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Everything posted by PunSpren

  1. you also have to consider Gavilar couldn't write it himself, he would have to transcribe the message to Mr.T
  2. We know from WOK from Mr. T himself that Gavilar told him things that night. But then again Kabranth is a small city, and your talking about the king of an essentially a world power. Its not unreasonable that it wouldn't be particularly notable. They would treat him respectfully of course, but notable? Not necessarily
  3. Why would Atium have no value in the current future eras? even if you cant burn it, with the increased focus on hemalurgy as a plot point an atium spike could be quite interesting......
  4. My wife got to ask this question of Brandon at Gencon "Does harmony have Straff Venture's hidden Atium" Which was based off this question in the ultimate list. "Straff tells Zane he’s buried a cache of atium where only he knows. Shortly thereafter, he dies. Did Straff retrieve it? Was he lying? Did Ruin find it and metabolize back a tiny bit of his own power? Did Harmony eventually find it? Or is there a little bit more atium left in the world than we realize?" The paraphrased answer was this Brandon: " Harmony has everything he needs, but that doesn't answer your question, No Harmony does not have Straff's Atium" That could means there is a little more Atium hidden away during the later eras! I know it doesn't answer all parts of the question in the ultimate list, but it helps !
  5. My wife asked this question yesterday at Gencon "Does harmony have Straff Venture's Atium" Which was based off this question in the ultimate list. "Straff tells Zane he’s buried a cache of atium where only he knows. Shortly thereafter, he dies. Did Straff retrieve it? Was he lying? Did Ruin find it and metabolize back a tiny bit of his own power? Did Harmony eventually find it? Or is there a little bit more atium left in the world than we realize?" The paraphrased answer was this Brandon: " Harmony has everything he needs, but that doesn't answer your question, No Harmony does not have Straff's Atium" That could means there is a little more Atium hidden away during the later eras! I know it doesn't answer all off the question in the ultimate list, but it helps !
  6. Peter has confirmed that it is the rest of the Alloy annotations on his twitter in a question asked by Weiry, but that doesnt stop me from wanting them sooner
  7. The first thing that come to mind for me is Stephen Kings "Beams" in the Dark Tower Saga, The beams hold up creation and center on the tower. So If this is indeed a clue of some sort, I think it is more a super structure, something with how the three realms of Physical, Cognitive, and spiritual are held together, or apart.
  8. Well, I cant say that this is super surprising, Lots of folks were guessing that this was likely, seems like something Brandon would do , The Question now becomes Kari, when he said this was he referring to the definitely dead flashback character being in the back 5, or just one of the 10 ? Because using that, we can narrow down who might die by a significant amount maybe
  9. Has anyone heard of any updates on when the final Unlock will be ? June 24 and still nothing last I checked
  10. Soooooo, What part of this was supposed to be the the april fools ? I found it the be utterly gripping when i read it I was shaking like a....twig...... the entire time!
  11. You bring up several good points and without further information this is all just speculation, but I did have one thing to point out with what you said. You said considering the level of superstition that they are regarded with. You gotta remember that this is Mr. T, a person who was quite literally the smartest human on Roshar ever ( if only for a short period). So not only do we have a person that is super knowledgeable but has proven that knowledge is the thing he holds highest above all else. So right there we have a person to whom superstition would literally mean nothing to him if he could use it to his advantage. I mean he has etc. This doesn't prove anything of course but i would definitely not rule out the involvement of an Aimain, hell they would fit right in with that bunch.
  12. So From the Rysn Interlude Larkin seems like its more and more likely
  13. Yes thats the one, Even Mr. T remarks that he found something odd about that, and since we know that one species of amain can change their body however they want, there would be a nice symmetry to the other being able to change their mental state/ emotions. I know its pretty tenuous but I do believe that the passage we are talking about is significant..... Or just a red herring
  14. I believe we have met another aimain besides axies as well. If you look at the tarviniagian.... Mr. T interlude I believe there is evidence Mrall is amain as well. Edit: spelling
  15. Thats why its perfect! "Veil" is NOT a lighteye
  16. Im not thinking so much two timing as Shallan getting herself in trouble by allowing herself as veil to get to know and get close to Kaladin as Veil, I dont think Shallan is truly going to be thinking of Kaladin in that manner but she is certainly fascinated by him,we know this from the viewpoint we got to see after the chasms. Im not saying it would be the best way to go about things but would leave room for some character development for both of them. And Mraize's comments about Shallan being the hidden identity makes me wonder about Veil getting some more time on screen and exploring things Shallan might know better than to do.
  17. Ok Crazy theory time that's not entirely baseless So we know from WOB that He doesn't like the tradition love triangle but that he does like conflict in relationship. We also know that we have a certain lighteyed lady who has an illusionary snarky darkeyed persona, and who has a slight, "fascination" with a certain darkeyed spear-man( now lighteyed yes, but you try telling Kaladin that). So with all the Shalladin talk going on that I dont think is going to happen, and the fact that after WOR I actually like Adolin, I think this is the kinda thing that might just be up Brandons' alley? Soooo Thoughts, jokes,baseless speculation ?
  18. Now that, that may be something to look into, could the desert be some sort of symmetry to the equally confusing purelake?
  19. Cold Deserts are actually quite common, so I kinda doubt it
  20. Hey Peter! Since most of us probably dont have the requisite knowledge needed to solve this Easter egg, care pointing us towards another ?
  21. Ok a few things to note when rereading "Talns"? interlude that are fishy to me "The Gift and words. Not his. Never his. Now his" ( note the capital applied to Gift, This is spoken by "Taln") "How did you separate it from him, Bordin? We didnt, Brightlord, He just dropped it. And it didnt vanish away? Not bonded, then. He couldnt have had it for long. Were his eyes this color when you found him? ( Question to Bordin, Note that the understanding here is that Bordin found him, No mention of the gates of Kholinar) "That is an Alethi accent" When we get to the Chapter with Shallan sneaking in to see "Taln" she mentions that he speaks perfect Alethi, this compared to the end of TWOK and the earlier Taln interlude do NOT match up. What is "the Gift" ?
  22. Are you looking at the small glyph in between the black ones when you are doing this "SASASSASAS" translation, I havent been able to see it close enough to know what the little white glyph means ?
  23. I mentioned that somewhere around page 2 or 3 of this thread, that glyph behind the R's is the same glyph that is around one of the compass rose. Its patterned only 3 times radially instead of the 8 we see around the compass rose. And the glyph itself seems to be made out of the white lines or negative space EDIT: Added photos and additional comment : Ryshadium It wasnt really discussed when I mentioned it early on so thanks for bringing it up again !
  24. All the maps and illustrations from TWOK and WOR are on Brandons' website, Ive been quickly clicking back and forth between tabs with the maps that are shared between the two books rather frantically looking for any differences unfortunately that hasn't helped
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