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Everything posted by taveren

  1. legal, just, and moral are very different. i would say her actions you probably legal definitely just and not moral. each order cares more about one of the then the others sly doesn't care whats legal or just but what is morally right. the skybreakers are concerned with absolute justice but we don't know enough about the elsecallers to know for sure what ivory cares for
  2. the shadow thing is odd jasnah's shadow does that in her flashback i wonder if theres a conection
  3. is it possible that the almighty is both honor and cultivation. i just thought of it when i read the double eye of the almighty. its 2 circles touching inside the eye. also looks a bit like the map of roshar sideways. also as i wright this i thought 2 like having 2 surges combining in to one order like the 2 shards being seen as one almighty i wonder if 2 is one of the important numbers to roshar
  4. granted but you be chased forever by omnipotent cats i wish to always know were to be for interesting things to happen
  5. has anyone talked about why roshar's land masses look a bit like they are spinning almost like a hurricane. could just be me but it seems an odd coincidence that it looks like that on a planet that has just a never ending line of hurricane like storms.
  6. i guess it wouldn't work for breaths unless the stamp could change things for more then just the item stamped. as in if you stamped yourself in to having breaths somewhere people would lose breaths due to a rewriting of time and when the stamp went away the breaths would go back as if they were never gone. thus you couldn't give them away and stockpile the same number over and over since they would disappear after each stamp
  7. that is why i was useing hoid since i figured he would have more investiture. this was mostly just an odd thought i had in my head and wondered if anyone else had considered it and i didn't notice i spelled human wrong till you said something i guess spell check didn't pop up on the title
  8. since shards are a large amount of investiture with an intent and humens all have some investiture themselves does the investiture of the person have any lasting effect on the shard however insignificant. we could even say this person was hoid who as far as we know is the most invested non shard if so could we just keep a chain of hoids holding a shard one after another till you get something with a completely different intent
  9. what about power with less requerments like breaths or maybe chayshan
  10. would it be posible to stamp yourself and give yourself a separate power like aondor. or maybe you could go even farther and stamp yourself with powers from other worlds
  11. i would like to learn more of this leafiness
  12. and lo the stick bore a son and leaf was born i am a leaf
  13. i wonder if that is becuase hoid could have done so much more to help kelsier and the rest. like just kill the lord ruler for them or tell them about ruin
  14. well theres only a few options for what he wants he ether wants to put the shards back together kill certain shards and then put him back together without those or shatter all shards but that last one seems unlikely. going around collecting powers and items is just a means to an end. being the most powerful non shard he would be able to get anything else done easily
  15. he didn't seem that mad he is good and controlling his emotions although the jokes he made about the flute did seem a bit forced
  16. bs said there was some weapon out there made by Adonalsium's opposite so maybe that. not where where saw that thought
  17. he took that staff in the emperors soul i think i saw somewhere that it isn't a normal staff
  18. not sure about murdering in cold blood thing sadeas basically told him to his face he planed on killing his father
  19. who is to say they didn't just evolve on their own
  20. he might have said the third also since it is two sentences skipping all the way to the third makes it suspicious. it is listed as two different oaths in the wiki
  21. i guessed in an earlier post that the pink crystal is an aether and that the person writing to hoid mentions a dead gem so maybe its an aether that hoid discarded, also gives credence to the theory that hoid is connected to the ghostbloods somehow
  22. renarin has the same spren as ym so i would guess after ym was killed the spren went to the next best candidate Renarin. granted we don't know exactly when the ym interlude was but its probably safe to assume it wasn't far in to the past. its unlikely that his boon was forgetting his wife since if he had asked for that it probably wouldn't work like he wanted. none of her other boons seem to do quite what was asked for
  23. i remember him feeling guilty but i don't remember what exactly was going on in that scene. but i remember thinking the guilt was from not being able to remember his wife
  24. who knows maybe its is just solidified stormlight in the shape of armor would also explain why it gives added strength and the halfshards don't since they are just strengthened metal
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