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Collaboration thread


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Greetings to all Denizens, Citizens, and Netizens. 

We're making this thread to create a place where characters new and old can look for someone to collaborate with for the RP. This may vary from something very specific you have in mind 'My character is in the middle of a difficult time and I was hoping they might bump into someone very irritable and dangerous so that they can gain a new enemy to focus their attention on.', to the casual 'My character is going to the tavern to get some drinks, does anyone want to start up a drinking buddy relationship', or guild recruitment 'My character is alone and scared in this new city and I was hoping they could bump into someone from the Scholar's Guild to give them a reason to join that guild.'.

One of the more frequent uses we imagine for this thread however is for new characters to find other characters to interact with and kick off their RP journey. In these circumstances you may not actually know what exactly you're looking for, if your character is new to the city they may not have the means or the resources to begin working towards any of their goals yet, they may need to meet some people first.

Whatever the case may be we hope that this provides a useful location for people to work together with their writing and plan things out a little more. We would suggest that you try to be specific with any requests for collaboration when possible, if you know what you're looking for mention it in the post, and ideally post a little bit about your character as well, we have a lot of characters in the RP so no everyone is familiar with all of them.

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Tena is the new leader of the Ghostbloods and is going to be recruiting as soon as she gets back from her vacation, so she's looking for new people interested in murder, mischief, paperwork, or any combination of the three. Also, she's going to be looking to make connections with people from other guilds-- especially the leaders-- in order to solidify her own guild's position.

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  • Voidus pinned this topic
7 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

I've heard from Zinc that @Sorana and @Sherlock Holmes wanted to have a fully antagonistic, non-guild, crime syndicate be a side plot. I like that idea but it integral to my character's story. So please let me know if you guys are still interested.

To be honest I'm not quite sure what Zinc's refering to. I threw the idea of some antagonists into the pot when we brainstormed, as the central idea of rebuilding might be a bit hard to grasp for newer players, although I'm not even sure whether we have some new people around? If you've got an idea for a side plot I'd be happy to talk it over, see if it is something Temeria might be interested or not.


Would any of you be interested/ have a character available to meet mine at the Scholar’s Guild? @Rushu42 @mathiau @18th Shard @NerdyAarakocra

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56 minutes ago, Sorana said:

To be honest I'm not quite sure what Zinc's refering to. I threw the idea of some antagonists into the pot when we brainstormed, as the central idea of rebuilding might be a bit hard to grasp for newer players, although I'm not even sure whether we have some new people around?

This is what I was referring to, just the idea of a crime ring being a side plot. I have no idea beyond that one but I do remember you saying something so I mentioned you 

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1 minute ago, ZincAboutIt said:

I believe she means a member of the Scholar’s Guild in specific.

Probably. :P doesn't mean i can't give Sorana crap.


But I do need some character interaction for Everette. Somehow

Edited by Lord Meeker
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I would suggest some more details about what it is you're looking for/what is likely to happen. Lots of characters already tied up with their own story arcs, etc. so may not be willing to just abandon it for generic meeting with someone.

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35 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I would suggest some more details about what it is you're looking for/what is likely to happen. Lots of characters already tied up with their own story arcs, etc. so may not be willing to just abandon it for generic meeting with someone.

Fair. I guess it's not right to assume everyone is following thread 2.


Everett is being handed his *** right now and needs some help. He's out of metalminds and steel vials. More details on the foe in particular in the the thread 2 for the current era

I'm hoping to introduce a crime syndicate in the Alleycity. I want this syndicate to be developing an anti investiture drug and a cure to make profit off said cure. This being the reason to stop them. Not the typical dominance plot we've seen in earlier era. Mafias are usually focus on money anyways, and the plot won't work obviously. I mean I'm actually a good guy this time around, oddly enough.

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1 hour ago, Lord Meeker said:

Probably. :P doesn't mean i can't give Sorana crap.

As zinc already pointed out, it was about the guild. I reached out to the members of the Scholar’s Guild, because of past interactions with the guild and some of the characters belonging to it.

I can see that my question in combination with my reply to your post might have been interpreted as rude in your direction - that wasn't my intention and I'm sorry if you perceived it that way.  Nonetheless I would prefer if you didn't 'give me crap' about something like that (nor about anything else) ;)

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5 minutes ago, Sorana said:

that wasn't my intention and I'm sorry if you perceived it that way.  Nonetheless I would prefer if you didn't 'give me crap' about something like that (nor about anything else) ;)

Hmmmm. You should know Intent means everything with Brandons writing. Giving crap is too childish anyways. So I guess you are off the hook. <_<:P

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@Sorana, Sei hasn't actually joined the Scholar's Guild yet, so I might actually be joining in the same thread as you are. If you want to have a conversation, we're putting it in Aftermath, but if you just want a quick introduction and to join the guild, we're putting it in Forgrey Breaks.


Also, I need some kind of character interaction to use KanDraa a bit more. Notably, Kan is trying to avoid the DA (see my sheet in the character thread), and I'd prefer to not have Kan interact with DA characters just yet.

Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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12 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

@Sorana, Sei hasn't actually joined the Scholar's Guild yet, so I might actually be joining in the same thread as you are. If you want to have a conversation, we're putting it in Aftermath, but if you just want a quick introduction and to join the guild, we're putting it in Forgrey Breaks.

Temeria is currently in the Vigil one, and I'm not quite sure how it works moving backwards in time. But anyway, I'd be happy to move her to Aftermath for a conversation. Thanks a lot!

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9 hours ago, Sorana said:

To be honest I'm not quite sure what Zinc's refering to. I threw the idea of some antagonists into the pot when we brainstormed, as the central idea of rebuilding might be a bit hard to grasp for newer players, although I'm not even sure whether we have some new people around? If you've got an idea for a side plot I'd be happy to talk it over, see if it is something Temeria might be interested or not.


Would any of you be interested/ have a character available to meet mine at the Scholar’s Guild? @Rushu42 @mathiau @18th Shard @NerdyAarakocra

I currently don't have Vigil/post Vigil plans for Folorian so he is

2 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

If you want to have a conversation, we're putting it in Aftermath, but if you just want a quick introduction and to join the guild, we're putting it in Forgrey Breaks.

I think that part was only addressed to 18th because his character is already with Aln and Folorian at the Alleyverse post, considering the SG's building has been destroyed it's probably better to put your character's introduction either in the Vigil or in the SG's thread so it happens at a moment where the guild as at least partially rebuilt

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

Would it work for the two of you to have all three meet at the SG?

Reading through mathiau's post Vigil would probably be better timeline wise, but I'll go where it suits you best.



Yeah, sure. That works for me.

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Heyo folks! I am writing a Marie post atm, she'll have just arrived into the city on the day of the vigil. I imagine an Inquisitor walking the streets could cause some interesting reactions, if people want. 

Gonna tag @Voidus @Mrs. Voidus and @NerdyAarakocra - I believe all of you have new characters wandering the city in SeKaan, Valeria, and KanDraa? I know Marie would at least have some feelings about meeting some kandra, and I figure Kan might not be pleased to meet an Inquisitor (she's not DA, but very well might look it). 

@Lord Meeker, I know you've also got a character wandering, but I don't know how to engage with the plot you've got going on - it seems like a personal thing, with you writing all the characters involved on both sides. Is this a plot thread you actually want others to play with, or is this something you intend to control entirely yourself? I am hesitant to interact with something if I don't know anything about it or how it will interplay with other characters, rather than being one person's self-contained backstory. We're really trying to encourage collaboration this era - is this a plot you want to pitch to everyone, or is this something you're going to do on your own? 

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28 minutes ago, AonEne said:

know you've also got a character wandering, but I don't know how to engage with the plot you've got going on - it seems like a personal thing, with you writing all the characters involved on both sides. Is this a plot thread you actually want others to play with, or is this something you intend to control entirely yourself? I am hesitant to interact with something if I don't know anything about it or how it will interplay with other characters, rather than being one person's self-contained backstory. We're really trying to encourage collaboration this era - is this a plot you want to pitch to everyone, or is this something you're going to do on your own?

You could say I've been unsuccessful in trying to open it up to people to participate on my side and not wanting to force my character in others character plots. I've been wanting to develop a situation where several characters or all are threatened by the mafia. While my character has a very person stake in this I don't want to be just his 

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11 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

You could say I've been unsuccessful in trying to open it up to people to participate on my side and not wanting to force my character in others character plots. I've been wanting to develop a situation where several characters or all are threatened by the mafia. While my character has a very person stake in this I don't want to be just his 

Alright, and how are you wanting to do that? What is this mafia and what are its plans, why is it going after him and why would it care about anyone else, why might others want to stop it? We want to make sure people are actually interested in this and it'll get engagement before just going and writing a ton, don't want people to waste their time creating plots that nobody else interacts with - that's why it's useful to discuss these things beforehand in the Chat Thread or Discord :) 

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For starters a rescue would be nice. He is bleeding out.

The mafias main goal is to develop a "virus" that targets people with investiture and eliminates that investiture, not permanently per se, but they'll have a cure to give those people affected for a price. Most mafias are about money and profit not dominance and stuff. The mafias second goal is to find a way to split ettmetal into it's segmented metals Atium and Lerasium. Everette is a metallurgist by profession as he sells burnable metals to mistings and mistborn. So he can definitely help with the second goal and they think he can help with the Scadrian side of things. They've been assembling a group of professors, doctors and experts in each magic system to get this done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks! I just got started here, and my character is looking for work. The forgery kind of wrote out all of the people that he came here with, and he’s in need of work. My character is a A-bronze F-steel twinborn that has a few breaths on them. He’s not a fantastic fighter, but is a decent shot. All he’s known is a fighting and thieving life, but is interested in being a part of something greater. He’s slightly familiar with Alleycity, but not severely. What’s a place where he would go to get something going? A guild perhaps? A crew of some sort?

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