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The Great Houses - RP

Channelknight Fadran

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↳ ❝ [] ¡! ❞ (Pronounced Rennurdinw) son of ▓ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ (Pronounced Yelrah) bounced up and down on his ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ (pronounced Ylyrettub), barely able to contain his excitement. There were only 3 days left till the trial, and the wait was killing him. As tradition, when one turned 22 in the volcano tribe, they had to take and pass the mysterious trials or suffer the consequences. Before the age of 22, it was expected that one would train night and day to prepare for the trials. But ⋆·˚ ༘ * (Pronounced Rennurdinw) thought that training was stupid, as the trial itself was so secretive that no one knew what took place until after completing it. As the son of the chief of 1 of the 17 volcano tribes ༉‧₊˚. (Pronounced Daor Egdir Rennat), *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ (Pronounced Rennurdinw) knew that he probably shouldn't be this close to the forbidden lands, as it is illegal to enter the forbidden lands, as decreed by the super genius ▃▅▆ 웃 █▅▃ (Pronounced Yttoh), with the penalty of death. But +*:ꔫ:*﹤(Pronounced Rennurdinw) knew that he could not let his best friend ⍣ ೋ (Pronounced Emerpus) down. He knew deep down that ·˚₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ (Pronounced Emerpus) could defend himself from the ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- (Pronounced Eikoow) but he couldn’t shake the bad feeling that he had has since earlier that morning. Especially with the rumors of sightings of multiple ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚ (Pronounced Eikoow), which ◢✥⁂◣ (Pronounced Rennurdinw) knew was simply impossible, he knew something was up....

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Undisclosed world, Nexus clu-


This post is highly classified and has been encrypted by House Thlf'phhrmth.


Classified 1


The ship arrived at the hangar. Instea-


This message has been encrypted using a secure key which has been provided to any and all house allies. If you are part of an alliance PM with House Thlf'phhrmth, advance to Classified 2; Otherwise, you may use a spy action.


Classified 2



The ship arrived at the hangar. Instead of landing, it hovered in the air. Grav-suppressors, while not very practical, certainly made for a good first impression.

A ramp slowly slid down from the ship, from which a pod full of water. This also contained a large jellyfish with a glowing bell making a kind of incomprehensible flapping noise.

Fortunately, he came with subtitles.

Hello. I am Rthmlplrth. I have delivered the goods promised. On this ship are several of our resident technical experts, a sampling of our technology, and the promised Axiom crystals. We also have the materials to build a small outpost for diplomatic purposes.

As he spoke, several boxes slid from the ship attached to what appeared to be sea anemones.





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Icaai swam anxiously through one of the aquatic caves on Yaelar. She has to be here somewhere! He thought. There’s no way she’s been caught. Icaai and Rhyaa had been careful. She’d disappeared after their short break, and when he’d returned to work she’d never come back. Then she didn’t come to their meeting tonight. Rhyaa and Icaai had been planning together for months, maybe even a year. They’d collected pieces of tech, and rallied support. A rebellion was brewing, and when it blew up the Ydras would fall, leaving the once enslaved Hydif in charge. But there were still some problems. If it broke out now, the rebellion would fail. They didn’t have enough food or weaponry for a drawn-out war. But that isn’t the problem now. Icaai thought. The problem was that she was missing. And that meant that she could have been caught. 

Icaai froze when he heard the screams. Then he rushed towards them. Thisisabadideathisisabadidea. His mind repeated over and over. He ignored it. Icaai shoved through the crowd that had formed in one of the halls leading to where the screams were. He finally squoze through the front of the crowd, and floating in the middle of the brightly lit room he had entered was Rhyaa. She was tied up and surrounded by ten Ydras soldiers. Oh no… Icaai thought. It was an execution. One of the soldiers stepped forewards and slammed something into Rhyaa’s back. Her body shook and the man pulled the object, a shock staff, away from her back. He did this again. And again. “NO!” Icaai yelled. Rhyaa’s head snapped up, and she looked into his eyes. Right before the soldier slammed the staff into her back she whispered one word. “Win.” Then the staff came, and the soldier held it to her back this time. Her body shook violently until she went limp. Her breathing stopped. Icaai pulled back, and the soldiers looked at him. If they had caught her, that meant that they knew he was part of this too. They began moving towards him quickly. Win. He thought. We have to win. He turned and began shoving his way through the crowd.

Feyd Yaelar personally took the reports from the three ships that had been sent away from planet Yaelar. It was his job to make sure everything got finished, and done correctly. So he answered the first ships comm line. “Lord Yaelar,” The pilot said. “I am more than halfway to the location. I still don’t understand where I’m going, but the computer says that we’re approaching Skyvid territory. Aren’t they located on a bunch of space platforms in the middle of space?”

Lord Yaelar sighed and closed the comm. He wasn’t in the mood to answer the questions. The second comm opened, and the pilot told him they were also halfway through the jump, on the way to the Fiisoss. At least that pilot didn’t question. Then he waited for the third comm. Waited for a few minutes, that stretched on and on. The comm line never opened. Nervousness grew in his chest. Was the pilot dead? Had the jump to Jropoux failed? The nervousness remained for the rest of the day. This could not fail.


Sector 1:


 The third ship’s pilot is a traitor to lord Yaelar. He has secretly stolen state secrets.


Sector 2:


The ships pilots are each assassins, and the ship's hold loads of explosives.


Sector 3:


 The assassins were sent to spread chaos in the governments of the planets they were sent to.






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On 8/21/2023 at 10:29 PM, Matrim's Dice said:

Sure, the Council would be furious when they found out he was making contact with the Great House of Blood. But what could they really do about it? He was the Crown Prince of Astor, and they were just some elected officials. All of their power came from the belief that it existed. Anders' actually did.

Encrypting his message slightly, Anders sent a blip out into space.

The Tentaculum make no response, save a short firing of their propulsion to slightly change course.

Shortly after, the Tentaculum armada splits two smaller elements, sending them in two directions.


The first and larger shipment is going towards one of House Thlf’phhrmth outer worlds.


This shipment appears to mostly contain scout ships (though with Tentaculum, even scout ships are heavily armed), with a few larger ships to protect the scouts.

The second and smaller one is going towards House Griffin, though exact destination is hard to discern.


This expedition contains very small and fast scout ships, though even the weakest Tentaculum ship is very well armed.



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House Fiisoss is not ambitious enough. The meeting had taken place a few hours before. All the demerits had gathered. Most were ready to defend if they had to fight. But there was one who had argued something distinctly against there nature. House fiisoss is not ambitious enough.

What did that mean? We’re they? Ambition wasn’t bad, but it was not always needed either. He walked back to his building instead of taking the faster route. He was shaken. Why? No body really had any intention of really making an arguement for offense.

Yes. They would wait. Sit, unless they were needed by others. 


Hidden 1


They do not have any intention at all of actually going on offense. The senator who argued will not bring it up again. 


Hidden 2


House fiisoss sends a ship toward a moon that is being colonized.





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On 8/21/2023 at 11:50 AM, Unintelligenius said:

House Min'oTaars Radio Frequency to rulers of all planets:

We are known for and are commonly a very peaceful people. But, we realize that war is inevitable and that it will happen no matter what we do. We all need more ships to sustain all of our fastly growing peoples. So we are offering up our armies to help attain ships from hostile peoples for the small, meager price of half of all the requisitioned ships. We believe that violence is not necessary so once multiple armies can be combined we can initiate and surrender of your ships that results in no casualties. We would also love to help defend your planet if you are against violence or if you are facing a bigger foe. (price would be decided based on # of warriors, time stayed, enemy's stopped, etc.)

Thank you and we hope you choose to use our troops

(If no one sides with House Min'oTaar then we will have to-unfortunately- use our full force with no mercy at your planets)

Another communication message, this time a voice recording, sent from Tolls (where was that again?), for House Min'oTaar ( @Unintelligenius). Its odd though, there's quite a bit of static . . .

The House of Tolls would be more than -bbbzzz- to accept your invitation to begin an alliance. We would greatly appreciate a connection with your reputable house. My hope is the more arrangements and terms can be made as -bbbZ- as possible. I must apologize that your noble -bbbzzz- could not be addressed by Chieftain Fiergid himself. Please understand his lordship can be -zzzBzbbbBzzzZ- at times. Do not take this as an offense, we are more than pleased to work with you. I believe once he comes to -Bbbzzzbb- he will be more than willing to discuss the technicalities of such an alliance. For now, I will be covering communications.  This has been  -Bbbzz---Bbbbzzzz-  to Chieftain Fiergid. Working with you is -bbbZZZ- anticipated.

Spy box:




For those paying attention, it seems this message is coming from a slightly different area then "house" Tolls' first message. This is not due to the movements of the space whale, as the jump in location between the two messages is much to far for the space whale to have moved (its really slow). This messages information however, labels itself as having come from Tolls.



Edited by Justice_Magician
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Two royal ships landed on Drukarus, bearing the Ancasian seal.

An elegant, tall, Draecin stepped out. The monarch, Aurelia Natalya Ancasia. She had her hair done up in a bun, secured by an extravagant, delicate flower. She was accompanied by her husband, her two sons, her niece, her nephew, and several other members of the Ancasian royal family. The ship also carried many government officials, and security. Certain selected members of the Royal Council and Advisory arrived in the ships alongside the royals. A few highly specially warriors were brought in for protection.

It was an incredibly high honor that not only did one of the Aurelias herself arrive in Drukarus, but also all four Elwyns, the only heirs to the thrown. This left the very lineage of the royal family vulnerable, so the they took many safety precautions. Elite warriors were in front, behind, and to the sides of the royal family as soon as they stepped down from the ships. All Ancasians acknowledged how much trust and respect the presence of the Royal Council, Advisory, Elwyns, and an Aurelia meant. But it also called for more protection. Ancasian guards were seen spreading out on the premises, taking careful watch. Everyone on the planet Karal realized the great respect that House Ancasia was representing by bringing in the highest royals themselves. This was rarely done. The most important members of the Ancasian government were all on foreign territory. And they brought security with them, along with previous detailed planning. Aurelia Natalya smiled as she felt the cool air of Drukarus.

On Aurelia Natalya's either side were her sons. One, Elwyn Miraben, seemed humorous and relaxed. He smiled as he observed the icy landscape of the planet. He was joking and laughing the entire way to Drukarus, but he just grinned now. The other, Elwyn Jacquos, was shy and reserved. He stood upright and did not speak, for he was too timid. He hoped only for the praise of his mother. Next to Elwyn Jacquos, on Aurelia Natalya's left, stood his father, Avian Zephyr. Next to him was their niece and nephew, Elwyn Alesandra and Elwyn Calsandro. To the right of the high Aurelia, standing next to Elwyn Miraben, was Emresse Janesse, Emresse Tatianya, and Ereso Celestin. Officials and the select Royal Council or Royal Advisory members stood behind the royals. The warriors stood in protective stances on all sides.

They were escorted to the gates of the palace, and a messenger was sent to officially announce the House Ancasia's arrival to the House Derose. Aurelia Natalya looked around the unfamiliar planet Drukarus. She had never set foot here before. The ships were left where they landed, but warriors also guarded them, to ensure a safe route to Karal. Really, the House Ancasia could've taken one ship, but they took two instead, due to the rather large entourage. Less efficient, but this alliance was supposed to be a symbol. A symbol of mutual trust, honesty, and respect. The House Ancasia couldn't risk under-stating it.

Aurelia Natalya muttered a warning to her sons, the words hidden behind a smile, gritted teeth, and the wind.

"Be on your best behavior. This is an alliance."

Though they were quiet, her words were still crisp and sharp as the cold. Elwyn Miraben ignored her, so Aurelia Natalya kicked him. It was small, but painful enough for him to notice.

He tensed up, fixed his posture, and curtly nodded, the smile wiped off his face entirely.

Emresse Janesse lightly cleared her throat and spoke to the Aurelia in a quiet voice.   

"How long will we stay, Aurelia?"

Natalya's face softened. She smiled and turned to Emresse Janesse.

"As long as it takes, Emresse. We are welcome here on Drukarus. We must honor them."

Emresse Janesse nodded in acknowledgement. Her hair was long and silky. It had slight waves and curled gently near her face. Soon, the messenger returned, and the gates to the palace slowly opened.

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A hidden message buzzes on all major transmitters (to all the houses) in the cluster.

House Scythz'r will soon be reentering the political battlefield with all you old crones and ravens. Scythz'r will be hosting a ball for all the houses major members in one year's time. We expect you to come, house leaders, acolytes, neophytes, nobles... Invite anyone you will. 


Confidential one


Scythz'r will be evaluating all the houses for who it will ally with.


Confidential two


Scythz'r will be finding the weak links to help figure out their timeline.


Confidential three


House Scythz'r will find how they want to defeat if war breaks out.


Confidential four


House Scythz'r will figure out the timeline of their plan to begin a Galactic empire.









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House Ancasia replies almost immediately. A message buzzes from the planet of Karal. Aurelia Evlyn Ancasia's voice is heard through the transmitters.

House Ancasia would be honored to attend.

A simple confirmation of the invitation. Polite enough, but not completely trusting.


Aurelia Evlyn subtly smiled and nodded as she clicked off the transmitter.

"Aurelia?" An attendant asked. The high Aurelia just rose and began to leave. Before closing the door, she turned back to address the attendant.

"Add an event to my schedule, would you?"

"Of course. What priority is the event?"

She paused for a moment, considering.

"Very Important."

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44 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

A hidden message buzzes on all major transmitters (to all the houses) in the cluster.

House Scythz'r will soon be reentering the political battlefield with all you old crones and ravens. Scythz'r will be hosting a ball for all the houses major members in one year's time. We expect you to come, house leaders, acolytes, neophytes, nobles... Invite anyone you will. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Confidential one

  Reveal hidden contents

Scythz'r will be evaluating all the houses for who it will ally with.

  Reveal hidden contents

Confidential two

  Reveal hidden contents

Scythz'r will be finding the weak links to help figure out their timeline.

  Reveal hidden contents

Confidential three

  Reveal hidden contents

House Scythz'r will find how they want to defeat if war breaks out.

  Reveal hidden contents

Confidential four

  Reveal hidden contents

House Scythz'r will figure out the timeline of their plan to begin a Galactic empire.









House Thlf’phhrmth responds via hyperwave, RSVPing.


Classified 1


House Thlf'phhrmth has suspicions about Scythz'r


Classified 2


House Thlf'phhrmth is going to investigate the mysterious transmissions, using the ball as cover.


Classified 3


House Thlf'phhrmth is sending an elite spy team on their way right now, in advance of the ball. They are hiding them in trade goods that get carried to a nearby planet and then launching them in nearly undetectable jump ships, which will jump right into the atmosphere and burn up.


Classified 4


The spy team is made up of bioengeneered, transparent, minuscule jellyfish-like beings that stick to other creatures and are hard to notice. They send hyperwave feedback with an implanted transmitter, and are nearly undetectable. The best way to detect them is by monitoring hyperwave communications. They replicate twice and then die, meaning that you'll only have one attached to you for a week but they spread to everyone on a planet if not neutralized. House Thlf'phhrmth is sending them now, and they represent about half of its espionage capabilities. They really want this to work.









Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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One of the supply ships arrives at its location, the home planet of the Fiioss.

House Fiioss can view sector 1 of this spoiler box for free. Anyone else must use a spy action.


Sector 1:


This ship holds an assassin and loads of explosives. The ship will not land on the planet.


Sector 2:


Instead it will fly at full speed in to the most important government location. 


Sector 3: 


The Assassin will jump out to cause more chaos on Fiioss.







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The palace doors swing open with a number of metal guards wearing royal cloaks over their armor greets them with bows. The House of Derose, and the royal family of Drukarus, stands behind them. Each guardian linking their arm with their heir standing a step behind the headmistress to face the newcomers. 

    They wear fine cloaks of green and purple, draping over their shoulders and down to their waists. Each is lined with a golden paint to make them pop out among a crowd. The men wear black studded earrings and the ladies wear makeup. Their cloaks fall over them like a toga with gold armored plates over the mens shoulders and the ladies wrists. They wear fancy rings and expensive jewelry, glimmering against their skin and scales. 

They all stand with a smile on their faces, glittering in the evening sun as the tips of their fangs poke over their bottom lip. It looks rather intimidating but in fact it was a sign of joy. The arrival of the Ancasia family is sure to make things settle down among the royal family. 


    “Welcome great House Ancasia.” Headmistress Fiona nods, her sons and daughters following behind in bows and curtsies. They welcome them inside to settle down for a possibly longer stay. 


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A message has been sent out to the leader of each species on the planet..


The super genius ˖꒰ᵕ༚⑅ (pronounced Yttoh) has found out a piece of information that is quite disturbing and needs to be discussed immediately with the leaders of each species


Someone from the ice species 乁║益& (pronounced Lufituaeb), named ಠ^✧彡 (Pronounced Eidob), was found with a shadow, which is impossible for any species from the planet +#9@h°€ (pronounced Ila)


After further investigation it was found that this ice person has had a shadow their whole life (now age 14) and have been kept in hiding


After even more investigation, it was found that this ice person's parents are not really there parents, instead ლo^ (Pronounced Eidob) was adopted at birth and no one knows who his real parents are





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1 minute ago, The Known Novel said:

The Great House of Blood hereby sanctions House Skyvivid, and places an embargo on sales of all air and other goods to and from House Skyvivid, for rampant and illegal spying and invasion of private documents. 



Wait what it wasn't yours --


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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


[Vitres is silent, eh]

4 hours ago, The Known Novel said:

The Great House of Blood hereby sanctions House Skyvivid, and places an embargo on sales of all air and other goods to and from House Skyvivid, for rampant and illegal spying and invasion of private documents. 

[Congradulations, you now have no air supply on your planet! since you didn't start developing fast air mass concentration cells you cannot fly spaceships, (we'll assume the mothership is fine) and most of the populace is mad at house blood and skyvivid for that. So yeah. Don't act too hasty next time.]

Skyvivid has denied any spying [and so has @Aeoliae] on [@The Known Novel] Great house of blood. They have removed all routes through or to The great houses' territory.



1. House Skyvivid, did in fact steal or spy on another houss's stuff, but found nothing of use. House skyvivid DID NOT spy on House Blood, Min'otaar, Vitres, or Durnal, etc at all. 

2. House Skyvivid and house S'thyner (thaidikar's house) are secretly allied. Not anymore

3. Houss Skyvivid is intrested in the grey matter. Development seems to be headed towards multiple ships, and adding air to artifical land.

4. The council nor the lord Skyvivid existed, or had existed. Skyvivid is making Pneumic weapons.


^^Spoiler boxes for spying on, 4 deep

Edited by Aeoliae
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Aurelia Natalya smiled and gently bowed her head.

"Thank you, Headmistress Fiona. We are honored to be here."

Then, she followed the House Derose as they were escorted down the lavish halls, the House Ancasia following closely behind her.


Meanwhile, the planet Karal has been showing signs of multiple research experiments, and small test decoys were seen being launched from the planet and burning. A new ship leaves, and many broken-up radio transmissions are heard returning back to the home planet.

Also, most importantly, confidential radio transmissions have been leaked from House Ancasia to other houses. Unfortunately, the vital information is broken up and glitchy, meaning they're from far away.

It has to be [BZZZ]. That's [BZZZZZZZZ] said. [BZZ]'d know [BZZZZZZZZZZZZ] to lie. [BZZZZZ] shipment [BZZZZZZZZZ] incredibly valuable. Wait, [BZZZZZZZZ] detected some[BZZZZ]. Yes! It's [BZZ], in the [BZZZZZ] cluster.


Confidential 1.


The planet Karal has been using their aerospace knowledge to try to develop a new fuel technology that shoots ships at faster speeds.


They are closer than they look, but are quickly running out of resources so the research and development will be significantly cut down  in three months time with the hopes of save money.

A new ships is out to discover potential planets outside of the cluster.


Confidential 3.


The ship is looking for life on other planets. It is part of the beginning of a colonization mission. The mission is in beta right now and will be planned in more detail before the launch.


The radio transmissions are from the ships sent out earlier. They're searching for something.


Confidential 4.


However, the radio transmission that was leaked is in fact from weeks earlier. 


Confidential 5.


The transmissions are a decoy. The shipment was not found in the Tau Cluster.






Edited by Lotus Blossom
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11 hours ago, The Windrunner Supreme said:

A message has been sent out to the leader of each species on the planet..

  Hide contents

The super genius ˖꒰ᵕ༚⑅ (pronounced Yttoh) has found out a piece of information that is quite disturbing and needs to be discussed immediately with the leaders of each species

  Hide contents

Someone from the ice species 乁║益& (pronounced Lufituaeb), named ಠ^✧彡 (Pronounced Eidob), was found with a shadow, which is impossible for any species from the planet +#9@h°€ (pronounced Ila)

  Hide contents

After further investigation it was found that this ice person has had a shadow their whole life (now age 14) and have been kept in hiding

  Hide contents

After even more investigation, it was found that this ice person's parents are not really there parents, instead ლo^ (Pronounced Eidob) was adopted at birth and no one knows who his real parents are






Wait, are those spoiler boxes spy stuff or just a message? Sorry, I'm confused.

A ship arrives in the Tau Cluster.


Classified 1


This ship contains trade goods.


Classified 2


The trade goods are from House Tayllar, House Zefour, and House Trxn.


Classified 3


These houses are allied with House Thlf’phhrmth and shared their technology as part of this trade deal.







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14 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

A hidden message buzzes on all major transmitters (to all the houses) in the cluster.

House Scythz'r will soon be reentering the political battlefield with all you old crones and ravens. Scythz'r will be hosting a ball for all the houses major members in one year's time. We expect you to come, house leaders, acolytes, neophytes, nobles... Invite anyone you will. 

House Min'oTaar would be delighted to attend.



Transmission to all leaders of the galaxy:

In one months time we will hold a meeting on the planet Nexus discussing the amassing of a galaxy wide army. House Vitres, House Skyvivid, House Fiisoos, and House Griffin are invited to this meeting. Anyone else that would like to join in and dominate the galaxy please contact King Adonis, Ruler of the Min'oTaar people.

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6 hours ago, Aeoliae said:

Congradulations, you now have no air supply on your planet! since you didn't start developing fast air mass concentration cells you cannot fly spaceships, (we'll assume the mothership is fine) and most of the populace is mad at house blood and skyvivid for that. So yeah. Don't act too hasty next time.]


Should note that this is godmodding (honestly I forget if that's the correct word but close enough). And that's generally a big no-no.

And do you even know how air works? It's a mixing pot of different elements and chemicals that's different for every species. Goodness, Tentaculum could even breath methane. 

The Great House of Blood seems unfazed and transmits a message to all of its citizens to beware House Skyvivid propaganda. 

It begins massing a new fleet of ships that will make the stars tremble.


This is a true Tentaculum war fleet, so massive it gains its own gravity, and is said to make the stars shake.


It will be finished building in two cycles


It does not have a target yet.




—Radio Signal from the Great House of Blood—

—Open Communication targeting House Skyvivid—

Static crackles

The Great House of Blood will continue to deny service to House Skyvivid, until a public apology is made.

No such apology has been made, and it appears that House Skyvivid feels no remorse. An apology is also expected for the propaganda announcement made earlier this week.


The Great House of Blood will continue to deny service to House Skyvivid, until a public apology is made.

No such apology has been made, and it appears that House Skyvivid feels no remorse. An apology is also expected for the propaganda announcement made earlier this week.

Static crackles

If no apology is made, more drastic measures of showing the displeasure of the Great House of Blood may be used. Do not make us use them.


If no apology is made, more drastic measures of showing the displeasure of the Great House of Blood may be used. Do not make us use them.

Static crackles

You have been warned.


Edited by The Known Novel
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