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Everything posted by taveren

  1. i also wonder what the implications would be if he became a shardblade would it change anything in the highstorms. would they still imbue stormlight in to gems while he was in sword form
  2. i think the god beyond would be the non shard god
  3. i don't think hoid wants to grab any shards for himself at least not yet it seems like he is just setting things up for later. like bowling pins he wants to knock then all down in one go
  4. even if hoid didn't tell him kelsier might have become aware of who he really was when he looked after preservation
  5. just because there was opposition to adonalsuim doesn't make it an equal to him/it or that it is still around
  6. we don't know for sure how powerful he is at any point but i suspect he could have done a lot against the lord ruler with just his lightweaveing since he has knowledge on his side. no one else really knew what was going on with the lord ruler and his powers
  7. i've seen a quote from brandon that kelsier doesn't like or maybe hates hoid but never anything about why. the only reason i could think of is that kelsier believes that hoid should have taken care of the lord ruler instead of just poking around for info and new powers. if there was any other info or if you can think of a different reason please share
  8. in his defence he hid it for less time then kaliden and shallon (to lazy to look for spellings)
  9. would be strange if it was like wheel of time and each new age had a new hoid that was the apprentice of the last one
  10. he probably means some un published work that he took ideas from
  11. i posted that on this thread months ago its like the second post
  12. adonalsium isn't a metal though it was the name of the god like honor or odim so it probably doesn't have anything to do with any holder it might or might not have had
  13. if she did make breaths would it make more sence to be similar to the one super breath the returned had ,that would get stronger the more she ate, insead of holding multible breaths
  14. just odd in that breaths aren't that easy to make/obtain.
  15. Jondesu brought this up on anouther topic but i thought it warented its own thread. If lift was on a diferant planet and ate food would she still turn it in to stormlight. lets assume this world has a shard. i would assume she coudl get her surges to work in someway so maybe she would turn it in to that planets native type of investiture. That could be very strange on nalthian if she was makeing breaths.
  16. this is a very good question her surges should still work on a planet with a shard but maybe the investiture wouldn't be stormlight. could she turn food in to breaths becuase if so that would have strange implications
  17. well my theory is that lesser spren bond to make the plate so the curent plates don't glow becuase the spren aren't alive anymore. this is based off of when kaliden summoned windspren around him and shallan summon creation spren. each section could be a single spren
  18. yes i agree and have thought that for awhile. i would guess spren based off of ideas or emotion would be honor / odem, and spren like wind spren and life spren would be cultivation
  19. any tampering with luck would have an effect on other people in some way. if you roll a 5 and someone luckyer rolls a 6 that doesn't make then unlucky but you could call it unlucky to be playing them. also ta'veren are forced in to places they need to be as well
  20. i think its just the opposite of the imortal words Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination
  21. well my theory is that lesser spren bond to make the plate so the curent plates don't glow becuase the spren aren't alive anymore. this is based off of when kaliden summoned windspren around him and shallan summon creation spren
  22. sounds like he made himself ta'veren
  23. i'm going to say the flash again since no one responded to that last time
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