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Let's discuss (one tiny thing from) szeth flashback


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This is the link to the szeth flashback chapter.

What I wanted to discuss is..... Molly?? Molly the sheep? How is there such an un-rosharan name on this sheep? Is this a placeholder name for the sheep until Brandon changes it ?

If not, I am very interested in how that name is there on Roshar.

Anyway let's discuss the szeth flashback and shin culture

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Molly,  Short for Mollallon (the Destroyer)

EDIT: In all seriousness, I dont think it's a placeholder just because it looks like he was using the <Dolt> bracket notation for placeholder names.  

Edited by Quantus
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21 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:


This is the link to the szeth flashback chapter.

What I wanted to discuss is..... Molly?? Molly the sheep? How is there such an un-rosharan name on this sheep? Is this a placeholder name for the sheep until Brandon changes it ?

If not, I am very interested in how that name is there on Roshar.

Anyway let's discuss the szeth flashback and shin culture

Well. Shin are technically the least Rosharan humans. Maybe it's an Ashyn name? (Probably not but ahh)

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37 minutes ago, Returned said:

It could be anything, really. Hoid comments on the oddity that Rosharans still use the term "hound" with axehounds, despite not having anything like the original thing "hound" referred to. Lots of odd etymology.

Plus all languages are diverted from Yolish, maybe some strange words stayed close to their Yolish counterparts?

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8 hours ago, Returned said:

It could be anything, really. Hoid comments on the oddity that Rosharans still use the term "hound" with axehounds, despite not having anything like the original thing "hound" referred to. Lots of odd etymology.

Szeth also calls a parrot a parrot, not a chicken.

What struck me the most is how similar young Szeth and young Kal are to each other in their desire to do things the right way and to do things perfectly. I am very interested in how their relationship will play out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/11/2022 at 7:50 PM, Crucible of Shards said:

What struck me the most is how similar young Szeth and young Kal are to each other in their desire to do things the right way and to do things perfectly. I am very interested in how their relationship will play out.

I know! I really hope they'll become buddies.

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On 2022-10-11 at 2:42 PM, Adamkarma said:

Plus all languages are diverted from Yolish, maybe some strange words stayed close to their Yolish counterparts?

I am not sure that is the case. For example, the Singers were on Roshar before the shattering. So there are at least some linguistic groups unrelated to Yolen. If we have 1, there are probably others. We do have Fain life, dragons, bug people, spren, etc. 

And there may have been other worlds with human people pre-shattering as well. They may have been entirely untreated language families. Adonalium seemed to be interested in creating pockets of populations, so maybe there were more human pockets. 

As well, we have planets and people created by Shards and we can't be 100% sure what happened there in terms on language creation. It is for sure possible that the shards just took Yolen languages and gave them to the people, but we can't be sure that is what happened. 

Edited by teknopathetic
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2 hours ago, teknopathetic said:

I am not sure that is the case. For example, the Singers were on Roshar before the shattering. So there are at least some linguistic groups unrelated to Yolen. If we have 1, there are probably others. We do have Fain life, dragons, bug people, spren, etc. 

And there may have been other worlds with human people pre-shattering as well. They may have been entirely untreated language families. Adonalium seemed to be interested in creating pockets of populations, so maybe there were more human pockets. 

As well, we have planets and people created by Shards and we can't be 100% sure what happened there in terms on language creation. It is for sure possible that the shards just took Yolen languages and gave them to the people, but we can't be sure that is what happened. 

Plus, as the Stormlight Archive is about 11,000 years after the shattering (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/108/#e1355) or about this timescale it is possible that the languages diverged so much from the original Yolish that the similarities are no more noticable. In the real world linguistic, the oldest proto-languages are speculated to be about 8,000-5,000 years old (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_language#Historical_and_geographical_setting) and languages that diverged earlier no longer share any noticable similarities.

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  • 8 months later...

Well, we know ulim and the Heralds speak with modern English affectations and words, maybe just like that is from asshyn, mollys a holdover from back then.

I just assume szeth is going to fight a stonewalker to protect molly the sheep..and will be made a warrior haha, demoting his whole family..itll be super sad. 

But honestly I'm just so curious.. other than moving the rock at home i have no clue what they could do to be sent to the honorblades versus just being made into a warrior, who also use oathstones. We know being made truthless is decades later

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@Stigmadiabolicum try not to post on any threads older than 6 months, as it is technically against site rules.

That said, Molly could be a wink to the fact that Shinovar is radically different to the rest of Roshar, and that it is the most earthlike place in all of Roshar. In canon, it could be that the Ashynite language happens to be similar to real world English, just like

Mistborn Spoilers:


how the language and names in Mistborn are similar to real-word Francophone languages. Vin literally means wine, and names like Kelsier and Demoux and others are distinctly french in nature, and confirmed to be pronounced as if they were French too.

And Molly is just an Ashynite name that stuck around in Shinovar while dying out everywhere else, just like how all Rosharans other than the shin call birds Chickens, whereas the Shin call them by their actual names (eg Szeth calls one a parrot). Or it could be a placeholder, or just a false cognate that developed in Shinovar independent of English.

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