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Sabrina Stormshard

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About Sabrina Stormshard

  • Birthday 07/30/1989

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Hoid's Illicit Mistress
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  • Location
    London, UK
  • Interests

    Check out my goodreads to see what I'm reading: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/21487024-sabrina

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  1. Fellow 17th Shard-ers, I have a favour to ask; I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year and have posted some of the story I'm writing here: https://tablo.io/sabrina-castiglione/tenets-of-blood I would really appreciate it if you could click on the link because it gets me 'reads' which bumps me up on the 'emerging' page which will help me get more reads, in a lovely and not entirely sensical example of circular logic. More people reading = more feedback on my work, which is really valuable to me, so if you have a spare minute and aren't too annoyed by this blatant link-whoring, please do spare a click for this little lost soul So, please do click; if you want to actually read, that's great, but don't feel obliged. Many thanks x
  2. "LOVE ME" Nightblood's more romantic sister, Heartblood
  3. emphasis mine, but where did it say that? I dont remember that!
  4. We have confirmation from Brandon that Nazh is from Threnody (Shadows for Silence)
  5. PLEAAAASE PM me the answers to any white sand qs also will be hyped to hear any silence divine excerpts
  6. just seen this: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2014/08/stormlight-archive-scene-after-words-of-radiance an extended version of the jasnah reading!
  7. Just seen this: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2014/08/stormlight-archive-scene-after-words-of-radiance it's an extended version of the jasnah reading. have amended above!
  8. So at the recent london signing we got some Q's answered and RAFO'd and we also got a new reading which may or may not be in book 3 but is super exciting nonetheless! I figured we need a book 3 readings thread. Readings from Stormlight Archive 3: Stones Unhallowed Jasnah 1 (recorded by me & askthepaperclip, transcribed by WeiryWriter) Link: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14339-qs-and-as-from-the-london-signing Also: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2014/08/stormlight-archive-scene-after-words-of-radiance Kaladin 1 (recorded by shallandavar.tumblr.com, transcribed by WeiryWriter) Link: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/13089-fantasycon-reading/?p=158227 Reply with links to any new readings and I'll add to the list!
  9. We had a reading and q&a in london. reading transcribed, will post a link to the q&a here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14339-qs-and-as-from-the-london-signing once it's uploaded
  10. We got a few answers at the london signing, link here, plus a new SA3 reading: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14339-qs-and-as-from-the-london-signing/#entry165906
  11. YAY! You put the pic as the map of roshar! 4d...3d...2d.... Link to new thread with the reading and our q&a's: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14339-qs-and-as-from-the-london-signing/#entry165906 Christian, your recording is probably waaaay better plus it has all the questions so let us know when you upload it! Ooh and your lovely missus' photos
  12. Ok! There was a stormlight 3 (Jasnah) reading which will get uploaded. I asked 2 qs: 1) Where is Nazh from? A: Threnody! 2) Could an awakened sentient object (e.g Nightblood ) bond a spren? A: technically but the specific circumstances you would need Would need are so bizarre, in practice no. Here's my audio file: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1FAsBtYr0cK http://speedy.sh/eqwmY/VN-20140804-00001-1.mp3 spoiler alert, I think Ivory is meant to have an Indian accent! sorry about the bad quality. I think askthepaperclip has a better quality version plus question recordings Here is Weiry Writer's transcription: Also here's a link to all current SA3 Readings: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14403-stormlight-archive-book-3-readings/ EDIT: Tor just posted an extended version of the jasnah reading! http://www.tor.com/blogs/2014/08/stormlight-archive-scene-after-words-of-radiance
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