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Do You Have an Inner Monologue?

Cone Slice

Do you have an inner monologue?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have an inner monologue?

    • Yes, it seems almost constant
    • Yes, but not too much (see description)
    • No, I don't have one at all

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Hello everyone, I recently discovered most of the population doesn't have an inner monologue, or a process in which a person can sound out words in their head without having to speak them aloud. Only around 26% of us have a near constant one (constant is pretty much impossible, and when research has been done people tend to over estimate the amount they internalize audio). Apprently it's not all too bad to have one (it's somewhat annoying) because, although counter intuitive, people with one are likely to have a more vivid visual imagination. Some people have an inner monologue but they don't think in full sentences or paragraphs, merely words. Anyway, I'm curious to hear your experiences, especially when reading.

Edited by Cone Slice
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I have an internal dialogue most of the time, although I'm not sure if having conversations with fake people in my head counts. Sometimes I'll say stuff out loud without realizing it, and with no context, everyone thinks I'm crazy.

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I recently figured out (in fact it was yesterday) that my friend has both aphantasia and the inability to audiate in their head. I additionally found a video about hyperphantasia (a heightened visual experience) and aphantaisa, relative to a readers experience while reading fantasy: 


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I've thought about this way to much:

I think I have a subconscious monologue that narrates the deeper thoughts and concepts I am going through. It is very loose however and as soon as I try to focus on it, I can only think in words. Whenever I think about how I think, I always can clearly visualize the words. However, I always seem to think more linearly when I am in this state, so I know it's not my resting state of mind. But that might just be me trying to understand my thinking....

As you can see, I think I have a monologue, but it's really hard to tell. I do know for a fact that I think out in words future conversations and things I am going to write. 

Edited by Ookla the Kobold
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16 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

I do have kind of pre-conversations with people inside my head. Kind strange and nothing ever goes the way that it happens inside my head.

I SPEND SO MUCH TIME IMAGINING CONVERSATIONS IN MY HEAD. like even if I have to talk to a teacher about something I imagine all the possible ways it’ll go so I have a response ready. 

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17 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

I do have kind of pre-conversations with people inside my head. Kind strange and nothing ever goes the way that it happens inside my head.


Also, yes, I do have an internal monologue. Usually in the style of whatever book I read most recently.

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18 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

I do have kind of pre-conversations with people inside my head. Kind strange and nothing ever goes the way that it happens inside my head.

I am apparently the third person to also imagine conversations in my head. And of course they either don't go the way they're supposed to, or they just never happen. 

I do also talk with imaginary people in my head, is that weird?

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Fluffy said:

Apparently I am the fourth person to imagine conversations in my head. I did not realize that this and having an inner monologue did not happen to everybody.

This revelation is concerning to me.

Yup, I have conversations in my head all the time. Of course, as Tom Scott puts it, I cannot realize if it's turned off because I, unlike some people, cannot make the conscious choice to turn it off. Perhaps when I'm focusing hard on what someone is saying my inner monologue shuts off without me realizing?

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23 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

I've thought about this way to much:

I think I have a subconscious monologue that narrates the deeper thoughts and concepts I am going through. It is very loose however and as soon as I try to focus on it, I can only think in words. Whenever I think about how I think, I always can clearly visualize the words. However, I always seem to think more linearly when I am in this state, so I know it's not my resting state of mind. But that might just be me trying to understand my thinking....

As you can see, I think I have a monologue, but it's really hard to tell. I do know for a fact that I think out in words future conversations and things I am going to write. 


13 hours ago, solarcat93 said:

Yup, I have conversations in my head all the time. Of course, as Tom Scott puts it, I cannot realize if it's turned off because I, unlike some people, cannot make the conscious choice to turn it off. Perhaps when I'm focusing hard on what someone is saying my inner monologue shuts off without me realizing?

I can relate to the part where you try not to think in words, but you can't anyway.

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The more you all talk about it, the more I realize I do this a lot.

I talk to myself.

Sometimes, instead of me talking to myself it's me voicing out loud what one of the characters in one of my stories is saying to another. (This is stuff I intend to write down later and sometimes get to and sometimes don't.)

Sometimes, it's a version of me talking to another character. (I have this weird interconnected universe in my head in which I'm a character.)

Sometimes it's me just talking to myself. (I'm a pretty interesting person to talk to.)

Narrating things in actual language just makes some things easier.

I'm not sure what all the details are or what it entails; I just have a weird mind.

Hey, @InfiniteInsanity, you talk to yourself. What do you have to say about this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think everyone has an inner monologue eventually. Everyone has talked to themselves at some time. I talk to myself in the head often, but sometimes it just general thoughts and not concrete words or anything. Thoughts are hard to explain. There are times when I feel insane, however. :lol:

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yeah i definitely have one and its near constant. i too sound out and imagine conversations in my head and my monolouge is in full sentences. i talk to myself all the time 

(raskolnikov much? :rolleyes:)

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I definitely have some sort of internal monologue, although it's more like my brain thinks thoughts too fast for me to register so when I slow down I translate them into internal dialogue.

Thoughts are weird.

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