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Channelknight Fadran

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Here we are.

'Nuff said.

If you haven't any clue as to what I mean, then go here. That should bring you up to speed.

Here's the worldbuilding doc for easy access.

And here's a character template to get y'all started:










And here's a map of the area we will be roleplaying in (for now):



The Characters:


Haly - Kealie


Name: Kealie

Race: Kukonandi

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Female

Magic: Bonded to vines (she names them Eej)

Personality: Nice, I guess? Let’s say she’s like me and see where her personality goes.

Backstory: Uhh. She came from wherever the Kukonandi come from… and she travels. She’s looking for something. Lemme figure it out.

Other: Long brown hair (like she braids it to her thighs) 

Wizard - Annamus


Name: Annamus

Race: Wanderer

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Male

Magic: Living Armor

Personality: Avoids confrontation when possible, defense is the best offense, trained with the bow and arrow to hunt, Introverted, Warry of other races after some tried to hunt him for his armor, Wanderlust.

Backstory: He was born in a forest near Pietmed with his immediate and some extended family, they were all killed when he accidentally went into town without a full faceplate. He was sent into the mountains with his younger family members, this was around when he was 15 and he still beats himself up about it. He's now nearly 18 and is coming from the forest near Glieson (that's what it is right?)

Other: Currently has on a basic turtle armor, fully covers his face, to avoid creating the same incident as before. Turtle armor provides much better protection than normal armor, but tends to act like a turtle, tends to think about things before saying them, might seem a little bit dim to other people.

Bookwyrm - Lyras


Name: Lyras Tasir

Gender: Male

Race: Stellasti

Physical attributes: Has deep blue skin, almost a black, but mixed in with enough hue that the blue is clearly visible. Scattered with white dots in random patterns across his skin. His eyes glow with a white light, and has a mop of short black hair on his head. He is of average height, and has a slim build; not very muscular, considering he spends his days studying and using magic.

Magic: Starshaping, specifically a Stellamage. Draws power from distant stars and deep space objects currently not known to this world's science. He doesn't have a specific focus yet within the field, but is slowly learning what his skills are and honing in on a specific type of magic. Among many, is considered a prodigy for his age.

Personality: Is quiet and thoughtful. He's kind and polite, and will open up to close friends, though it may take a while to get to that point with him. He prefers to spend his time reading or lost in thought. He has a sense of humor, but that's often buried under his quietness, so sometimes people take him as serious and fun-hating. He's a much more interesting person once you get to know him. Also, when he sets his mind to something

Backstory: Lyras was born into a family of scholars, and from a young age, he was enrolled at his people's primary academy for Starshapers. He's spend years studying the art, and is considered a prodigy. Lyras had an older sister who, once she graduated, decided to travel the wide world, something uncommon for a Stellasti. However, three months after she departed, she vanished. Her letters home stopped coming, and no one was able to figure out where she had gone.

Lyras is nearing the point of graduation. As much as he'd love to stay and study Starshaping further, he feels the need to travel the wide world, like his sister, and learn what happened to her. He has a hunch the world outside could teach him just as much about Starshaping as the Academy ever could.

Other: Carries a bunch of books around with him, including a journal he fills with his own personal discoveries as he uses Starshaping. Who knows, maybe they'll come in handy as our characters venture forth...

Corvus - Hyron


Name: Hyron

Race: Hwindi

Gender/Pronouns/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Non binary, they/them pronouns, AFAB, and heavily gay. Like, heavily.

Magic: Verdur and Hwindi Breath

Physical Attributes: Sporting the marbled green, brown, and blue skin of the Hwindi, Hyron has a swirl pattern of brown and green on their face, and the rest of their body is a marble of the three colors, random in looks. They have flowing hair the color of birch bark, and eyes of the purest green, like their homeland.

Personality: Laid back, but with a temper to rival the stars, as well as a very sassy attitude, Hyron, or just Hy, enjoys leaping through the trees on their home island of Juun. The forests are their favorite, and they couldn't imagine doing anything better. Outgoing and optimistic, Hyron loves to be around people, even if they are extremely rude to them. Homophobia is a thing, but Hyron knows how to deal with it withoug becoming too annoyed.

Backstory: Just a simple citizen. Well, not really. Hyron, at a young age was Gifted Verdur magic and taught how to use it in tandem with Hwindi Breath. The result is a very green and pacifistic magic combo. Born to middle/upper class parents in one of the Outer Groves of Juun, Hyron grew up as Hyrona before changing their name to Hyron at the age of 10 Lights. Their parents were extremely supportive, as was most of the Grove they grew up in. Their friends also. Hyron hasn't seen many challenges, but takes everything with humility and a grain of salt. Or tals, as the Hwindi call it.

Other: Hyron really loves to use Verdur in any way they can, and they always have a full canteen on them to replenish their water supply after using Verdur. They've also discovered they can use their Breath on themselves to restore minor amounts of water content, preserving the water in their canteen. It's not very effective though, so they don't use it often. Jumping through the trees by creating vines to grow between branches is one of their favorite past times, but they also help liven up empty spaces by growing flowering plants and other flora.

Aarakocra - Grea


Name: Grea Drelk

Race: Draa

Gender/Pronouns/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Female, She/her 

Magic: Grea is experienced with her racial proficiency at Living Armor, and she can give herself various useful tools with it.  

Personality: Grea is a self-confident, risk-taking, and generally snarky warrior. Always wants to see what's over the next hill.

Backstory: Grea used to live on Yelas, but she set off to explore. Now she's, well, wherever she is at the moment.

Other: Grea is competent with glaives, and has a pet Umbral.

Justice - Whist


Name: Whist Enoch

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Magic: Star shaper (as its called in the doc), Whist draws her power from the sun, but isn't very powerful. She was trained at an academy that focused more on study and rather than practice, and it only really taught her the basics.

Personality: In short: the quintessential mom friend, She's kind and caring, but tends to over-mother people, she's also very scared of change and hates taking risks. Whist always carries a first aid kit (just in case).


After going to school for general education, and a mediocre knowledge of Sun shaping, she decided to become a governess because she loves children.

She ends up working for Governor Larsik of Shak Tu (the same island she was born and raised on). For 10 years she helped raise his two children, and dealt with his heedlessness. Not only did she raise the children, but she educated them, and was sort of a body guard in case of emergency (though she can't really fight, she could use fire spells through the power of the sun).

Larsik often left on long business trips (because his island is very trade based) for political reasons, (this was also the reason he needed a governess for his kids). Recently he has come back from one of his long trips to find his beloved stamp collection was somehow lost on the journey. Larsik just can't live without his stamp collection. So after months of persuading, he gets Whist to go find it for him.

Whist hates adventures. Whist hates traveling. Whist hates stamp collections.

But unfortunately Larsik threatened to fire her if she didn't go find it. Despite Larsiks  . . . absurdity, Whist loves his 2 children dearly, and they love her. She would hate to leave them (and also doesn't want to be unemployed), so she had to give in. Also he wouldn't stop bugging her about, and it was really getting on her nerves. So she left her home, the island she had spent her whole life on, to find a stamp collection.

A stupid little stamp collection.

Other: Whist is 32 years old, though she looks a tad younger. She has Olive skin, and mid-length, dark brown hair. She's a bit on the plump side, but not in an unhealthy way. Whist tends to wear yellows and whites, as is traditional for Sun shapers. She prefers simple dresses, that reach her lower calf, and have long sleeves. Whist wears large round glasses. She also carries a white staff (a glorified walking stick, really) that helps her channel the suns power for spells.

Misting - Quest


Name: Quest

Race: Huma

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: He 

Magic: Basic manipulation of fire and light elements. Just minor stuff like a ball of fire, making a plant grow slightly faster, mild healing.

Personality: He is fairly amiable but usually travels alone. He is very curious and likes to solve problems, though once he is focused on something he becomes absent minded. He is empathetic and caring, and tries to avoid confrontations. In most situations he will try to act as the peacemaker.

Backstory: Quest used to live a warlike tribe that conquered by destruction with fire magic. He was very unhappy here and tried to change things but left eventually. He wanted to change his magic to life magic, so that he could heal instead of harm. He left for the Orteo Chain to learn life magic and was eventually able to grasp the basics. Now he is traveling, trying to grow his magic and cultivate the world. (There is a lot more personal details, but this is what Quest would share with you if you asked him)

Other: Quest's arms are covered in tattos, jagged red lines that are overlayed with flowing green branches. He carries a walking stick that still is growing leaves  and he wears a worn, moss colored cloak. His weathered face is framed by cracked rim glasses and he carries a leather satchel with his notes and herbs.

Insanity - Fiadh


Name: Fiadh

Race: Kukonandi

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Female

Magic: She could probably use Ocumeritation but if she ever does she doesn't realize it.

Personality: Sassy little girl. Acts like she hates everyone even if she doesn't. ESPECIALLY if she doesn't. Fear of attachment. Street smart.

Backstory: Parents went on a trip when she was a little girl and left her with her grandparents who were happy to take care of her for a little while. While on the trip they were shipwrecked and disappeared (died). Fiadh was left in her grandparents care. They didn't want to take care of her long term and were abusive and quite mean until they died a few years later. Fiadh went to living on the streets at about eight years old and is now twelve and quite good at picking pockets and blending in although the whole merging with random items has been very very annoying.

Other: She keeps a couple of knives on her that she knows how to use and is not afraid to use. She tends to stay around ports because she still has a little hope that her parents will come back but that hope fades a little more every time a ship comes into port.

S.S. - Sahala


Name: Sahala

Race: Stellari

Gender: Female

Magic: Celestial Starmage, I think

Personality: Very quiet, but has strong opinions on a few random things, and once you get to know her she can be very outspoken.

Backstory: Her parents are really chill, like really chill(read: somewhat neglectful) and so they just let her do literally anything. So she has a little bit of yearning for friends that she doesn’t really show. SHe's rather bookish and so will often pretend she's in a book, and so she often explores in the forest and random places just so that something interesting might happen.

Other: Her skin is an uncommonly dark blue, with an odd formation of stars under one purple eye and over her other green eye. SHe carries a sword but has no idea how to use it, because she never had anyone to train under. She also is

Unknown - Enner


Name: Enner. No last name.

Race: Half Human, half Kinatalin (type of Vexlin)

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: He/him male 

Magic: Essences, Kinatar and Luax 

Personality: Grim and determined. He is a realist bordering on pessimistic. He's not really a good fighter, but he's incredibly good at sneaking around. He uses Savvour to avoid fights, and baring that, he can use Luax in a pinch.

Backstory: Grew up on Rictan, which sucks. Eventually he found the Savvour essence shrine underneath Rictan and used it to survive until he could escape. He then traveled to Orteo, where he stumbled on a Luax shrine. He bonded himself then made it his personal quest to become a true essence mage and wield all four essences.

Other: He didn't inherit the four eyes of the Vexlin, but he does have the whispy almost white eyes of his heritage. His hair seems to be balding like a Vexlin, but it is dirty blond. He has the Vexlin four fingers, and his skin is dark grey in color.

A.A. - Antin


Name: Antin

Race: Human

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Male, demiromantic

Magic: Void/Vacuum

Personality: All over the place, unrestrained type. Difficulty concentrating, but still reasonably intelligent. Very kind. This may evolve as I go.

Backstory: Home area TBD. As a human, he was relatively poor growing up and was generally looked down upon not only for his race, but for his lack of typical magical ability. He never recieved a formal education.

Other: As a result of his wayward magic, his skin is a stark white, while his eyes, lips, blood, etc. are entirely pitch-black. Typically dressed in a grey cloak, contributing to his overall unsettling monotone appearance.

Tani - Lenne


Name: Lenne

Race: Half Stellari, half Hwindi.

Gender: Female

Description: Short hair. Skin is marbled with dull, grayish shades of blue and green, with specks of white like stars. Eyes glow pale blue. Tall and wiry, with only slightly abnormal feet.

Magic: Transportalis (i kinda just made it up cuz i wanted portals...)

Personality: Likes to have fun. Curious. Territorial.

Backstory: She spawned in an alley I don't know. One of her close relatives is a policeman and thus she respects and trusts the police more than normal. She's an adult and is out of the house.

Xino - Yerik and Anikel


Name: Yerik Leksor

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Magic: Forgemaster Smith/OotFS acolyte

Personality: Often indecisive. Has a penchant for exploration.

Backstory: Grew up travelling the world with his parents until he was about 10-12 years old. At that age, his parents journeyed to the Nameless Island. His father returned a couple of years earlier, driven insane; he died shortly thereafter. A couple of years ago, he was recruited into the Order of the Fallen Star.

Other: Has mousy brown hair and greyish-blue eyes. 


Name: Anikel Detrivir

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Magic: Forgemaster Shaper

Personality: Brash and confident to the point of stubbornness. Fiercely loyal; holds to his word.

Backstory: Has lived his entire life on Orteo. (Otherwise a work in progress.)

Other: Brown hair, green eyes.

Fadran - Vance and Quendi


Name: Vance

Race: Half-Strikari, Half-Vexlin (Kinatar)

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: He/Him

Magic: Intavation and Essence

Personality: Somewhat impulsive and irrational. Often speaks without thinking first. In tense situations he often fireballs first and asks questions later, but he's by no means cruel or intentionally unfair to others.

Backstory: Haven't decided yet. 

Description: A little short (and unhappy about it), with bright red hair and dark black eyes.

Other: Fights with two enchanted blades that he received from his father, named Li and Hano.


Name: Quendi

Race: Mostly Strikari, but with a somewhat distant Draa ancestor

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: She/Her

Magic: A scholar, researching as many as she can (primarily Soulcaging and Starmagic so far)

Personality: Incredibly straightforward and efficient, rarely wasting words or beating around the bush. She can keep a level head in just about any situation. This makes her a bit emotionally unavailable, though.

Backstory: Haven't decided yet.

Description: Decently tall, with green eyes and half-silvery, half-black hair. She has small bits of plumage here and there as vestigial feathers from her Draa ancestry.

Other: Carries around a quarterstaff to defend herself.



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Kella lives on the island of Orteos, a bustling center of trade. She was orphaned at a young age and has -essentially- grown up on the streets. She can occassionally get a bit hotheaded, a character trait that has led to her recent falling-out with the group with whom she previously lodged. She has no magic.

Kella shivered. The stars were bright tonight- not that it mattered much, since their light was as cold and empty as the sky that surrounded them. She drew deeper into her flimsy rag, trying desperately to conserve heat.

I wish I could just fall asleep, she thought. Wake up where it's warm...

Unbidden, the image of a crackling fireplace popped into her mind. She forced it away. Daydreaming wouldn't do her any good.

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Name: Kealie

Race: Kukonandi

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Female

Magic: Bonded to vines (she names them Eej)

Personality: Nice, I guess? Let’s say she’s like me and see where her personality goes.

Backstory: Uhh. She came from wherever the Kukonandi come from… and she travels. She’s looking for something. Lemme figure it out.

Other: Long brown hair (like she braids it to her thighs) 

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Name: Annimus

Race: Wanderer

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Male

Magic: Living Armor

Personality: Avoids confrontation when possible, defense is the best offense, trained with the bow and arrow to hunt, Introverted, Warry of other races after some tried to hunt him for his armor, Wanderlust.

Backstory: He was born in a forest near Pietmed with his immediate and some extended family, they were all killed when he accidentally went into town without a full faceplate. He was sent into the mountains with his younger family members, this was around when he was 15 and he still beats himself up about it. He's now nearly 26 and is coming from the forest near Glieson (that's what it is right?)

Description: Currently he has the head of a turtle, and is completely covered by the living armor. His gauntleted fingers are webbed, and he has a longbow and quiver full of arrows. 

This is an A.I. generated image that basically looks what he looks like, he does have a fully helmeted head that is retractable.


Other: Currently has on a basic turtle armor, fully covers his face, to avoid creating the same incident as before. Turtle armor provides much better protection than normal armor, but tends to act like a turtle, tends to think about things before saying them, might seem a little bit dim to other people.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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If you're confused, it's because my character is based on stuff that I just added to the worldbuilding doc.


Name: Lyras Tasir

Gender: Male

Race: Stellasti

Physical attributes: Has deep blue skin, almost a black, but mixed in with enough hue that the blue is clearly visible. Scattered with white dots in random patterns across his skin. His eyes glow with a white light, and has a mop of short black hair on his head. He is of average height, and has a slim build; not very muscular, considering he spends his days studying and using magic.

Magic: Starshaping, specifically a Stellamage. Draws power from distant stars and deep space objects currently not known to this world's science. He doesn't have a specific focus yet within the field, but is slowly learning what his skills are and honing in on a specific type of magic. Among many, is considered a prodigy for his age.

Personality: Is quiet and thoughtful. He's kind and polite, and will open up to close friends, though it may take a while to get to that point with him. He prefers to spend his time reading or lost in thought. He has a sense of humor, but that's often buried under his quietness, so sometimes people take him as serious and fun-hating. He's a much more interesting person once you get to know him. Also, when he sets his mind to something, it's hard to stop him.

Backstory: Lyras was born into a family of scholars, and from a young age, he was enrolled at his people's primary academy for Starshapers. He's spend years studying the art, and is considered a prodigy. Lyras had an older sister who, once she graduated, decided to travel the wide world, something uncommon for a Stellasti. However, three months after she departed, she vanished. Her letters home stopped coming, and no one was able to figure out where she had gone.

Lyras is nearing the point of graduation. As much as he'd love to stay and study Starshaping further, he feels the need to travel the wide world, like his sister, and learn what happened to her. He has a hunch the world outside could teach him just as much about Starshaping as the Academy ever could.

Other: Carries a bunch of books around with him, including a journal he fills with his own personal discoveries as he uses Starshaping. Who knows, maybe they'll come in handy as our characters venture forth...

He's also very very perceptive of the world around him.


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Name: Hyron

Race: Hwindi

Gender/Pronouns/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: Non binary, they/them pronouns, AFAB, and heavily gay. Like, heavily.

Magic: Verdur and Hwindi Breath

Physical Attributes: Sporting the marbled green, brown, and blue skin of the Hwindi, Hyron has a swirl pattern of brown and green on their face, and the rest of their body is a marble of the three colors, random in looks. They have flowing hair the color of birch bark, and eyes of the purest green, like their homeland.

Personality: Laid back, but with a temper to rival the stars, as well as a very sassy attitude, Hyron, or just Hy, enjoys leaping through the trees on their home island of Juun. The forests are their favorite, and they couldn't imagine doing anything better. Outgoing and optimistic, Hyron loves to be around people, even if they are extremely rude to them. Homophobia is a thing, but Hyron knows how to deal with it withoug becoming too annoyed.

Backstory: Just a simple citizen. Well, not really. Hyron, at a young age was Gifted Verdur magic and taught how to use it in tandem with Hwindi Breath. The result is a very green and pacifistic magic combo. Born to middle/upper class parents in one of the Outer Groves of Juun, Hyron grew up as Hyrona before changing their name to Hyron at the age of 10 Lights. Their parents were extremely supportive, as was most of the Grove they grew up in. Their friends also. Hyron hasn't seen many challenges, but takes everything with humility and a grain of salt. Or tals, as the Hwindi call it.

Other: Hyron really loves to use Verdur in any way they can, and they always have a full canteen on them to replenish their water supply after using Verdur. They've also discovered they can use their Breath on themselves to restore minor amounts of water content, preserving the water in their canteen. It's not very effective though, so they don't use it often. Jumping through the trees by creating vines to grow between branches is one of their favorite past times, but they also help liven up empty spaces by growing flowering plants and other flora.

I think that's everything for Hyron.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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Terakor looked up. And up. And up.

"Tall, aren't they?" remarked his compatriot, his armor jingling as he rode up besides Terakor. "Hard to believe they aren't magical."

"What?" Terakor twisted in the saddle to face Anikel, trying to tell if his friend was joking. "Surely there has to be some magic involved. Trees don't get that tall."

"These ones do." The silver-clad knight slipped off his horse and laid a hand on one of the massive trunks. "Takes them centuries to do it. Shame, really, that we're cuttin' em down."

Terakor furrowed his brow, looking upwards once more. "What, all of them? Surely just one of these would be enough to supply Pietmed for a year!"

Anikel laughed uproariously. "Not even close, felo. Not even close." Still chuckling, he began to pull long metal rods out of his saddlebag. "But we aren't chopping em for the wood. We're chopping em for what's underneath them."  He laid one rod, made of iron, against the ground. After a moment, it began to vibrate slightly. "See? That means there's iron here. Not much, and" -  he bent down until his ear was almost touching the rod - "not very close to the surface, either. But there will be other veins, including one of a... particularly valuable material." His fingers brushed over rods of gold and silver, coming to rest on a pair of reddish-tinted metal cylinders. He pulled them out, handing one to Terakor. "Here. Start searching."

@The Wandering Wizard


This is the forest that Annamus is currently living in, if you want to have an encounter.


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Hyron leaped through the trees, using the pouch of dirt strapped to their wrist to launch vines out. The vines wrapped around nearby branches, then Hyron grabbed them, swinging on them.

Hyron shot another vine at a branch underneath the canopy, a long vine, then catapulted themselves up with a shout, landing on top of the canopy. Thanks to their wide feet and long toes, they were able to grasp the leaves and branches, steadying themselves.

Hyron breathed in deeply, enjoying the sound and crisp smell of the forest. Hyron put their ring finger to the top of their head, a sign of respect to the current moon in the sky, Calia.

A shout began to sound behind Hyron, slowly growing louder until another member of Hyrons Tribe appeared next to them.

The top of the Evergreen tree, the thin canopy, bent forwards with the force of Juuno landing there.

"Hey, Juuno." Hyron said, "What's up?"

Juuno gasped at the air. "How..." He gasped, "How are you able to do that so quickly?"

Hyron grinned. "Guess I'm just better," They said, talking while surveying the leaf and needle ridden floor below.

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Hyron noticed the man in his loose clothing, then shushed Juuno's retort. Juuno glared at Hyron, but Hyron pointed down at the man.

Juuno's eyes widened, then narrowed suspiciously. Hyron whispered to him, "I'm going down there. He should know not to wander here. We may be connected to the other islands, but one needs permission to tread on the Ground of Juun."

Hyron leaped backwards, then began falling towards the ground. They stuck their fingers into the dirt pouches at their wrist, then shot springy vines to the ground. They landed in front of the man, who stopped and stepped backward in surprise, and the vines tensed, slowing Hyron down until they landed on the ground. Hyron disconnected the vines from their pouches, then grew thick branches as clubs, raising them.

"Who are you, and why do you trespass on our lands?" Hyron asked in Simple, assuming the man knew the language. "You know the treaties, I assume. Why do you come here?"

Hyron's simple tunic revealed their midriff, and their simple leggings were slightly loose, and went down to mid-calf. They were barefoot, for gripping branches, and wore simple leaf bracers on their upper arms.


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28 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron noticed the man in his loose clothing, then shushed Juuno's retort. Juuno glared at Hyron, but Hyron pointed down at the man.

Juuno's eyes widened, then narrowed suspiciously. Hyron whispered to him, "I'm going down there. He should know not to wander here. We may be connected to the other islands, but one needs permission to tread on the Ground of Juun."

Hyron leaped backwards, then began falling towards the ground. They stuck their fingers into the dirt pouches at their wrist, then shot springy vines to the ground. They landed in front of the man, who stopped and stepped backward in surprise, and the vines tensed, slowing Hyron down until they landed on the ground. Hyron disconnected the vines from their pouches, then grew thick branches as clubs, raising them.

"Who are you, and why do you trespass on our lands?" Hyron asked in Simple, assuming the man knew the language. "You know the treaties, I assume. Why do you come here?"

Hyron's simple tunic revealed their midriff, and their simple leggings were slightly loose, and went down to mid-calf. They were barefoot, for gripping branches, and wore simple leaf bracers on their upper arms.


The man jumped back, raising his hands. "I must admit," he replied, "I am not familiar with the treaties of which you speak."

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Time for my character! Let's do this.


Grea Drelk


Female, She/her 

Grea is experienced with her racial proficiency at Living Armor, and she can give herself various useful tools with it.  

Grea is a self-confident, risk-taking, and generally snarky warrior. Always wants to see what's over the next hill.

Grea used to live on Yelas, but she set off to explore. Now she's, well, wherever she is at the moment.

Grea is competent with glaives, and has a pet Umbral.



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Here's my character, I added info about her island and stuff in the doc, so hopefully makes sense.

Name: Whist Enoch

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Magic: Star shaper (as its called in the doc), Whist draws her power from the sun, but isn't very powerful. She was trained at an academy that focused more on study and rather than practice, and it only really taught her the basics.

Personality: In short: the quintessential mom friend, She's kind and caring, but tends to over-mother people, she's also very scared of change and hates taking risks. Whist always carries a first aid kit (just in case).


After going to school for general education, and a mediocre knowledge of Sun shaping, she decided to become a governess because she loves children.

She ends up working for Governor Larsik of Shak Tu (the same island she was born and raised on). For 10 years she helped raise his two children, and dealt with his heedlessness. Not only did she raise the children, but she educated them, and was sort of a body guard in case of emergency (though she can't really fight, she could use fire spells through the power of the sun).

Larsik often left on long business trips (because his island is very trade based) for political reasons, (this was also the reason he needed a governess for his kids). Recently he has come back from one of his long trips to find his beloved stamp collection was somehow lost on the journey. Larsik just can't live without his stamp collection. So after months of persuading, he gets Whist to go find it for him.

Whist hates adventures. Whist hates traveling. Whist hates stamp collections.

But unfortunately Larsik threatened to fire her if she didn't go find it. Despite Larsiks  . . . absurdity, Whist loves his 2 children dearly, and they love her. She would hate to leave them (and also doesn't want to be unemployed), so she had to give in. Also he wouldn't stop bugging her about, and it was really getting on her nerves. So she left her home, the island she had spent her whole life on, to find a stamp collection.

A stupid little stamp collection.

Other: Whist is 32 years old, though she looks a tad younger. She has Olive skin, and mid-length, dark brown hair. She's a bit on the plump side, but not in an unhealthy way. Whist tends to wear yellows and whites, as is traditional for Sun shapers. She prefers simple dresses, that reach her lower calf, and have long sleeves. Whist wears large round glasses. She also carries a white staff (a glorified walking stick, really) that helps her channel the suns power for spells.

Sorry this is kind of long ^^;


Edited by justice_magician
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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

The man jumped back, raising his hands. "I must admit," he replied, "I am not familiar with the treaties of which you speak."

"Then state your purpose." Hyron said slowly. "We do not take trespassing lightly here."

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