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Now that someone has agreed kinda with me, I'll feel free to vote for (Alvron) Meta. If you take yours off and stop this wagon, I'm fine with doing the same, but you are way too certain on way too little evidence.

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Alvron Meta, you'd better have a good explanation. I really just don't see your logic(or I do see your Coinshot logic). So Phat posted his coins. But you think he was lying! Oh noes! Let's lynch him! Wait, but was he lying? Why would he post his coins if he was lying and there was no reason to and other people could figure it out? But he was defending himself! Do people not defend themselves? I can see why a villager might not, since they don't need to live, but to them, a lynch against the village is very bad, and it is worth going for a lynch maybe-against the village. But he got extra coins from the passenger car! Did he? When I was there in cycle 1, he only bet 1. Everyone else was betting two, so did he bet more than 3 in cycle 2? No!

That got a bit long, but I think it expressed the way all this seems.

For now, I'm going with Meta.

Weren't you going to check with Renegade about whether Phat got 2 coins in cycle 1? What makes you think Ren will tell you? Or are you clarifying what a relevant post is?

Edited by Shallan
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Uh... I've just been counting whether a person's actually posted or not, rather than whether it is "relevant" (since that's somewhat ambiguous).  I think that the only possibly irrelevant posts I've seen are stating that a player is going to be absent during a cycle, so I've decided to count them.  (However, please do not try to abuse this in the future.)

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Uh... I've just been counting whether a person's actually posted or not, rather than whether it is "relevant" (since that's somewhat ambiguous).  I think that the only possibly irrelevant posts I've seen are stating that a player is going to be absent during a cycle, so I've decided to count them.  (However, please do not try to abuse this in the future.)


There you have it. You posted multiple times during the first cycle, Phat, so you should've had 9 coins rather than 8 at this point in time. As such, you've lied about your total number of coins. Or, you used one and you are lying about where it went. 


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you your first Coinshot Clan Member! Now, I expect to die a most gruesome death at the end of this cycle, but Shallan had definitely been removed from my unsuspected list. I would also like for everyone to likely start looking very closely at those that tried to swing this vote in another way. That was a lot of votes on Alv (whom I don't really suspect much anymore) just for his supposed inactivity! I suspect that one or two of the CCs were trying to save Phat. 




Also, here is the current vote tally:


Phat (5)- Gamma, Meta, Peng, Jain, Orlock
Meta (4)- Bridge Boy, Alv, Phat, Shallan
Alv (1)- Bort
Peng (1)- Leif
Orlock (1)- Burnt
Clanky (1)- Dow
Dow (1)- Aanwolf
Bort (1)- Zas
Jain (1)- Neo
I know that everyone wants their coin and also doesn't want to be the one to actually kill someone, but these single placed votes are really no better than voting for yourself. You're not giving the other passengers any reason to suspect you, no. But, you're not giving them any reason to trust you either. Eventually, that kind of thing starts leaning towards suspicion, so I hope the rest of you wind up starting to vote for real in the future! 
Edited by Metacognition
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Don't feel too bad, Phat. If I'm somehow horribly wrong (or I fear, if I'm horribly right!), I'll be joining you very, very soon! :)


I don't see how betting has anything to do with your total number of coins based on previous rounds. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Wow this discussion has gotten serious since I last read through this.


Phat, your last two comments don't agree with each other, even given the possibility of a normal slip-up in counting.  I'm gonna have to remove my vote from Dow and change it to Phat if for no other reason than to prevent a last minute sway by the coinshots, since your slip-ups have me giving the edge to Metal...

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Station 4: Sidetracked

(Many thanks to Phattemer, for writing his impending death scene.)

Seixa grinned as he looked around the car. There were lots of nice people around, and some were even talking about cake! Suddenly he looked up. Someone was talking about him! “Oh Harmony…” he whispered to himself. Did they think he was a member of the Coinshot Clan? But Seixa had never fired a gun in his life! Of course, he had shot a few coins, but that was all behind him now.  What was that man’s name? Ah, Grind! But why on Scadrial would he suspect Seixa of all people! “Excuse me, Grind?” He walked over to the heavyset man and took a seat. “Why do you think I could kill someone?”

“Well… I mean, not necessarily kill someone yourself, you seem far too genteel and refined, not to mention stylish! But I heard you were hoarding money from that gambling game in the Passenger Car!” Seixa was shocked.

“But that was to help everybody! Nobody lost, except the conductor!”

“Ah, but some of us think you’re trying to hire that shady character who’s been floating around these parts.”

“The assassin? I would never…” Seixa began, then stopped. Grind wasn’t interested in what he had to say.

“Look everybody, here’s all the money I have! I didn’t get any more than anyone else!” Met-al leaned in a little closer.

“Hmm! So if this and this add up, carry the five, subtract two… he’s lying! Everyone, he must be a Coinshot! Why else would he lie to us?”

“But I wasn’t!” Seixa cut off with a gasp. More and more people were closing in. Some had their fists clenched, looking to enact revenge.

“Wait! All we have is Met-al’s word! Did anyone do the math themselves?” some other person said. The mob shuffled their feet, and eventually turned toward Met-al.

“No no no. He obviously used the extra coins to tell his fellow Coinshots what to do! Get him!” Met-al shouted, driven to a frenzy by the mob surrounding him.

“Stop! There is no extra coins! Met-al is just bad at math! We shouldn’t lynch him though! Why not Nails!” The crowd turned. Nails was asleep in the corner. Met-al wasn’t having any of it.

“CONDUCTOR! WE NEED A CONDUCTOR IN HERE!” he yelled, but the conductor was asleep too, and didn’t notice. Part of the crowd turned back. They were well and truly split now. Now someone was saying that they would hire the assassin, and make them do nothing.
Nails woke with a start.

“What! Where? Who? Me? No! I was asleep! Don’t kill me!” After hearing this, the crowd laughed, and almost everyone left him, to stand menacingly close to Seixa and Met-al. Seixa frowned.

“I didn’t even want you to lynch him, and now it’s Met-al or me! Well I’m not a Coinshot, so let’s go get Met-al!” Quite a few of the crowd were now looking at Met-al appraisingly, but would it be enough?  It seemed like more than half! Finally, the conductor walked in.

“All right, settle down, settle down. EVERYONE TO A SEAT! NOW! Now, who thinks this here Seixa is a low-down dirty skulldugerrin’ Coinshot Clanner?” Many of them raised their hands. The conductor took names, writing them on an undersized notepad. “And how many for Met’al?” It was less. Seixa groaned. “Seixa, you’d better be coming with me.” Seixa was dismayed. But he wasn’t guilty!

“Met-al. You’ll see. You’ll see when we’re done. You know what you’ve done. You’ll pay…. for a drink!” Seixa jerked free and gave everyone on the train a free drink, except the people who had voted for him. “Ha! You all will pay!” He then went with the conductor, quietly and sadly. Seixa would never see his six pet bunnies again. Not even the baby one.

“On your knees!” The group in the train car paused. Had they done the right thing? It was too late to change their decision, anyway…  The crack of a gunshot broke the silence. Maybe…. just maybe, he was a nice Coinshot? Then their hopes were dashed when the conductor walked back in. “Yup. He- was- clean!”

After that, the passengers broke into a frenzy.  “Impossible!” some exclaimed.  “We’re doomed,” muttered others.  “Life is over and I’ve never found inner peace!”  “All is lost!”

Then, among the cacophonous din, a second shot rang out in the confined cabin, and everyone turned to look at Senn Conrad-Tekiel, whose body was now limp, an expertly-aimed shot to the heart marking him dead.  The crowd fell silent, as they had for the third time in their experience on The Steelway Express.

“Wonderful,” Gavin Gardre muttered to himself, going back up to the front of the train, “just wonderful.”

After all of the hubbub with the last two deaths, the passengers turned on Met-al just before their departure.

“Seixa wasn’t a Coinshot,” Vindication noted, “it must be him!”

Met-al put his meaty hands up.  “Met-al not know that Seixa was good guy!  Seixa lied to us!”

Everton Slade and Nails looked at Met-al suspiciously as well.  “He’s surely big enough that he could he could easily hide a gun,” Nails said.  “We should check him.”

“NO!” Met-al shouted, ripping a seat up from its foundation on the passenger car and hurling it in Nails and Everton Slade’s direction.  The two dove in opposite directions, barely missing the upholstered missile.

“Conductor!” Vindication shouted.  “We need you in here!”

Met-al roared and pushed Vindication back, slamming her to the floor.  “Met-al not think we need conductor!”  Zane, Grind, and a few of the other men nearby rushed to try to subdue Met-al, but the big man swatted them away as if they were flies.  Then, Met-al grabbed a table and hurled it at another group of clustered passengers.  Bortholemew, Dow, and Penga all ducked behind a seat from the attack.

Then, someone strode into the frantic passenger car, holding a briefcase and card in his hand, dressed in a dashing suit and tie.  “Hold it!” he shouted.  “Hold it!  Uh, someone hired me to assassinate a certain… Met… al.  Anyone know who that is?”

Everyone stopped, except for Met-al, who swiped a large fist towards Leif Erikeller and Old Wolf, knocking both of them off their feet.  The passengers that remained standing all pointed towards Met-al, who looked completely enraged.

“Is that a koloss?” the assassin yelped.  “Man, they never taught me how to deal with those things in training.  Um, let me see here…” the assassin opened up his briefcase and took out a pistol.  “Hmm… hopefully this will do.”  The assassin closed his eyes and pulled the trigger, hoping that the bullet would end up hitting Met-al.

The gun didn’t shoot.  “Shoot!” the assassin cried.  “It didn’t shoot!  That doesn’t even…” the assassin didn’t get to finish as the full weight of Met-al crashed into him, blowing him into the back wall of the passenger car.  “Ah, that hurt,” the assassin muttered.

“Met-al not like being shot at!” Met-al roared, and grabbed the assassin’s gun, the pistol practically jumping straight out of his hand.  Met-al pointed the gun at the assassin’s head, and pulled the trigger.

Again, nothing happened.  “Oh, oh, I see now!” the assassin said, looking at the gun.  “I forgot to turn the safety off!  Man, that is just so embarrassing that…” the assassin suddenly stopped as he heard Met-al flick the safety off.

Met-al fired, only to find the bullet shot straight into his own skull.  Met-al crashed to the floor of the car, shaking the entire cabin.

“Ha!” the assassin yelled.  “Ha ha!  Backwards-firing pistol!  Man, I’m such a genius.  I should totally start marketing this thing.  People would love it!  Anyway, see you guys later!”  With that, the eccentric assassin picked up his gun from the hulking corpse of Met-al, and literally leapt off of the passenger car.

Vote Tally:
Seixa (5): Jain, Grind, Locke, Penga, Old Wolf, Met-al
Met-al (4): Seixa, Vindication, Everton Slade, Nails
Bortholemew the Blind (1): Zane
Locke (1): Symmer Ghetti
Vindication (1): Senn Conrad-Tekiel
Nails (1): Bortholemew the Blind
Jain (1): Neo
Penga (1): Leif Erikeller
Doctor McNinja (1): Dow

Seixa was lynched!  He was a
Senn Conrad-Tekiel was killed!  He was a
Passenger too.
Met-al was assassinated!  He was also a

Station 4 begins now, and will end in 22 and a half hours.  There will be another Assassin available today.  Good luck!

Edited by Alvron
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Well this will be a short day. 


still don't know how Phat managed to argue all-freaking-day about how he shouldn't have had the coins due to "game relevance" and then, only at the very end, decide to bring out the fact that he forgot to put in his order for his bet on Cycle 1. If my coin count was called into jeopardy by a miscount, I would've been scouring my PMs and trying to find out the "why" of it rather than just wait; especially if I was being so adamant in thread! I would've been looking for any piece that might exonerate me. 


But I can't speak for Phat's actions. I can only speak for mine. I made the best decision at the time, based on the information I had. My logic was sound based off what I had to work with. I fully understand how this looks and if/when you all want to lynch me, by all means. It won't help you get any closer to finally killing one of the CCs, but it's perfectly understandable. 


I will spend the cycle looking over everything that I can and I will provide my final thoughts at the end, so that when I am revealed to be a passenger, hopefully something within it will help the rest of you afterwards. 


Best of luck! 


EDIT: Evidently, I'm dead! So I guess you already know the outcome of all of this! :P 

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UPDATE: I messed up with one of the Assassin bids, so Met-al is dead as well.  He was a Passenger.  Sorry about that, everyone.  There will still be an Assassin bid today.  I'll also update this thread to include Meta's death sometime tomorrow.

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Ok I am back and trying to catch up on everything that has happened while I was gone. Here are some initial read through thoughts.


As for Metas plan to bankrupt the CC's I think everyone is viewing it the wrong way. Yes there is a greater chance of bankrupting a passenger than a CC but that shouldn't matter. The villagers outnumber the CCs so we will still have the monetary advantage even if a few of us go bankrupt. However as has been pointed out several times without roles discussion is paramount. Now in a normal game there is only one lynch-like environment which is the actual lynch vote. However if we use the buffet car as a pseudo lynch then we can have three lynch-like environments. This leads to more discussion, more people under pressure and hopefully more slip-ups by the CC especially with-out a google doc to conspire in. I say this is worth losing a few coins.


I do have one suspicion from my initial read-through and it is Orlok. Some reasoning:


-Votes for phattemer to distance the vote to make it "harder to manipulate". There are no vote manipulation roles in this game so any "manipulation" would have to be by actual pblic votes in the thread. So basically what this is saying is"I want this vote to be a bandwagon".


-Secondly said we should cease discussion in the PMs which I think is a terrible idea in every way and not very justifiable for a passenger. Discussion is ALWAYS a good thing. People can often be more open in a PM and it also gives a place to discuss people who aren't in the carriage with you which can be useful. This isn't one of those games where their is danger of the whole game ending up in PMs or one where only a select few are able to PM. Also worth mentioning that just a few posts previous Orlok called out his carriage for being too silent in the PM


-Thirdly. When he first voices suspicion about Adamir he wasn't willing to place a vote unless someone else had the same suspicions because his vote alone wouldn't actually get Adamir lynched. This unto itself is odd but where it gets really weird is when on his second time voting for Adamir he removes his vote because he doesn't want to actually threaten him with a lynch. 


Some very odd behaviour I see from Orlok. 

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Ok, firstly, I voted for Phatt to prevent the vote being swung towards Alvron with a single switch - O felt far more confident Phattemar was an eliminator than Alvron was - evidently mistakenly.

Secondly, I think you misinterpret my suggestion - I do not want to cease discussion - rather to move it all to the main thread, giving everyone greater access to information, and preventing eliminators hiding. I believe, on balance, that the loss of the facilities for private discussion are worth the larger forum for discussion available in the thread.

I called out my carriage for its silence because my idea hadn't been agreed upon, and because relatively few people in my carriage had spoken at all - whether in the carriage or in thread - and being in the caboose carriage, 90% of the way through a cycle, we had yet to have a single vote for a target.

The first lynch cycle, I was unwilling to out a vote on Adamir because I was uncertain whether my suspicions were widely held - I was not at that point convinced his actions were anything but an over zealous first time player.

The second lynch cycle, as you can discover by rereading the thread, I removed my vote because Adamir I felt had adequately defended himself, and because his promise to role block himself continually did not ring true for an eliminator - it made me believe him just to be an albeit inexperienced villager desperate to live.

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I want to know if Shallan won the bid, or if it was someone else. Was it a CC? Was it one of the voters for Met-al? It'd be nice to know if Meta was a mistaken villager's bid or if it was a CC who claimed the extra kill. 

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Player List:

Zane Tevison (zas678)

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Symmer Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

Miss Evyn (Lady Eowyn) Passenger

Grind (Gamma Fiend)

Senn Conrad-Tekiel (Seonid) Passenger

The Pooh with a Name (Araris Valerian) Passenger

Locke (OrlokTsubodai)

Seixa (phattemer) Passenger

Bortholemew the Blind (Bort)

Vindication (Shallan)

Everton Slade (Bridge Boy)

Doctor McNinja (Clanky)

Nails (Alvron)

Neo (Neodymium)

Penga (jasonpenguin)

Mennet Farrsolin (Adamir) Passenger

Leif Erikeller (leiftinspace)

Silent Man (The Only Joe)  Passenger

Old Wolf (Aanwolf)

Dow (dowanx)

Met-al (Metacognition)  Passenger


Vote tallies:

Station 3:

 Seixa (5): Jain, Grind, Locke, Penga, Old Wolf, Met-al

Met-al (4): Seixa, Vindication, Everton Slade, Nails

Bortholemew the Blind (1): Zane

Locke (1): Symmer Ghetti

Vindication (1): Senn Conrad-Tekiel

Nails (1): Bortholemew the Blind

Jain (1): Neo

Penga (1): Leif Erikeller

Doctor McNinja (1): Dow



Station Two:

Vote Tally:

Mennet Farrsolin (3): Zane Tevison, Symmer Ghetti, Miss Evyn

Met-al (2): Jain, Grind

Seixa (2): Seixa, Bortholemew the Blind

Locke (2): Neo, Mennet Farrsolin

Penga (1): Senn Conrad-Tekiel

Jain (1): Locke

Vindication (1): Vindication

Doctor McNinja (1): Everton Slade

Neo (1): Doctor McNinja

Nails (1): Nails

Leif Erikeller (1): Leif Erikeller

Dow (1): Dow

Old Wolf (0): Old Wolf



Station One:

The Pooh without a Name (3): Senn Conrad-Tekiel, Silent Man, Old Wolf

Mennet Farrsolin (3): Zane Tevison, Miss Evyn, Locke, Bortholemew the Blind

Leif Erikeller (2): Seixa, Penga

Grind (2): Nails, Met-al

Vindication (2): Grind, Dow

Met-al (2): Mennet Farrsolin, Leif Erikeller

Nails (1): Jain

Dow (1): Symmer Ghetti

Seixa (1): Doctor McNinja

Bortolemew the Blind (1): Neo





So, checking out the vote tallies, the first thing I noticed is that Phattemer had 5 votes, but 6 people voted for him. I'm going to assume that the extra person was whoever was kicked off the caboose last round. Anyone care to step forward?


We had a total of 17 votes last night (including whoever was caboosed), so only one vote unaccounted for - Doctor McNinja. Now, he is a ninja, so it is entirely possible that he did place a vote, but his ninja skills masked it from all of us, so I'd like to ask Doctor McNinja, how come no vote?

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Well, I didn't win. But that means I can almost definitely get the Assassin this time. I'll still take suggestions, but it's probably going on Jain right now.

Also, has anyone seen a post from Neo lately? (pokie)

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