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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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4 hours ago, PyroPhile said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

"That seems to be it. "

Pyro continues to work a few more expressions, nearly filling up his chalkboard in the process, then writes down several values and circles them.

"These are the numbers you're looking for, if I did my math correctly."

Insanity Clinic: Library

"All right." Bookwyrm plug the numbers into his equation, and, after a moment, came up with a set of numbers.

"Okay, now..." Bookwyrm closed his eyes and reached with his mind, aligning his multidimensional senses with the coordinate system the Worldseers used. 

It's a good thing the branch off organization kept the system, he thought.

After a moment, he found the place. A small enclosed room in a ruin on a distant, remote, cloud covered planet located in a small universe distant from the Clinic.

"I've found it," he said to the three of them. "But there is something blocking it. A storm, of sorts. I think we need someone with storm magic to unlock it, as the Puzzle Stone implied. We need Insa."

Bookwyrm turned to Calano. "I'm fairly certain she's with Emma...can you contact her and ask her if she can bring Insa to us?"

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Shadowed @PyroPhile


By the way, the reason I made a branch-off for the Worldseers is because the concept for Worldseers was something I came up with for my own interconnected universe canon in my head. I might want to use them in future stories I write. So the branch-off organization is something we can change and shift for this RP, while the main body stays unchanged for my mind.

Then again, this RP can't really affect how I write my own organization, but my mind works in weird ways.


Edited by Ookla the Perpetual
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2 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The realm of the Tiger

Wizard moves with blinding speed, swaying out of the way of the sword strike. The flat of his own blade raps Platypus on his head.


@Ookla the platypus

The realm of the Tiger

"How do you keep doing this?! Are you this fast because this is your-"

As he is still talking, he strikes, not at Wizard, but to the right of him.

"...realm?" he finishes.

@Ookla the Myopic

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1 minute ago, Ookla the platypus said:

The realm of the Tiger

"How do you keep doing this?! Are you this fast because this is your-"

As he is still talking, he strikes, not at Wizard, but to the right of him.

"...realm?" he finishes.

@Ookla the Myopic

The realm of the Tiger

Wizard does not move and his sword point pricks the underside of Platypus's chin.

"No, I don't control this realm. I have lived for years and centuries and thousands of centuries. So much that there isn't a word for it. Not endless because I have died but a very long time. It is the speed of regular practice and many years of honing my skills."

@Ookla the platypus

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The realm of the Tiger

Wizard does not move and his sword point pricks the underside of Platypus's chin.

"No, I don't control this realm. I have lived for years and centuries and thousands of centuries. So much that there isn't a word for it. Not endless because I have died but a very long time. It is the speed of regular practice and many years of honing my skills."

@Ookla the platypus

The realm of the Tiger

"Then how am I supposed to hit you?" Platypus asks, lowering his sword.

@Ookla the Myopic

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9 hours ago, Ookla the platypus said:

The realm of the Tiger

"Then how am I supposed to hit you?" Platypus asks, lowering his sword.

@Ookla the Myopic

The realm of the Tiger

"You aren't going to. It was never the point. The point was to see how long you would continue in futility. Because there are some duels that you can never win."

@Ookla the platypus

47 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

Calano nodded, closed his eyes, and reached out.

Emma. He sent as a whisper to the cosmos, aimed vaguely at Emma. He made the Connection, and sent a message.

Emma, we need you and Insa. Can you two come to the Clinic Library?

@Ookla the Myopic

Forest of Tal'rin

Emma catches the Connection and strengthens it.

Perhaps Calano, I can at least send Insa. Though I have two other students that I am worried to leave alone. It would be best for Insa though, I think. She just needs to get out and realize that she already knows what to do and she has the power to do it. She is one of the strongest that I have trained in a long time. I'll go and ask her and talk to my students. Then I will get back to you my love.

Emma walks over to the center of the clearing.

"Can you all come here please?"

@InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Floofy

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3 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Forest of Tal'rin

Insa walks over. "What's going on?"

@Ookla the Myopic

Forest of Tal'rin

"Bookwyrm's group needs your help. Calano also wanted me to come, but I don't know about how I feel leaving Rue and Stormy here alone. I suppose I could bring them with us. Hmmm."

Turning to Rue and Stormy, Emma asks. "Do you want to come back to the clinic with us? I have to go and Insa does to. You can stay here as the forest is a safe place or you can come back to the chaos."

@InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Pencil Taxi

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28 minutes ago, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Forest of Tal'rin

"If something important is happening, I don't want to sit around uselessly in a forest. I'm coming. That is, if it's alright with you, Emma." 

@Ookla the Myopic

Forest of Tal'rin

"It is fine with me, just know that most likely we'll be going into a dangerous situation."

We're coming now Calano. All of us are coming back.

The group falls through the ground as a portal opens underneath their feet, sending them tumbling into the darkness.

@Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Floofy @InfiniteInsanity

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Insanity Clinic: Library

Matra jumped backwards as Stormy, Insa, Rue, and Emma fell through a portal into the library. “Oh, hi. Just the people we need - there seems to be a storm blocking Bookwyrm from creating a portal to a planet we want to get to, so we were wondering whether you’- she looked at Insa -‘could take a look with your magic?’

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The realm of the Tiger

"You aren't going to. It was never the point. The point was to see how long you would continue in futility. Because there are some duels that you can never win."

@Ookla the platypus

The realm of the Tiger

"Oh. I would disagree though. I believe that with enough careful maneuvering (physical and psychological) you can win any duel."


Wizard. I was going to wait to see what you did, then block/parry it. I was only pretending to lower my guard. but I guess what you did works.


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Insanity Clinic: Library

Emma stands up, brushing off the dust from her tunic and leggings. 

Walking over to Calano her clothes shift into a dress and she grins at him, slipping her hand in his, declaring.

"I feel much better now!"

Mentally she transmits. "I'm better, the Kaos hasn't stopped, but having something to do has helped me keep my focus."

@Ookla the Crow

24 minutes ago, Ookla the platypus said:

The realm of the Tiger

"Oh. I would disagree though. I believe that with enough careful maneuvering (physical and psychological) you can win any duel."


The realm of the Tiger

"You can win some, but there are many that you phsically can't win. There are going to be those beings that just have more power than you. Faster than you, more experienced than you. More prepared than you in every way."

Wizard grins, "besides it is hard to teach a stubborn student, one who won't learn is one who I can't teach"

@Ookla the platypus

24 minutes ago, Ookla the platypus said:

Wizard. I was going to wait to see what you did, then block/parry it. I was only pretending to lower my guard. but I guess what you did works.



Wizard has some supernatural speed, but it's mostly the centuries on centuries of practice, plus all the memories of the white tiger guardians. And he really hasn't been using the extra speed. Just the practice, he's like Thorn but who never left his prime and has had far more time to refine his techniques.

Though if your character is coming to learn the sword how would he be able to parry Wizard. A being who has ages upon ages of more experience?


Edited by Ookla the Myopic
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1 hour ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The realm of the Tiger

"You can win some, but there are many that you phsically can't win. There are going to be those beings that just have more power than you. Faster than you, more experienced than you. More prepared than you in every way."

Wizard grins, "besides it is hard to teach a stubborn student, one who won't learn is one who I can't teach"

@Ookla the platypus



"Fair enough. But physical capabilities are not all in battle. As a wise being once said, "All competition (including battle) is psychological warfare. You can tell by this."

Wizard feels a prickle on his skin, looks down and sees Platypus' Blade against his chest.

"Task completed Master." Platypus says with a bow.

@Ookla the Myopic

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the platypus said:


"Fair enough. But physical capabilities are not all in battle. As a wise being once said, "All competition (including battle) is psychological warfare. You can tell by this."

Wizard feels a prickle on his skin, looks down and sees Platypus' Blade against his chest.

"Task completed Master." Platypus says with a bow.

@Ookla the Myopic


That is what is known as Godmodding, meaning you wrote Wizard's actions for him. Please don't do it again.

The realm of the Tiger

The blade never reaches Wizard's chest, it stabs at only empty air and a voice booms from behind Platypus.

"I thought that you had learned by now. You can't hit me unless I wish for you to hit me."

@Ookla the platypus

1 hour ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

"I'm glad," Calano said, looking up at Emma.

Insanity Clinic: Library

"So what are we going to do now? Go with Bookwyrm or do you want to help me train my students?"

@Ookla the Crow

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The realm of the Tiger

The blade never reaches Wizard's chest, it stabs at only empty air and a voice booms from behind Platypus.

"I thought that you had learned by now. You can't hit me unless I wish for you to hit me."

@Ookla the platypus


sorry, I've been writing a book and have been writing multiple characters so I'm used to writing everybody. I'm trying to break the habit.

The realm of the Tiger

"Dang it. I thought that would work. Because it didn't, and because I want to learn the sword, I am your humble student."

@Ookla the Myopic

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the platypus said:

sorry, I've been writing a book and have been writing multiple characters so I'm used to writing everybody. I'm trying to break the habit.



It's fine, I've done it once before. :P

3 minutes ago, Ookla the platypus said:

The realm of the Tiger

"Dang it. I thought that would work. Because it didn't, and because I want to learn the sword, I am your humble student."

@Ookla the Myopic

The realm of the Tiger

Wizard raises an eyebrow, well this is going to be interesting. 

"Alright, first make an overhead strike at me."

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