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Who Sharded?

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Everything posted by Who Sharded?

  1. I hope some people live blog non-spoiler reactions as well. March is a VERY busy time at work for me so I won't be able to read much...but I'll be at a computer all day and it will be hard to not read some peoples' reactions.
  2. I expect Honesty to be a big part of Shallan's character arc. http://coppermind.net/wiki/Ten_Essences As you can see Jes matches Kaladin perfectly (Protecting, Leading). Shash is Creative, Honest. I expect Shallan will have to come clean about her past if she is to join the Knights Radiant. Also isn't there a WoB where he says Cryptics are truthspren?
  3. I would guess that a Reverse Lashing is somehow a combination of the two. Maybe if you use the Gravity surge by itself you affect your own gravitational orientation. But if you combine it with Pressure, you can use it to affect objects. With Pressure itself you can only affect objects and not yourself, I believe. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense when explained that way, but I like to think that each individual Surge gives you one ability, and each adjacent combination creates another one. It helps the chart make sense to me. And by this logic a Skybreaker would be able to do a Basic Lashing but neither of the other two that Windrunners do. Hopefully WoR provides more info.
  4. Huh, I was expecting purple with the second glyph (Nan) embossed on the cover.
  5. http://coppermind.net/w/images/TWoK_Front_Endsheet.jpg I'm sure this has been discussed but I didn't find anything. We know that each of the large circles represents an Order of Knights Radiant, and the small circles represent surges. The links between Orders and surges show which 2 surges the Knights of those Order can access. But each Order is also linked to three other Orders. Does anyone know why?
  6. Wow, that's actually a pretty good catch. While I don't see Dalinar lying, you may be on to something.
  7. I'm also reading Michael Sullivan. I'm on book 3, Nyphron Rising. These books are nearly perfect to me and I can't wait to continue the series.
  8. Memories of Ice - Steven Erikson no question
  9. I say get her book out of the way now, save the more awesome Szeth, Eshonai, and Dalinar for later.
  10. I'm generally an ebook guy, but these books are too beautiful to not buy in hardback. Plus, flipping to the map and Ars Arcanum is much easier to do in a physical copy imo.
  11. I just want to see Szeth's reaction...it could be similar to one of my favorite scenes from A Memory of Light: ______ is used to destroying everyone who faces him, then suddenly he meets his match in _____
  12. Ah, well then does anyone know when the eBooks are going out? I'm just hungry for reviews/impressions.
  13. I remember several ARC's for TWoK coming out many months before release (I even managed to snag one) though I understand why they wouldn't do that for TWoR. Still, I want to know when we can start expecting to see reviews pop up. Anyone know?
  14. Hmm...maybe they age more slowly? I can't see Dalinar fighting at 68, and Jasnah is past child bearing age (for those who care about marriages).
  15. It's a popular fantasy trope...I'm sure once his motivations are explained most people will understand.
  16. That's interesting. Post from April 2013: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/04/terry-pratchetts-discworld-might-be-the-highest-form-of-literature-on-the-planet
  17. Aye. I'm an accountant so I usually enjoy reading about money in fantasy (Daniel Abraham does it very well). But with Kvothe it's just the same thing over and over, and it's frustrating. He rationalizes his purchases in his head, but a lot of them are so dumb. He's one of the dumbest smart kids in fantasy.
  18. He's recently become a huge fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld. He even wrote a blog about it on Tor.com, gushing over it. I'm a Malazan fan so I try to pay attention to what some authors say about it. Brandon has been known to praise the series when fans ask about it at signings, but he hasn't said a whole lot on the internet. I don't think he's read all of the books, but I'm not positive. It can sometimes be hard to know what authors truly think about other authors' work. A lot of them know each other in real life and are friends. I think the only times Brandon criticizes other books is when he's writing about "mainstream" books that are more popular than his own. GRRM used to give honest opinions on other peoples' work, but he is no longer able to do that without repercussions.
  19. Didn't he already mention possible main POV's for the second 5 book arc? I seem to remember Jasnah, Navani, Adolin, and Taln as possibilities.
  20. I think that was an early WoB. Last I saw (a few months ago) someone listed out all 10 characters (subject to change) and Adolin wasn't one of them. I don't have a source.
  21. Thanks! Long time lurker here, and I figured I'd be coming here much more often in the next few months. Something else that's not entirely story related--I can't wait to see all of the new artwork inside the book. It's the main reason I will always buy these books in hardback as opposed to ebook.
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