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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Though, I do find this day interesting purely because it seems that everyone has decided that no discussion is really needed.


Well, I did my part, and I think I had every reason not to do anything. I majorly overdosed on caffeine Saturday night/Sunday morning (I ingested somewhere between 400-500 mg because I am an idiot) and spent most of yesterday in bed wanting to die and having absolutely no motivation to do anything at all except drink water and curse my idiocy (quite literally). It was fun.  :wacko:


C'mon, people! If I can force myself to write something in the haze of dizziness and nausea, you sure can too!



....Okay, not really, but we do need some discussion. Even just a little bit. Please?

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I'm going to vote for Eolhondras as well. I've suspected him since D1, and since it doesn't look like we're ever going to lynch PK, I might as well be pragmatic about it.

STINK, care to elaborate on your reasons for voting Antillar?


Well Mailliw my leading suspects are you, PK and Eol.  I have no clue what to make of the write up although it was entertaining ;)


I think I am going to put pressure on Eol right now.  Wilson has laid out some good logic and I would like to see Eol's response.


Well I would like to know why there is so much suspicion on PK but he is supposedly unlynchable.

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He's not unlynchable. I'm investing in him as we speak since I suspect that he's Ruin. It appears that Alv redirected Ruin from Hoid since Endowment never got Ruin back (to be honest, I was hoping Alv would do this since I felt bad about taking Dominion away but if we hadn't, Alv would've forced Survival and Hoid to change alignments and I really didn't want to have to deal with that mess). This is part of why there was no kill last night. If my investment fails, I'll know that I'm right and then we can lynch him. :)

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He's not unlynchable. I'm investing in him as we speak since I suspect that he's Ruin. It appears that Alv redirected Ruin from Hoid since Endowment never got Ruin back (to be honest, I was hoping Alv would do this since I felt bad about taking Dominion away but if we hadn't, Alv would've forced Survival and Hoid to change alignments and I really didn't want to have to deal with that mess). This is part of why there was no kill last night. If my investment fails, I'll know that I'm right and then we can lynch him. :)


I meant more Kipper saying that it doesn't look like they will ever lynch PK. I wasn't saying that he was actually immune to lynches just commenting on the apparent suspicion on him without actions to push a lynch. 

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Seriously? Y'all start talking while I'm sleeping? How rude...


Anyone have a guesses who I think we should lynch?


(btw, thanks Seonid!)



Y'all took too long.


Crazy people. Up at stupid hours in the night talking. Odium frowned. Maybe it was time for that special something he'd prepared earlier. He stood up, clearing his throat. He gestured to the side, and music started to sound. Opening his mouth, he began to sing.


Do you hear me sing this song

Calling you all to vote ‘Wilson’?

It is the music of a person

Who will not be killed again!

Will the beating of my heart,

Continue to echo like a drum

After the write up Joe will post

When tomorrow comes.


Will you join me in my cause?

Who will defy her ‘long with me?

Beyond the Coalition

Is there a game you long to see?

Then join in the lynch

That will give you the right to be free!


Do you hear me sing this song

Calling you all to vote ‘Wilson’?

It is the music of a person

Who will not be killed again!

Will the beating of my heart,

Continue to echo like a drum

After the write up Joe will post

When tomorrow comes.


Will you give all you can give

So that my banner may advance

One will fall, and one will live

Will you stand up and cast your vote?

The blood of her victims

Has watered the Sanderson boards!


Do you hear me sing this song

Calling you all to vote ‘Wilson’?

It is the music of a person

Who will not be killed again!

Will the beating of my heart,

Continue to echo like a drum

After the write up Joe will post

When tomorrow comes.


After the last chords sounded out, he made a flourishing bow, before sitting and steepling his fingers, a grin on his face. The voices joining in the chorus was a promising sign.

Edited by Haelbarde
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I knew what the song was before I clicked the link! I've only watched that movie once but my family sings movie songs all the time so as soon as I read the first line I was sure that was what it was. Good job me! (high-fives myself)


Edit: Now I'm gonna be singing that all day. Great.  <_<

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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My job here is done :P

He's not unlynchable. I'm investing in him as we speak since I suspect that he's Ruin. It appears that Alv redirected Ruin from Hoid since Endowment never got Ruin back (to be honest, I was hoping Alv would do this since I felt bad about taking Dominion away but if we hadn't, Alv would've forced Survival and Hoid to change alignments and I really didn't want to have to deal with that mess). 

evilgrin.png Mwhahahahahaha. Oh, you didn’t kn...You did read the write up, didn’t you?
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He's not unlynchable. I'm investing in him as we speak since I suspect that he's Ruin. It appears that Alv redirected Ruin from Hoid since Endowment never got Ruin back (to be honest, I was hoping Alv would do this since I felt bad about taking Dominion away but if we hadn't, Alv would've forced Survival and Hoid to change alignments and I really didn't want to have to deal with that mess). This is part of why there was no kill last night. If my investment fails, I'll know that I'm right and then we can lynch him. :)

Gosh, Wilson, you could have just asked. :P I'm not Ruin. In fact, I don't hold any powers at all. (If you'll look back a few cycles, I claimed to save you from the poison with my lifeless.) So I don't have anything to contribute except discussion and my vote, which you are kindly making secret. How thoughtful of you. :)

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I'm not convinced on Eol, and would still like some discussion before we lynch another potential Villager(since we've done great so far.). Dow. PK, I think I might be with Kipper on this one. I think he's outlined a better basis for suspicion than there is for Eol. I also don't want to just follow the Not a Coalition lynch train either.

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evilgrin.png Mwhahahahahaha. Oh, you didn’t kn...You did read the write up, didn’t you?

There isn't anything in the writeup. No hints. No nothing. Joe PMed me right after posting it because he is a kind person who knew that I would analyze every detail to discover what happened. Your tomfoolery won't get me scouring it. Sorry. :P

Also, you made me cry from laughter again. Thanks...

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Let's assume I am an OC. I claimed to save Wilson with my lifeless. This implies one of two things. Either A: Wilson is a conspirator or B: somebody else used a lifeless, but they let me say that it was mine. The second one is incredibly unlikely and we trust that Wilson is good, meaning that the first one is wrong. This means that I am probably good.

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Or D: There's another LO who also claimed to protect Wilson, and whom I trust more than you.

Mailliw, I suspect Eol for mostly the same reasons as PK.

Edit: (for whatever reason, 17th Shard didn't put the following text in the first time.) And just because I suspect PK more is not a sufficient reason to me not to lynch Eol. I suspect both, so I don't see any shame in following a lynch train in this case.

Edited by Kipper
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Wilson wasn't supposed to be here. She'd sworn off meddling in these types of affairs after the last time when it had, quite literally, blown up in her face. She still woke up some nights, with the vivid images of fire consuming the court and the pain of poison scorching through her veins. She hadn't figured out how she had survived that night back on Sel, but that was irrelevant to her now. All that mattered was that now, now, a Heatherlocke had turned against her.


She hadn't believed it at first. When Wilkin had told her, she assumed he must be mistaken. A Heatherlocke would never turn against her. They were as loyal as a clan could ever be.


Or so she thought. That song.....that song said otherwise.


She felt betrayed. Horribly, terribly betrayed. How dare he do this?! She stepped forward, out of the darkness and into the light, staring at the Heatherlocke. She snapped her fingers and her own song began.


There was a time when friends were true

When their voices were staunch

And their words unfailing

There was a time when you were new

And you gave me a name

And the name was enlight’ning

There was a time

Then it all went wrong


I dreamed a dream in games gone by

When fear was high

And life just killed me.

I dreamed that I would soon survive

I dreamed that Hael would be more friendly

Then I was young and so naive

And dreams were made and used and wasted

There was no hatred in his soul

No cruel thoughts, no adversaries.


But Odium came along

With his spite strong as a stormwall

And he tore my hope apart

As he turned my Rep to Hate


He stayed an era by my side

He gave a name of such Bright recall

He took my repute in his stride

But he was gone when hatred came


And still I dream he'll come to me

That our clans’ bond would soon recover

But there are dreams that cannot be

And there are scorns we will discover


I had a dream that Hael would be

So different from this hate I’m seeing

So different now from what it seemed

Now Hael has killed the dream I dreamed.

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Night Five: Sworn to Hatred

On the outside, Eoljuun was calm, listening attentively to the arguments made against him. On the inside, he raged at the horrible unfairness of it. He had been lied to, used as a tool, mistrusted, and now they were going to kill him? All he came to do was recover Dominion. It belonged to his Family, and should have been returned to him.

He hated Maw for shattering it. He hated Second for Wielding it. He hated Endowment for Taking it. Most of all, he hated himself for agreeing to work with Odium to get it back.

But Hatred was all that kept him going.

They came for him while he was still thinking. Wilkin and his cronies. She was still wielding that burnt stick that his Lord had tried to destroy. WIlkin paused before him and started to speak.

“Eoljunn, you stand accused-” Eoljunn’s fist knocked him backwards into Queenmaker. Everyone stared at him as He snarled.

“Spare me your self righteous Accusations! You accuse me of Hating? Of course I hate the ones trying to kill me! How does that make me any less than you?”

Wilkin stared up at him, still shocked from the blow. Queenmaker rose with a scowl. “We do not give in to Hatred though, and we strive to remove it.”

“Remove it? Cleanse yourself of Hatred? Hatred is the Purest of all emotions! Every Living or Sentient being feels it! God Himself felt hatred, and you think to remove it? Arrogant fools! Odium will come for you, you cannot stop him! Hatred is already in your hearts. It can corrupt all and any! ANd If you think I’ll let you kill me without a fight, you’ve got another thing coming.” He grabbed the chair he had been sitting on and brought it in front of him, holding it out as a barrier and weapon. “So which of you wants to go Glarg!”

Dropping the chair, he grabbed his throat, attempting to stem the flow of blood suddenly coming from it. HIs eyes widened in fear, and he opened his mouth to speak once more, but nothing came out. He fell to his knees, then toppled to the ground, revealing a very self satisfied Eon, holding a bloody Knife.

“Yeah, that was enough proof for me.”

Eoljunn was Lynched. He was a Champion of Hatred.
Eolhondras(6): Quiver, Wilson, Honey Badger, Kipper, Dowanx, Lopen
Kipper(3): Seonid, Haelbarde, Stink
Paranoid King(1): Mailliw is invisible I guess.

Edited by The Only Joe
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