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So what crazy possible cosmer inspired technology would you like to see in era 4? 
personally I would like to see spiritual realm storage. (Kinda like extra dimension storage)

mistborn literally everywhere due to refining the mist. 
bullets that move though everything due to being refined stormlight. 

spirit web manipulation tools. 

what’s your thoughts? Ideas? How would it work? 

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I just realized that you could try to Forge someone to make them Allomancers, Feruchemists or Radiants. That could lead to some crazy things, when Forgers begin to meet people from other worlds.

Granted, the whole location-dependent thing about Selish magic mean you would only be a Radiant in the area of the Rose Empire. But it's still cool.

Edited by Just a Silvereye
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3 minutes ago, Just a Silvereye said:

I just realized that you could try to Forge someone to make them Allomancers, Feruchemists or Radiants. That could lead to some crazy things, when Forgers begin to meet people from other worlds.

Granted, the whole location-dependent thing about Selish magic mean you would only be a Radiant in the area of the Rose Empire. But it's still cool.

Could forgery potentially offer radiants a chance at bringing their whole kit to another world?   I really see Scadrial / Nalthis being more of the aggressors / offensive / invading force towards other planets while Roshar and Sel likely will be the ones on the defensive side and struggling more with how to maintain access to their invested arts while moving into other locations.  

I think we naturally cheer for invaded vs the invading which bums me out but metallic arts and biochromatic breath travel sooo much easier than the other arts.  

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I want to see it all! Especially technology I fail to imagine for myself. That's what first drew me to Sanderson's writings in the first place: interesting, reasonable extensions of already-cool magic powers.

Some specifics include: artificial gravity, imitation or real; stasis that allows people to "travel" far into the future, with all of the social and political consequences that would produce; large-scale, just-in-time manufacturing of all sorts of things (especially crops and products of slow natural processes); complex sets of equipment that allow for human labor in extreme environments like outer space and the deep sea; self-contained living environments sustained by the Metallic Arts rather than conventional machinery (again, things like space colonies or deep sea habitats); ultra-high-speed transportation of people and goods via F-steel; ultra-fast computer processing through both F-zinc and F-Bendalloy, and attendant developments (like brute-force breaking cryptography).

And so, so many more!

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Hemalurgic SWAT team called the Inquisitors.

Public access coppermind. It runs through wires containing a copper strand a nicrosil strand an aluminum strand and a zinc strand. Each strand is continuous and goes back to a central hub. At the hub there are several copper and zinc compounders working in shifts inside of a speed bubble to keep the the nicrosil and zinc charged and the aluminum empty. You can use public storage by filling aluminum and copper, or you can use private storage by just filling copper. The aluminum gets emptied at the hub to keep anyone else from tapping your Identity.

Medallion pills. It works like a medallion but it gives you A-nicrosil and F-nicrosil as well as what ever metalminds are needed. Instead of tapping it you burn it. This means you are compounding the storage and getting 10x the effect from the same amount of investiture. It also feels more futuristic to take a pill and gain a bunch of powers than it does to use "enchanted" jewelry.

Rioter soulcasting. It's an idea I've been thinking about for a while now. If a Rioter could figure out a way to interact with an objects Cognitive aspect (A-bronze maybe?), they ought to be able to Riot it into thinking its something else.

Kandra terminators. Mechanical skeletons powered with the metallic arts, wrapped in Kandra goo.

Kandra Symbiotes. Like what Melaan did with Marassi but totally integrated instead of just a patch. Basically Venom from Marvel comics.

Kandra doctors. Imagine if your doctor could send a tentacle into your body and eat your cancer/blood clot/infection, or diagnose a disease by tasting you, then produce the antibodies you need to fight it and release them into your blood stream.

Kanra meat black market. People are weird, especially rich ones. They would probably pay top dollar to eat some "human" flesh harvested from a Kandra. QAnon intensifies.

New metals. What do the other Shard metals do when you burn them? What do they store? I need to know.

Social commentary on our own race relations using Koloss. I know its not tech but still..

Tacky tee shirts with dumb slogans that makes jokes about in world characters. "Harmony take the wheel" or "I Survived and all I got was this stupid shirt" or "Wasing the f**k?".

Black market Hemalurgy.

Metallic arts space flight and FTL.

Perpendicularity TSA. Making the magical mundane and tedious.

That's all I've got for now.

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On 9/24/2022 at 3:00 PM, SwordNimiForPresident said:

Hemalurgic SWAT team called the Inquisitors.

Public access coppermind. It runs through wires containing a copper strand a nicrosil strand an aluminum strand and a zinc strand. Each strand is continuous and goes back to a central hub. At the hub there are several copper and zinc compounders working in shifts inside of a speed bubble to keep the the nicrosil and zinc charged and the aluminum empty. You can use public storage by filling aluminum and copper, or you can use private storage by just filling copper. The aluminum gets emptied at the hub to keep anyone else from tapping your Identity.

Medallion pills. It works like a medallion but it gives you A-nicrosil and F-nicrosil as well as what ever metalminds are needed. Instead of tapping it you burn it. This means you are compounding the storage and getting 10x the effect from the same amount of investiture. It also feels more futuristic to take a pill and gain a bunch of powers than it does to use "enchanted" jewelry.

Rioter soulcasting. It's an idea I've been thinking about for a while now. If a Rioter could figure out a way to interact with an objects Cognitive aspect (A-bronze maybe?), they ought to be able to Riot it into thinking its something else.

Kandra terminators. Mechanical skeletons powered with the metallic arts, wrapped in Kandra goo.

Kandra Symbiotes. Like what Melaan did with Marassi but totally integrated instead of just a patch. Basically Venom from Marvel comics.

Kandra doctors. Imagine if your doctor could send a tentacle into your body and eat your cancer/blood clot/infection, or diagnose a disease by tasting you, then produce the antibodies you need to fight it and release them into your blood stream.

Kanra meat black market. People are weird, especially rich ones. They would probably pay top dollar to eat some "human" flesh harvested from a Kandra. QAnon intensifies.

New metals. What do the other Shard metals do when you burn them? What do they store? I need to know.

Social commentary on our own race relations using Koloss. I know its not tech but still..

Tacky tee shirts with dumb slogans that makes jokes about in world characters. "Harmony take the wheel" or "I Survived and all I got was this stupid shirt" or "Wasing the f**k?".

Black market Hemalurgy.

Metallic arts space flight and FTL.

Perpendicularity TSA. Making the magical mundane and tedious.

That's all I've got for now.

Confused by number 6

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23 minutes ago, bmcclure7 said:

Confused by number 6

A Kandra that has integrated itself into your entire body, thereby enhancing all of your body functions. If it connected itself to your nervous system you could probably even achieve some sort of hive mind scenario.

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What I'm most excited for is to see the interactions between different magics and different people. That'll be cool to see.

Beyond that, I think public access metalminds and medallions would be extremely cool to see. Especially if there's a way to do long distance feruchemy where you don't need a giant metalmind for everyone to be touching. (I have some theories about how this could be done, but I digress). Public copperminds used as databases, public goldmines as part of a hospital, colleges with bronzeminds that everyone uses during finals week

AI/artificial spren seem entirely possible and likely with the way we know inestiture work. (In fact, this is what nightblood is but I'm thinking more sci-fi-esque). You could have a "rogue AI" story about an AI made to experiment with hemalurgy, since I bet they'd be good at that.

Maybe some kind of giant Spike Archive, where a bunch of harvested hemalurgic spikes are stored.

I bet you could make some kind of projector to display memories stored in copperminds (or in breath)

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  • 2 weeks later...
32 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

Is there evidence that they are FTL?



(written in book: Do oathgates obey physical realm speed-of-light constraints?)

Brandon Sanderson

(written in book: Nope! Good question.)

We are playing fast and loose with causality.

Boskone 54 (Feb. 17, 2017)


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This isn’t technically tech but I want someone with the surge of Gravitation and Feruchemical Iron to just run into things. Like, they store up 1/4 of their weight for years then use it all as they quintuple lash themselves into a spaceship or something. I just really really love it when someone use something really advanced/high tech to just hit things. 

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