movie in general...




Yeah... I'm not very happy with DC right now. -_-

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So, they've released the first image of the Joker as he will appear in the DC Cinematic Universe film Suicide Squad. He will be played by Jared Leto, and will exist within the same continuity as Henry Cavill's Superman and Ben Affleck's Batman.


Disclaimer: you may have guessed from my choice of thread that I'm not happy with this. I'm sure plenty of people will love this take on the character. But as for my thought on this image and this movie in general...


Yeah... I'm not very happy with DC right now. -_-

I...wha? Those tats, the teeth....okay, I can see him as a sort of punk rock Joker remix, but did they put any thought at all into the logistics behind his look? He would've had to go to at least one tattoo parlor, multiple times, for those tats. The smile on his arm alone would've taken hours. Given how unstable the Joker is, he would not have been able to hold a conversation with the artist, or even sit quietly, for that long. This means that if he was at large by that point, which he probably was if he was dedicated enough to get all tatted up, turn the artist would've had time to have an assistant call the cops. These cops could've busted in at any time during the tattoo process, meaning the Joker should be covered in unfinished tattoos and the cops should be arresting him for the deaths of tattoo artists. I mean, he can't leave witnesses, can he?

That, or the Joker is suddenly a tattoo artist capable of giving himself tattoos, despite the pain this would inflict.

It's a cool look, but Heath Ledger's angrily applied makeup and custom overcoat made a lot more sense.

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I...wha? Those tats, the teeth....okay, I can see him as a sort of punk rock Joker remix, but did they put any thought at all into the logistics behind his look? He would've had to go to at least one tattoo parlor, multiple times, for those tats. The smile on his arm alone would've taken hours. Given how unstable the Joker is, he would not have been able to hold a conversation with the artist, or even sit quietly, for that long. This means that if he was at large by that point, which he probably was if he was dedicated enough to get all tatted up, turn the artist would've had time to have an assistant call the cops. These cops could've busted in at any time during the tattoo process, meaning the Joker should be covered in unfinished tattoos and the cops should be arresting him for the deaths of tattoo artists. I mean, he can't leave witnesses, can he?

That, or the Joker is suddenly a tattoo artist capable of giving himself tattoos, despite the pain this would inflict.

It's a cool look, but Heath Ledger's angrily applied makeup and custom overcoat made a lot more sense.


This is relevant:




But yeah. This, to me, seems to indicate that they're going way overboard trying to recreate the Joker. I get that Heath Ledger left some pretty intimidating clown shoes to fill, but seriously? Tattoos? Metal teeth?



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I... I'm sorry, I'm going to need some time to process this... 


On the plus side, whoever wrote Damaged on his forehead has excellent penmanship.


Somehow, I hadn't noticed that before. Excellent handwriting, but I have to ask: how did the Joker sit still for that one? Facial tattoos, from what I hear, are pretty painful, and I can't imagine him sitting through that tattoo without bursting into hysterical laughter and shooting the artist in the face. 

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They're going to have to think of another thing that a criminal smuggled into the witness box in plain view of the judge and try to kill two-face with too.
It was acid in batman forever, a gun in The Dark Knight so next up is some kind of flamethrower I guess?

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They're going to have to think of another thing that a criminal smuggled into the witness box in plain view of the judge and try to kill two-face with too.

It was acid in batman forever, a gun in The Dark Knight so next up is some kind of flamethrower I guess?


Or a bazooka.

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Or a bazooka.


Sure, why not? We're already stretching credulity by assuming the Joker sat still for 4,000,000 tattoos of the word "Haha," so why shouldn't a criminal be able to smuggle a bazooka into a courtroom? Come to think of it, why shouldn't every criminal be able to smuggle a bazooka into a courtroom? Those Gotham officers sure are corrupt, aren't they? <_< 

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