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@Barty: my question is, why does it matter to the group who has and hasn't told Peng? Peng knows who hasn't told him, and can hit them up with a PM or call them out to the group accordingly. I don't see much reason to suspect people based on whether they have told Peng or not because the inquisitor is at least as likely to lie about his role as he is to withhold it.


EDIT: But, in case there is a good reason and I'm just not seeing it, Herwynbe has told Peng his role.

Edited by Herowannabe
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I think at this point everyone except perhaps the inactives have claimed roles to Peng, so I'm not sure why this is necessary, but I also can't see the harm in it. I, Aonar, have told Peng my role as well. 

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Yes, but... I sort of trust one of our esteemed list makers to collate the data, and it gives us something to do to fill out time until Peng shows up.

And if someone doesn't respond to this (or responds very late) we can start debating why- time differences? Reluctance to give out information? The inquisitor, not bothering to check the thread now that we're in a phase we've been rather quiet in?

(Besides it bumps up my word count). But just because we're doing that doesn't mean discussion should halt while we wait. Yes, we still have time, time to maybe allow some slippages, especially with 36 hours to vote in tomorrow... but we need to start getting a ground work,most discussions don't start from scratch.

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I'll go ahead and let everyone know I've told peng my role as well. And my voting history has been pretty clear, I've just been throwing my hat in with Peng the whole time.

Still don't have any solid suspicions yet, so basically just waiting til morning to see who we have left to work with.

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I'll go ahead and let everyone know I've told peng my role as well. And my voting history has been pretty clear, I've just been throwing my hat in with Peng the whole time.

Still don't have any solid suspicions yet, so basically just waiting til morning to see who we have left to work with.

Following Pengs lead isn't a bad move; as the Mistborn, he's the only one who can't be converted, unless he's actually the inquisitor and we have no Mistborn. But that's why I outed myself, to try and prompt a bit more action here.

Which isn't why I'm posting now, really. I'm posting because quoting Gamma gave me the color codes, so, to make it official,Quillion revealed himself to Peng, as per Lord Olliviers orders.

Edited by Quiver
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Umm... I'm glad to see people liking my suggestion. :D


@Herowynbe: I believe that Cessie said this, but conversation kills the Spiked. Mailliw showed my a discrepancy in my dialogue from the last game, that if anyone had noticed, would have killed me. Also, Ping hasn't told us anyone yet, and I don't want to be forced to rely on him, as that killed Shimble.

@Dyring: Color's fun. Everyone knows that. (And for the list makers, it should make it a little bit easier).

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I, Wilson, have also told Peng my role. And I totally agree with conversing here. Like what Barty said, we've got a better chance of catching the Spiked or even the Inquisitor if we converse more. Rather than leaving it to one person or a very small group of people to notice discrepancies via PM, here everyone can see it. So there're a lot more chances of people noticing.

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Ladies and gents, I do believe things just got interesting. I'm not quite sure sure why or how, but they did. :P


I'm presuming that the extra time is for us to discuss our suspicions, inform everyone of whether or not we've revealed our roles, and generally give you more information to use to ferret out the Inquisitor/Spiked?


If that is your game, Peng, it's not really a bad plan.  I'm not sure how many people will actually be up for it though. Most people seem content to just wait through the night and see who dies.

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I thought that might be why he was doing it as well, and like you say, I was sort of looking forward to seeing the Night time phase, if only to see how my massive gamble paid off.

Then I noticed a certain someone's name under the birthday section on the main page, so I can't blame Peng for wanting time extension to sort things out. I would too.

But, since we have this time extended, we should make use of it. Should we assume the people who have posted here since Day 4 began, whether it's casting votes or declaring roles, are the 'core' group of players, with the rest Inactives? Or have I just missed seeing when a certain player was last online?

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I dont know. But Id expect a post every phase, if only some rp, to be consdered active;).


Frankly,I dont got anything that new. Same old suspicions. And since Im not certain on any of them, I figure its not much of a point to just keep repeating them ;)

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Well, I've been offline for two days now, not by choice. Seems like not much has happened. 


I also think that we should be discussing our suspicions before Peng makes his vote. Also, I've told Peng my given role. 

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Gamon was walking around the bar stretching his legs, the group had been at it all night and he must have drank a little bit more than he thought. His internal clock was telling him day should have come hours ago, but the darkness and the mists held steady, unyielding and impassive.
On a second stroll around the bar a list off to the side of the entrance caught his attention.

"What's this?" He said, reading the list. His brow furrowed, and then he turned and cleared his throat to get everybody's attention. "I would like to make a toast." He said, raising a glass of water -- water holding the antidote the delay Modeft's poison -- , "To the health and longevity of our Mistborn. I make this toast on what this list proclaims to be his anniversary of birth!"

He raised the glass of water to his lips and then paused. He looked over at Peng quizzically, "Mistborns do celebrate birthdays, right? Or do they celebrate when they Snapped, or something weird like that?"

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Day 5 (Not the Princess Bride)


It was getting too easy. Before long, the Inquisitor would have this worthless Crew whittled away to nothingness. But not tonight. Tonight it had something more important. The Inquisitor slid through the mists like an eel in the water, making its way to where it had imprisoned its latest victim.


The Inquisitor’s victim spat at it when the Inquisitor drew near. “Just kill me already. What, in the name of the Survivor, are you waiting for?”


The Inquisitor pulled out the spike it had gathered the night before. In a gravely voice, it replied, “This.”




Cessie had just wanted to have an adventure. She had heard so many rumors about thieving crews, especially recently considering one had killed the Lord Ruler. She never expected it, nor wanted it to turn out like this. Adventures were supposed to be filled with swashbuckling and charming thieves and good conquering all. There had been no swashbuckling, just knives in the back and if these thieves were trying to be charming, they failed miserably. At the very least, a few of them could do with a shower. As far as good conquering all… well, that seemed less and less likely each day.


It was at times like these, when her certainty wavered that she missed her father the most. He might not have been the most attentive of fathers, but he had a solidness to him that was hard to ignore.


Herwynbe was nowhere in sight. Evidently the stresses from the last few days were even getting to him. This breaking down of protocol of even a Terris Steward seemed like a perfect metaphor for how things had gone so terribly wrong. Without Herwynbe around, she would need to find her own way back to the room she had rented. She told herself that it was just silly skaa superstitions; the mists weren’t some mystical thing. But looking out into them now, she didn’t feel so confident.


Steeling herself, she finally stepped out away from the warmth and light of Dyring’s inn and into the night.


By the time she was little more than a block away from her temporary home, she started to relax. It had been silly. She had let all the thieve’s talk get to her. The mists and what they hid held no dangers for her.


As if to spite her, someone lept at her from the top of one the shanties, what looked like a dagger or metal spike in their hand. She cried out and put up a hand to defend herself, but her attacker just batted her arm away and drove the spike into her gut. Cessie’s eyes opened wide in shock and pain. She fell to the ground as her legs wouldn’t continue to support her. Her attacker stood over her, bloodied spike clenched in one hand and Cessie knew that she was as good as dead.


Suddenly, the sound of a whistle and the bloom of a torch could be seen in the distance. Cessie still found it hard to believe that people lived so poorly as the people did in the Harrows, so she had accommodated living quarter in a nicer part of the city. While she still considered it to be roughing it, it did come with a few perks. One of those perks was that there was an actual guard patrol.


Her attacker seemed frozen in thought. Did they stay to finish the job or flee into the night. Eventually they choose to flee, leaving a bleeding Cessie to be found by the guards.




This time, Dyring decided that he was going to stay up all night. He was going to catch them in the act and then that would be that.


As the night wore on, he could feel himself getting tired. After what felt like the 20th time that he had almost dozed off, he decided he needed a drink. That would help keep him awake. Of course, that meant going down into the cellar and leaving his watch on the room, but he wouldn’t be more than a couple minutes. He figured that it would be fine.


Dyring spent a little longer in the cellar than he expected. He found himself debating on how good of a bottle he wanted. If he caught the vandal, then he should have something rewarding. If he didn’t, then he didn’t want to waste a good drink. Eventually he selected a fair to decent bottle as he felt confident in his chances.


When he made it back up the stair and out into the main room, the bottle slipped through his fingers. Evidently, he’d spent more than enough time in the cellar for the vandal to sneak in and write a new message on the wall not covered by his impromptu shield:


Forever writing,

The Tineye harries


Harrying the Tineye,

Written forever.



Day 5 Begins! The time has been gradually growing later and later, so there will only be 34 hours to this day and of course, you can always ask for a 12 hour extension.



And the ability the Inquisitor gave up was:

  • UberCopper - While this ability doesn't protect you from emotional Allomancy like a regular Smoker would be, you register as a Regular Villager during any attempts to seek you.


Cessie turned out to be a Thug! One life down.


Good luck all!

Edited by Metacognition
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