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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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Sart had blood on his hands. He was just like the rest, killing those who had not harmed them. The "artist," if he could call himself that, was getting depressed. Morbid thoughts swirled through his head.


"Crying blood, we kill. We bleed, crying."


He tried to sleep, but couldn't. He saw the shadows of beasts dancing in the dark, and feared for his life. The moon, if there even was one, was obscured by ominous clouds. He feared for his life. Sart needed to do something, but what? He felt powerless. He crawled in bed and waited for death to come to the Inn once more.

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It had been a long, tough day for Gammer. And all of the residents of the town, for that matter. The debates had raged on for countless hours, the sun hanging high in the sky and refusing to set until a decision had been made. Even Gammer herself had joined in the planning and bickering, her embroidery laying forgotten on the floor for some time. But eventually decisions had to be made. While it seemed like the plan to empower Aodan was put on the back-burner for now, tough decisions still had to be made. Yet another Returned had revealed themselves, this time it was Wyrm, and Grim went to the gallows without objection.

Yes, there was much work to be done still. Gammer sat alone in her room, stitching away furiously at her embroidery, making up for lost work. Wyrm's name was now embellished with an extra swirl of colors and added emphasis in colours around the letters, to match the design around Aili's name. Grim's name was decorated with a noose, his blood spilling out around his name to declare his innocence, unlike Jeo's name.

Gammer noticed she was beginning to run out of red thread, which wasn't surprising. She knew she had to restock on the color soon, she was going to be needing it.

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I apologize for not doing this sooner:


The villagers and ambassadors stopped and stared as Aodan strode down the street. The cobblestones and the buildings blazed with colour as he passed and every white object near him through off rainbows of light as his biochromatic aura effected them.

Short, but it gets the point across =)

Aodan is currently at the 10th heightening.

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I apologize for not doing this sooner:


The villagers and ambassadors stopped and stared as Aodan strode down the street. The cobblestones and the buildings blazed with colour as he passed and every white object near him through off rainbows of light as his biochromatic aura effected them.

Short, but it gets the point across =)

Aodan is currently at the 10th heightening.


Can't say I'm surprised. In the interests of completeness, would we have been told as soon as it happened, or at the end of the day/night period? If the former, then we should probably know whose Breath it was that gave him Tenth Heightening.


In all honesty, Wyrm was rather jealous of Aodan. He'd never reached Tenth Heightening himself, though that was partially due to the fact he'd hidden his Divine Breath ever since he escaped the Court of the Gods many years ago. Aodan was now on the level of the God King, Heightening-wise, though the sheer number of Breaths that Susebron still meant that the God King towered over the priest in power.


"I thought that Idrians believed that each person should have just their own Breath, Aodan? Though I suppose that, given the circumstances and the fact that they were all gifts, it could be excused." Really, of all people to reach Tenth Heightening, an Idrian priest? He shook his head in amusement. Austre - or whatever the voice was that he had heard when he Returned - had a sense of humour, it seemed.

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Elo was covered in sweat and small clothes men's and women's as he crooned:


"Baby baby baby yeah yeah yeah ooh ooh ooh honey honey honey lover lover lover sweet sweet sweet action action action . . . . . . ."

​Slight (terrible) musical in joke there from a first year class

He didn't mind the mix; who could blame anyone for wanting him.  They all wanted him, they wanted to be him, what was the difference. Sure the philosophers and his stalkers could argue the point until dawn.  They probably, he had that effect on people. 


He had found his lute earlier, a young thief who thought he was someone special had tried to sell it to him.  Elo gave him points for gumption, and a black eye for his trouble. 


Reunited with his axe, he'd sought out his muse.  He realised he (Grim) was dead - it was a love hate thing.  So he'd sought out his erstwhile collaborator Swimim.  He was dead too. He briefly thought about seeking Aili but had thought better of it.  He'd sat down with Baldrick when inspiration had hit him, like an apple falling from a tree.


The chant of "We want more! we want more! we want more!" snapped Elo out of his reverie.


This next song, is dedicated to the two most influential men in my life, Susebron, the God-King of Hallandren and Aodan, the God-King of D'Relin.  When both men open their mouths, the multitude jump too.  It's called "The man behind the man".  A hush descended over the crowd.  Some torches were ripped from sconces and raised, swaying in time to the rhythm.  


Well I walked into the Salmon,

There sat a suspicious man

Sitting in the corner

Newspaper in hand


Holes cut out for his eyelids

Sporting a fake moustache

I asked him what his name was

He just got up and laughed


He said: “Son I ain’t even telling,

But you’ll soon find out

Not everyone is as they seem

There are agents about


Some are Idrian, some are lifeless

Some are Hallandren and  Drab

But I know all and see all

I’m the best they’ll ever have.


Some can tell you aura by looking

But I’m better than that

I know all and I see all”

He smiled and tipped his hat.


Well, I didn’t see him leaving

He moved as if he were a ghost

I sat down and thought quietly

And chewed on a piece of toast.


The roar of appreciation was deafening. 


"THANK YOU D'RELIN GOODNIGHT"  Elo saluted the crowd.

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Just a quick reminder that you have just over 11 hours remaining to get your night orders in. I'm a tad worried at the number of people who haven't yet.


Edit: Night actions are now closed. Twill be an interesting night.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Elo drank,his microbrewery had produced it's first brew. A porter. It was good, very good, what was better was the quiet. Everyone had gone silent since the very manly baritone had desended from the heavens after his concert. Everyone had been there, everyone had been blown away, everyone had been silenced.

That was as it should be, everything was as it should be.

Edited by el_warko
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Day 5: Momentous Transportation


In the dark of night 1 figure whispered to another and breath flowed. Another figure knelt over a corpse and spoke a command before sneaking out of the morgue with a walking dead following them.


A figure stole through the night, stalking their prey. They knew where to find him, Alan was consistent if nothing else. He left his precious library at the same time every night to go somewhere. The figure didn't know where he went and they didn't really care. All they needed was this opportunity. Alan stepped out of the library and stopped in the street outside, staring at the book that lay there. After a moment he leaned down to pick it up, and as he did so the dark figure sprinted round the corner of the building and knocked him to the ground. Alan tried to reach for the knife strapped too his leg but the figure slammed their club down on his arm, breaking it with a sharp snap.


The figure dropped the club and drew a dagger, placing the point against Alan's chest. “Give me your breath! Now!”, Alan tried to dislodge the figure but they were too skilled and stayed firmly in place. “Now!” the figure shouted. The figure raised the dagger then paused as they both heard the sound of running footsteps faintly at first but rapidly growing louder. “Colours” the figure cursed, then plunged the dagger through Alan's chest and run off into the night, leaving Alan to bleed out on the cold ground.


Ignoring the fleeing attacker the 2 new arrivals hurried to Alan. “He's not dead yet!” one called, “Save him Wyrm!”. Wyrm considered the dying Alan, why should he save him, what made him so special? Turning to the figure beside him he asked “Why? Why him and not someone else.”. The other figure pushed Wyrm towards Alan and spoke in a harsh whisper. “Listen here, we need Alan alive and we don't trust you. Now save him.” the figure paused, “If you don't, we will know you are one of them and kill you in the morning, now do it!”


Wyrm knelt beside Alan's shuddering body. Despite his objections he had no desire for Alan to die. He had returned for a purpose and while he still wasn't certain what that was, he figured it had to do with stopping the Pahn Kahl and averting this war. The other had said that Alan was important, perhaps this was what he had come back to do. Sighing, Wyrm knelt over Alan and spoke the words. “My life to yours, my breath becomes yours.” In his final moments as the breath flowed out of him Wyrm felt at peace. After years of wondering and questioning his reason for returning he had finally made a choice, and it felt right. He smiled as the world faded, perhaps he had finally achieved his purpose.



Peng crept through the night toward the morgue. He knew he was in danger, the ambassadors suspected him and it would only be a matter of time before they acted. He needed protection and that was the object of his night's activities. A stone skittered across the cobbles, dislodged by a careless foot and Peng tried to leap to the side expecting an attack. As he did he glimpsed a figure in the shadows, one he knew well. He nearly managed it, but he was just too slow, and the rope the figure had thrown twisted around his ankles, tripping him, then wrapping tightly around the rest of his body. Smiling, the figure disappeared into the night.


Ok Peng thought to himself trying to control the panic rising in him, Stay calm, you can get out of this. He had barely managed to steady his breathing when a heavy footstep sounded from behind him. With a great effort Peng managed to twist around and saw the new arrival. The blood drained from his face and he desperately struggled against the rope that bound him as he recognised the grey, lifeless face of Vard. Colours No! His struggles were in vain, each time he twisted the awakened rope tightened on him further. Vard stepped up to him and, face expressionless, plunged his sword through Peng's heart.


Another figure stepped out of the darkness toward the 2 dead men, one lying on the ground, the other standing calmly over him. The figure surveyed his servants handiwork and nodded in grim satisfaction. A dark shape lying near Peng's body caught his eye and he stooped to pick it up. As he picked it up he recognised the shape as a sword and a cheerful voice spoke in his mind. “Hello, do you want to give some cuddles?”


Peng was a Pahn Kahl Awakener!

Wyrm was a Hallandren returned and gave his divine breath to save Alan!


Someone gave breath, someone made a lifeless.


Day 5 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Friday.


What a night! That was fun to write.


PM's will be out in the near future. I'll post as usual when I have sent them all.

If you are wondering why they are delayed a bit each night (and why writeups are often a little late). Collating all the night actions, doing the writeup and pming everyone takes 2-3 hours every time. That doesn't include the time spent during the night cycle receiving and confirming night orders. Day cycles are a little easier but checking through all the votes to ascertain they are all correct and rereading posts to ensure the day writeup relates to what happened takes a little while.

I love it, but that is why there are delays ; )

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Someone killed the PK with the sword? Good job!

Wyrm, you did your duty as a god. It was a honor to meet you. There shall be a fabulous funeral-speech. Sadly, I can´t hold until after the game. You know with your body being a potential lifeless.

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Wyrm, you did your duty as a god. It was a honor to meet you. There shall be a fabulous funeral-speech.


I'll hold you to that. Everyone protect him! I must have my speech! With colourful flowers! And fireworks! And gifts for all!

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We must change that. I've heard that upvotes are almost as popular as flowers at funerals, now days...

Well, to get him to an appropriate "Returned" level would only take 1118 upvotes....perhaps just 4 to reach something not PK :P


And if forgot to mention. But not for very long this time.

Aodan looked less vibrant than the day before, and white objects no longer caused rainbows around him.

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Day 4 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Monday. Extension over the Easter weekend.


What a night! That was fun to write.


PM's will be out in the near future. I'll post as usual when I have sent them all.

I think that needs an edit - Also, it's day 5, not 4 ;)

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I think that needs an edit - Also, it's day 5, not 4 ;)

*Facepalms* Thanks. I tend to copy paste things like that from previous writeups and I occasionally forget to adjust them appropriately when I am trying to get the writeup posted reasonably on time. Fixed now to say Friday and day 5.


All night private messages have been sent. If you didn't receive one it is because I don't love you there was nothing to tell you. ;)

With Wyrm's death Idrians hold an edge....except that Hallandrens hold the lifeless commands and the awakened sword now....

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I hate to call you a liar...  :P

...How did I miss that? Thanks, fixed.

I must really need to sleep soon.

To make this post more useful here is an updated player list:


Player List


  1. (The Only Joe) Jeo ~ Local Chef [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  2. (Alvron) Fron ~ Dye Worker [deceased-Idrian normal]
  3. (AonarFaileas) Aodan ~ Scholar [idrian Monk]
  4. (SirVarrock) Vard ~ Local Smith [deceased-Hallandren Agent]
  5. (Mailliw73) Aili ~ Minor cook at the Red Salmon [Returned]
  6. (GreyPilgrim) Grim ~ a Guard [deceased-Idrian normal]
  7. (Nepene) Alan ~ Librarian
  8. (Aspren) Asgren ~ Traveling Historian
  9. (Dyring) Dyrii ~ The Mad Hatter [deceased-Idrian normal]
  10. (Tulir) Tril ~ A Wanderer
  11. (Herowannabe) Rowan ~ Silent Hunter
  12. (Macen) Cen ~ Lore-craftsman
  13. (Sphinx) Sifa ~ a Brewer
  14. (Chid) Chide ~ The Paranoid
  15. (the Gleeman) Thomas ~ Meddling Wanderer


  1. (Gamma Fiend) Gammer ~ Old Woman
  2. (Bartbug) Bartholomew ~ Chedesh Remnant
  3. (Metacognition) Cog ~ Local Craftsman
  4. (el_warko) Elo ~ Short Bard
  5. (Swimmingly) Swimim ~ Crazy Poet [deceased-Hallandren Awakener]
  6. (Awesomeness Summoned) Summon ~ Messenger
  7. (Wyrmhero) Wyrm ~ Scholar [deceased-Hallendren Returned]
  8. (PorridgeBrick) Rick ~ A Stick
  9. (little wilson) Wil’son ~ Fabric Merchant
  10. (Quiver) Ver ~ Inept World Hopper
  11. (Edgedancer) Ben ~ Non-denominational Priest guy.
  12. (a smart guy) Sart ~ an 'Artist'
  13. (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt ~ Dirt Salesman
  14. (Nard1993) Dainard ~ Stable Boy
  15. (JasonPenguin) Peng ~ a Thief [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]
Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Oh, to be a fly on the wall of the PK Doc right now! I'll bet they're fuming! :)


If you are wondering why they are delayed a bit each night (and why writeups are often a little late). Collating all the night actions, doing the writeup and pming everyone takes 2-3 hours every time. That doesn't include the time spent during the night cycle receiving and confirming night orders. Day cycles are a little easier but checking through all the votes to ascertain they are all correct and rereading posts to ensure the day writeup relates to what happened takes a little while.

I love it, but that is why there are delays ; )

Sounds about right. I don't know about everyone else, but I think you're doing great, so I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. 


Cog breathed a sign of relief. He felt bad at doing so, since it came at the expense of someone's life, but it was one of the Pahn Kahl and probably the most dangerous one at that! He didn't know who their unknown savior was, but he mentally thanked them anyways. Their judgement had been flawless; unlike Cog's own. 


With that, Cog's moment of respite from the anguish of his hand in yesterday's actions blew away like smoke on the wind. He should've known better. He should've taken the time to think things through. He had almost killed one of his own gods and he had been partially responsible for the death of an innocent man. He couldn't do that again. The guilt had almost killed him itself. As such, he wouldn't come out with an accusation until he could be absolutely sure. 


He turned his bloodshot eyes back to his diagrams, creating new lines of connection and erasing others, all the while praying silently that his actions weren't in vain... 

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Walking into the Salmon, Aodan smiled grimly. Wyrm was gone, but now the Pahn Kahl would pay for what they had done. Their Awakener was dead, the Sword was safe, and now Alan's attempted murderer would be brought to justice.


"We got lucky last night. A Strawman happened to catch Alan's would-be murderer. Do you have anything to say, Elo?"


You've had a good run Elo, but I know who the Commander is, and it isn't you. 


Three down. :)

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Alan was in shock. He had suspected Wyrm, accused him. Then the man had given his life to save him. He couldn't truly call himself a faithful Idrian. Not any more, not after the things he had seen and allowed. Even so, he could feel the purpose. Austre had a purpose for him. Austre and sent someone to save him, seen he was critical for future. The poor man who was made to do it had been willing to sacrifice himself. He was grateful.


He looked up, angry, Aodan's words smashing in his head. He got up and stalked towards Elo.



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Sifa's reaction to the news was a slight smile before she gave a nod of approval at the charges against Elo. She had suspected him for some time now, and not, as the bard had tried to insinuate, because she had any concerns over his ability to seriously rival her master's business. Perhaps soon they would be able to resume negotiations. What would that mean for her? She eyed Aodan's grim expression thoughtfully, then moved to look down at Wyrm.


"Thank you for your sacrifice" she murmured quietly.


The one downside is that this means less information to go on from this day cycle.

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