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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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To Shatter a Shard

Jain shivered in the corner of his cell, his eyes squeezed shut to block out the world. A World devoid of Mercy. He didn’t know how long he’d been in The Cellar. All he knew was what Hoid told him, and the man took a perverse delight in tormenting him.


There was a clang, as the cell door opened. Light fell on his eyelids, and he huddled deeper into the corner. Light meant that Hoid was back. His tormentor. What would it be this time? Another illusion of freedom? Some succulent meal that would turn to ash as soon as he partook of it? Or something new? A hand grabbed him by the neck, and pulled him upright. Ah, so it was to be a beating then.


“Stand up boy. I’m freeing you.”


Jain blinked his eyes open, and looked at his tormentor. Hoid looked regretful, an expression he had never seen before. He tried to respond, but only coughed weakly, and tried again. “I, I can’t.”


Warmth Enveloped his body, and he suddenly felt better than he had in ages. A confident, fatherly voice sounded in his Ear.


“Don’t worry Jain, Hoid isn’t going to hurt you anymore. We need your help. Odium has returned to a new Host. Now Rise.”


He blinked again, then rose one foot. He pressed it against the stone floor and pushed. Hoid let go of his neck, and the prisoner stood on his own for the first time since his Panda’s death. His jailer was looking towards the door, so Jain followed Hoid's gaze to see Leif, the Holder of Endowment. “Thank you Sir. Why do you need me?”


“After the last time Odium struck, we three are the only ones without hatred in our hearts. We three are the only ones to be trusted. Even the other Shards feel and act on his Hatred. We must find the Dread Lord and Destroy him, before he can destroy us. Furthermore, you were once Odium's own Slave. You know his actions and thoughts better than any other. Will you join us Jain?”


“Of course.”




Ash, holder of Odium and Lord of Hatred, watched as the Seventeenth Shard gathered. The last time they had gathered in such numbers, they had been hunting his predecessor. For them to be gathering again spoke of a momentous event. Could it be that they had learned of his revival? Impossible. The only ones who knew were Devotion and Survival, and they would never betray him.


A pillar of Golden Light came down from the heavens, interrupting Ash’s thoughts. A Pale Shin man stepped out and surveyed the crowd. He was followed by two Lifeless, carrying Corpses. The man spoke quietly, and the Lifeless dropped their loads on the ground. The crowd gasped as they saw their faces. Ash just frowned.


Cleo and Kae, Shardholders of Devotion. It looked like they did know he was back. At least he could be more active in killing now, rather than arranging accidents.


The Shin man raised his hands for silence. “Fellow Sharders, these two betrayed us. They have collaborated with others, to bring Odium back.” He paused as the crowd started chattering fearfully. “We were lucky enough to have captured them before they could cause too much Hatred, and their Shard has been given to a new bearer, but we don’t know who else is working for Odium. He has undoubtedly infiltrated us again, along with his champions. So, who among you are willing to help capture them?”


Ash slid back through the crowd as people began to raise their hands in service. Luckily no one knew him in this current identity, so he could sign up as someone completely new, and no one would ever know. He signaled to the others in the crowd he knew, those few who had sworn their loyalty to him. They nodded, and rose their hands in service as well. Together, they would make the Seventeenth Shard tear itself apart, just like last time.


Sign ups for Long Game 14 Have begun!





Long Game based on The Shards: Odium has returned, and is attempting to shatter all shards who will not follow him. The World Hoppers are attempting to stop him. Team Odium (OC’s) Win when they outnumber the Worldhoppers. (This doesn’t include Survival or Neutral!Hoid. The Worldhoppers win when All the OC’s are dead. The Neutral Players win if they are alive at the end of the game.


The Game will take place in 72 Hour Cycles. The Day Turn will be 48 Hours Long, and the Night Turn will be 24 Hours Long. Each player may place One(1) Vote and take One(1) Action each Day Turn. Each player may make One(1) Action each Night turn. UNLESS said otherwise. A Player may not use the same Action Twice per Cycle.


In order to be lynched, a player must have at least two votes on them. If there is a tie, no one is lynched.



Shardic Roles have two abilities, one they can access (Shardic Power), and one they can grant (Investiture Power). In order to use their Shardic Power, they must give their Investiture power to another player (Referred to as Investing a player). That player will keep the Investiture Power for one whole cycle. Some Shards also have a passive ability. This ability is always in use, whether or not the Shard has invested.


If a shard attempts to Invest in another Shard, they are told Exactly: “Your Investment Failed.” This will be copy/pasted into the PM. Nothing else will be told. If their Investment fails, their action also fails.


Multiple Shards may Invest in the Same Worldhopper. That Player may choose to use one ability per Turn. Example; she can use Domination’s Day vote-Change as well as Odium’s Night Kill in the same Cycle.


A Shard may send a Message along with their Investment. This message will be anonymous. The Worldhopper cannot reply. If the Sender chooses to reveal their identity in the message, the GM will neither confirm nor deny the identity. If the Shards sends orders in the message, the Worldhopper is free to obey or disobey them as they see fit.


If a Shardholder is killed, their shard is shattered. Endowment will pick it up and give it to another player. If a player holding a shattered Shard is killed, Endowment picks it up again.


If a player with a Shard goes inactive, the player will lose their shard, and Endowment gets to choose a new Shardholder. This shard is not shattered, and can still invest. This rule is to prevent inactives from wasting shards. Inactivity is judged by the Spec/Dead doc. If enough players in the Spec/Dead doc say that a player is inactive, I will send the Inactive player a PM, telling them they have One turn to prove their activity. This can be done by either taking an action, making a post, or showing me your analysis of the game. (And if the post is along the lines of, ‘yo, I’m not inactive’ it doesn’t count.)



Hoid and Endowment are Village only. Odium and his Champions are Eliminator only. Survival is Neutral. All other roles can be on either the eliminator or the village team.


ENDOWMENT: Shardic: When a player with a Shard is killed, Endowment receives the Shard. Endowment may use that Shard's Shardic Power once. Example: Ruin is lynched on Day 1. Endowment may make one kill. Endowment must give then give Ruin to a player.

Investiture: Once per cycle, Endowment can Invest a Shard in a worldhopper. From this cycle on, the player is treated as being Invested by the relevant Shard, and may use its Investiture Power for the remainder of the game. If this player dies, Endowment picks up the Shard again.

Special Notes: If Endowment is killed, their shard is picked up by a random Worldhopper. It is not shattered.

If Endowment gets 3 or more Shards at the same time, They will be able to make Contingency orders, to ensure that the shards are passed on that turn.

If Endowment hasn’t used a power before they die, the new Holder of Endowment will still be able to use those powers.



CULTIVATION: Shardic: Once per day cycle, Cultivation can submit their vote to the Game Master as a Private Message. This vote takes precedence over the in-thread vote. It may NOT be affected by any vote changing abilities. Cultivation may also begin PM Conversations between herself and any amount of others, or between any three people without being in it herself. These Conversations do not stop until Cultivation dies. Cultivation cannot listen in on any PM’s that she isn’t in. Cultivation may choose to start the Conversations herself, or have the GM start them, keeping her anonymous.

Investiture: Once per cycle, Cultivation can invest in a worldhopper. That player can cast their vote during the next day turn in a Private message with the Game Master. This vote takes precedence over in thread votes. It CAN be affected by any vote changing abilities. The Player may also start one PM Conversation, with up to 3 other people. This Conversation ends once Cultivation takes her power back. If Cultivation invests in the same Worldhopper twice in a row, the Conversation keeps going. The Invested individual may choose to end this PM at any time.



DOMINION: Shardic: Once per cycle, Dominion can change a player's Target. They must specify what action they are changing. (Day Vote, Day Action, Day Invest, Night Action, Night Invest) If they try to change a non existent action, they will instead change a random action. Example: Dominion targets Meta, and makes him use his night invest on Alvron. Meta doesn’t have a Night invest, but does have a night action, so Meta’s Night action hits Alvron.

Investiture: Once per cycle, Domination can invest in a worldhopper. That player can change another player’s vote during the next day cycle. The invested player cannot change Dominion or Cultivation's Vote.



HONOUR: Shardic: Once per night, Honour can target a player, and that player will be Survive one attack. The Player will not know they have been targeted, unless they are attacked.. They can only survive one extra attack. Honour CAN target himself.

Investiture: Once per night, Honour can invest in a worldhopper. That player can Lash someone during the next night phase, letting them survive one attack. Honour and Honour’s Worldhopper can both target the same Worldhopper, allowing them to survive two attacks. They can also target each other.



PRESERVATION: Shardic: Preservation has a One time use of Ultimate Preservation. Once they activate their ability, all actions, investments, votes and retractions made after that point, are null, until that day/night ends. I will be using timestamps for this to be accurate. This includes retracting the Ultimate preservation ability. Once it’s set off, you can’t take it back.

Passive: Preservation can survive a single attack.

Investiture: Once per cycle, Preservation can invest in a worldhopper. That player can survive one attack for a full cycle. This life is not permanent, and will be removed upon the end of the cycle.




DEVOTION: Shardic: During the day, Devotion can take the place of whoever is being lynched, dying in their stead. During the Night, Devotion may target a player. All actions that would have targeted that player, now target Devotion.

Investiture: Once per Cycle, Devotion may target a player. If that player has a minor role, they receive another set of items. (The awakener will be given 3 more breathes, the Voidbringer another charge of Stormlight, etcetera). If the Player does not have a minor role, they are given one, corresponding to the world they are on.



RUIN: Shardic: Once per Cycle, Ruin can target a player for death. He can target a Shard or a Worldhopper.

Investiture: Once per day, Ruin can invest in a Worldhopper. Once every day/night cycle, the invested player can target another player. During the day, a targeted player’s vote doesn’t count. During the night, a targeted player cannot use their ability. This does not stop a shard from investing. They may not Target Ruin.



ODIUM: Shardic: Once per night, Odium can target a player for death. If that player is a Shard, they die. Odium can choose to either shatter the shard, removing it from the game completely, or letting Endowment take it. Odium can NOT shatter Endowment. If Odium attempts to kill a non shardic Player, nothing happens. It is not revealed in the Writeup.

Investiture: During the Day, Odium can invest in a worldhopper. That player can kill a non shardic player during the night phase of the same cycle. If they target a Shard, nothing happens. It is not revealed in the writeup.

Special Notes: If Odium dies, his shard is given to the player last invested in rather than to Endowment.

If Odium attempts to kill a worldhopper who has an extra life, his attack will strip that extra life.

If Odium’s Investee attacks a Shard who has an Extra Life, his attack will strip that extra life.



SURVIVAL: Shardic: None.

Passive: Survival is immune to all non kill actions. But, he starts with 3 Lives, rather than the usual 1.

Investiture: At the cost of one life, Survival can target a player once in the game, and join that player’s team. If Survival targets Odium or a champion of Odium, He joins their Doc. If not, he simply becomes a villager. If Survival has one life left when he targets a player, he miraculously survives.

Special Notes: If survival has not chosen a side by the end of the game, he wins only if he is still alive.

Survival does not have to target a living player. He may target a Dead one instead.



Non Shards:


ODIUM’S CHAMPIONS: Odium's Champions get a doc to conspire in. They may have another role as well.


HOID: If Hoid is invested by a Shard, he gains a copy of that Shard’s Investiture power for the remainder of the game. Hoid may use three of these powers per cycle. (Yolen)

  • Honour: If Hoid is invested by Honour, he can Lash players once during the night cycle for the remainder of the game, saving they from death.

  • Cultivation: If Hoid is invested by Cultivation, he can cast all his votes in Private Messages.

  • Preservation: If Hoid is invested by Preservation, he can survive a single attack for the remainder of the game. If he is attacked, he can be reinvested by Preservation. These lives do not stack.

  • Dominion: If Hoid is invested by Dominion, he can change one players vote during the day cycle.

  • Devotion: If Devotion attempts to invest in Hoid, Hoid mocks her and nothing happens. (Devotion is told “Your Investment Failed”)

  • Ruin: If Hoid is Invested by Ruin, he can prevent one player action during the night cycle.

  • Endowment: Hoid does not keep the shard. He can choose to give it to someone else, or Shatter it, removing it from the game forever. Either way, he is still invested by that Shard. For Example: If Endowment attempts to give him Dominion’s shard, Hoid can use his Dominion ability for the rest of the game. But he must give Dominion to another worldhopper. If he attempts to give it to a shard, Endowment picks it up again.

  • Odium: If Hoid is invested by Odium, once a night he can target a player for death.

  • Survival: If Hoid is invested by Survival, Hoid becomes Neutral. He may now target a Living player to join their team. Survival does not lose a life in this case.


WORLDHOPPER: You aren't from this world. Perhaps you come from Yolen, Scadrial, Nalthis, Sel or Roshar. Maybe you were born on Threnody, or Ashyn. You might hail from Braize. Or are you one of those inhabitants of an unimportant Shardworld? Wherever it is, you have no abilities unless you're invested, but you can still vote during the day cycle.


Minor Roles:


AWAKENER: You start with 3 breaths. Each Cycle you can target a player, and will be told that they have Normal Investiture (meaning an Uninvested Worldhopper or Odium’s champion), High Investiture (A Invested Worldhopper/Hoid or a Minor role), or Oh My God King Investiture (A Shard). You will also be told from which planet this Investiture Originates. (Nalthis)


POISONER: You start with one Vial of poison. You may administer it to anyone. That player will die the same cycle you do. (First of the Sun)


THUG: You start with One vial of Pewter. If you are attacked, you will start consuming one vial of pewter per cycle. Once you run out of pewter, you will die. After you start Consuming Pewter Vials, you will be able to Make One PM per cycle, with no limit on how many people can be in it.(Scadrial)


LIFELESS OPERATOR: You have one lifeless. You can send this lifeless to protect anyone you want, at any time you want. It’s default state is protecting you. If your target is attacked, the lifeless dies instead. (Nalthis)


UNMADE: You have two Charges of Stormlight. The Unmade may use one charge of Stormlight to destroy the planet s/he's on, removing it from the list of possible PM Planets. The Unmade may choose to do this during the day, in which case all participants of the PM will be sent to whichever world has the most players, Or they may send it in at night, which forces players who were transferring to that planet to stay put. (Roshar)


BLOODSEALER: Your pets are ready to hunt. You have 2 skeletals, every Night, you may choose two people and put a bloodseal on them. If they attempt to perform a kill move, one of your skeletals will attack the killer. The Skeletal is destroyed in the process. The Target's attack is also canceled. (Sel)


PM's: There are two ways to use PM's. Cultivation and their Investee can start PM’s. Or you can be on the same planet. Every night, you may choose to go to a certain world. (The amount of Worlds is equal to 1/3 of the Original number of players, rounding up.) All players on that world will be put in a PM group for the duration of that cycle.

You CANNOT PM somebody on the same World as you privately. You just have to talk through the World PM.

Before the Game begins, I will be asking you which World you wish to start on.

(This will affect what minor role you get if Devotion Invests in you.)



Signups will close on Sunday the 30th of August, at 9:00pm PST. (Exactly one week from this posting.) The Game will begin One hour later. Turns will always end at 9:00pm PST, and begin one hour after. We will begin on a Day turn.


If you’re on Mobile, and can’t change the colour of your vote, please go to the bottom of your post, hit enter twice, and say who you’re voting for a second time, so that I don’t miss it.


This is the First and Last game I will say this. THERE ARE NO SECRET ROLES OR RULES.


Final Note*: I’m playing this game as a direct Sequel to A Game of Shards, so if you want to know where the prisoner, Leif, Ash and Cleo/Kae came from, Go read that! At least, read the Final Writeup. The Prisoner is totally Jain, I just need his permission to show that.

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Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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List of Players:

Rule Clarifications:

You will be able to choose which Planet you start on.

A shattered Shard may only use its Investiture ability. If they die again, Endowment will pick them up again. Only Hoid and Odium can completely remove a shard from the game.

The new holder of Endowment will be given any leftover shards and powers that Endowment held.

If Endowment gets too many shards (3 or more), I'll let them make make contingency orders, so that they'll pass the shard on no matter what.

Win conditions: Odium and his Champions must outnumber the Worldhoppers. This does not include the Neutral players. The Worldhoppers need to lynch/kill every Champion and Odium.

You choose which World PM to move to on the Night Turn.

Shards Invest at the same time they send in orders.

If a Shard's Invest Fails, so does their Action.


A Thug consumes one charge of Pewter per cycle, per attack. So if a Thug gets attacked twice, he will consume two charges of Pewter per cycle.

Champions can Copy/Paste FROM pm's, INTO their Doc, but not anywhere else.


The Minor Roles might not be Included at the beginning of the game, but will still be available for a regular to get via Devotion.


Planets only determine what Minor role Devotion gives you.


Your starting planet does not determine or affect your starting Role.


Shards can change planets, just like Normal Players


The planet name after the role is only relevant to awakeners.


If the Awakener targets a roleless worldhopper or Champion, they will be told they are from Braize (Champion) or Yolen (Worldhopper)


I will not outright state what killed a player, but if you read the writeup, you should be able to easily figure it out.


If a Thug with the Shard of Devotion is lynched/attacked, You will be told they will die when they run out of Pewter, the same as if a normal thug was attacked.


If the planet you're on is destroyed by the Unmade, you will be sent to a random planet. If the planet you were moving to is destroyed, you will be sent back to the planet you were leaving.


Preservation can now set a Time for Ultimate Preservation to go into effect, in case they aren't able to get online when they want it to happen.

Edited by The Only Joe
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I am signing up.


My character will continue to be Leyton, who after his unpleasant death on Roshar, has decided to take a break and join the premier travel company in the Cosmere, the 17th Shard. He still feels angry near Roshar though he's not sure if its because his cover was a courier or if its because he didn't enjoy the weather.


Also, all hail the tags.

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Given my recent death in MR8, I suddenly have enough free time to both play this and continue watching X-Files. Yay!


For a character.....I'll go with Wilkin. After helping a few Returned depose the God King, he realized he needed to leave Nalthis and has now found himself tangled up in something that's far beyond him. He just hopes it doesn't result in his demise, since he's really not a fan of dying, even if death never seems to take hold for long. Still, that feeling of your life or soul or whatever leaving your body? That vast emptiness? Not to mention the disorientation when it returns....It's all just plain unpleasant.

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Hmm, to tempt fate by going with Maw again?.. Yup. Why the storms not? Maw, the vengeful farmer from Scadrial(LG3) who lost his best friend and fellow worldhopper, Aili(LG4), a Returned from Nalthis, in an awful battle(QF4) has regained his sentience after losing the Shard of Odium(LG10). He's back and ready to fight. :)

Joe, will we get to choose which planet we start on again?

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I am joining as The Lord Ostrich, a self-inflated descendant of of Lord Ostrich Malesci Tekiel (the Scadrian noble from AG), Lady Ostrice Maleris Tekiel (the Shin Awakener from LG 10, and Maleril Ostrir Chalev Tekiel (the Dark Alley member).  The Lord Ostrich (a Worldhopper) has come to rule Ostra, a small World in the Vaeria solar system, and his hobby is bragging about it.  In his long travels throughout the cosmere, he has also taken the form of an Ostrich, which is now his normal form.

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Couple questions, Joe:


1. A shattered Shard can only use their Shardic power, correct? What happens if they die again? I know in the first version of the game, the Shard was removed after that, but the fact that Endowment picks it back up and can reinvest it indicates otherwise for this version.


2. What happens if a Shard dies, Endowment picks it up, tries to invest it in another Shard (since they no longer have the list of Shardholders), fails, and then Endowment dies before being able to invest the previous Shard? Does Endowment's new holder choose the other Shard's holder?


3. Similarly, what happens if Endowment is incredibly unlucky and keeps trying to bestow fallen Shards on other Shards and ends up with multiple Shards? Since they're only allowed to invest once/cycle, that could be somewhat problematic. (I don't foresee this happening, but I figured I'd mention it just in case)

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1. A shattered Shard may only use its Investiture ability. If they die again, Endowment will pick them up again. Only Hoid and Odium can completely remove a shard from the game.

2. The new holder of Endowment will be given any leftover shards and powers that Endowment held.

3. If Endowment gets too many shards, I'll let them make make contigency orders, so that they'll pass the shard on no matter what.

Thank you for the questions.

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Clink Jr. Son of clink who died in the last fight against Odium will be joining the fight. 


He found the 17th shard while searching for his missing father. Learning about his fathers fate he joined the 17th shard to ensure that his fathers sacrifice wasn't in vain and that Odium would never again reign. He is a bit more cautious than his father which will hopefully allow him to survive longer in this father did. He does not however have the same skills as a salesman which has led to his attempt to take over his fathers business leading him into poverty.

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Maliss, a darkeyed man with a strangely twisted dagger, appears from nowhere. He stumbles as he lands, as though this was his first travel. Glancing around, he seems to recognize the scenery. Grumbling to himself, he tucks the dagger into his pocket and sets off to find the one who stole his spheres.

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Eoljuun watched patiently as the bodies of Cleo and Kae were put on display in front of the gathered seventeenth sharders. Ordinarily he would have despised being in such a crowded forum,  preferring to avoid human contact whatsoever,  but given the opportunity that Odium's return presented,  anonymity within the crowd would have to suffice for now. 

Eolkin,  the previous holder of Dominion had been Eoljuun's brother.  He had also been a fool.  As one of the shards who fell during Odium's last excursion into the physical realm,  he had shown himself as unworthy of a Shards powers and was to be despised. But all of that was unimportant now.  What matters is whether men and women of the same calibre had since taken over those shards.  If so, there was likely to be more blood shed before this conflict was over, and shards that find themselves without a holder.

If fools were continually being allowed to holders of shards,  why not be one of those fools?

Eoljuun an opportunist is signing up. 

P. S. Hilarious tags Joe,  10/10

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Can I join? I'll be Coco, just another Seventeenth Sharder who only joined because of the traveling perks and is very annoyed at the whole "Odium Returns" thing.




((Eeeep! Look at all these old and experienced players. I feel like a sheep in a lion's den.))

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