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Who Sharded?

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Everything posted by Who Sharded?

  1. This might be of help to you: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/33773-secret-societies-of-roshar-a-comprehensive-guide/
  2. Makes sense. I've always thought Spiderman would be one of the most fun superheroes to be, but only in a big city like New York.
  3. I've thought about this before, and I'd choose Feruchemy. I tend to not like to use up resources, for one thing.
  4. I haven't read BoM yet, but knowledge bombs sound like a good thing to me. I seem to be one of the few people who has no problem with info dumps, and actually enjoys them.
  5. I enjoyed Lift's chapter, except for the use of the word "awesomeness." I so hope she stops saying that at some point.
  6. This. While I understand the logic the TC is going with, I don't think it applies to Brandon's books, at least not from what I've seen. I have seen this phenomenon with some of my favorite bands, like The National, where most peoples' favorite album is the one they heard first.
  7. I've read all of those except The Aeronaut's Windlass. Gardens of the Moon is definitely my favorite of those. I'm also a fan of Sullivan's books, love most of Abercrombie's books after the first one, and really liked the sequel to The Black Prism (as well as his Night Angel Trilogy). Assassin's Apprentice is well written but not really my thing. Edit: wrong page. I was talking about this list: The Blade Itself The Black Prism Assassin's Apprentice Garden's of the Moon The Aeronaut's Windglass Theft of Swords
  8. No one here actually likes Brandon's work
  9. I think the "out of character" part makes this hilarious. Also judging by this post, he seems like a persistent troll. It has to be hard not to say anything.
  10. "You sent him to the sky to die, assassin, but the sky and the winds are mine. I claim them, as I now claim your life." Kaladin has all the best fist pumping moments.
  11. Also would you guys say that Adolin was Secondary Main Character 2 of Words of Radiance? Dalinar was definitely a Tertiary Character in that book. Man updates like this just bring my excitement back to a 10. Stormlight Archive is so amazing...
  12. Book 4 is Szeth? I assumed Brandon just swapped books 3 and 5, while 4 would remain Eshonai.
  13. With ADwD, I imported an early copy from Germany and did everything I could to finish it ASAP to avoid spoilers. TWoW gets priority for me for the same reason--spoilers. Even though I have much higher hopes for Oathbringer. Kingkiller...I am not a fan of those books but I may read it just to finish the series. Priority ranking: Winds > Oathbringer > Doors What I'm actually looking forward to: Oathbringer > Winds > Doors
  14. Mixed reviews for The Lies of Locke Lamora? That book has very positive reviews. It's the two sequels that have more mixed reviews.
  15. I personally needed breaks between Dresden Files books to recover from the high octane, but to each his own.
  16. Take Malazan in publication order, in which Night of Knives goes between books 5 and 6 of the main sequence. If you go in chronological order then book 5 actually comes before book 1. Publication order is best.
  17. The Cosmere actually stretches into the Malazan universe. Expect to see a Mappo cameo sometime in the future.
  18. Yeah I find this opinion to be quite the head scratcher. I don't think The Eye of the World or The Great Hunt are close to the worst in the series, and I even like both of them more than The Dragon Reborn. And IMO Crossroads of Twilight is one of the worst books I've ever read.
  19. I've only read the first book so far, but I also can't get over how awesome Sevro is. Everyone should read Red Rising.
  20. Steven Erikson Brandon Sanderson Matthew Stover R. Scott Bakker Daniel Abraham George R. R. Martin Mark Charan Newton Brent Weeks Scott Lynch Adrian Tchaikovsky
  21. Oh wow. One read of that section was more than enough for me.
  22. I'd say 10, 8, 7 for the Gentleman Bastard series.
  23. 1. Words of Radiance 2. Mistborn: The Final Empire Those are the clear top two for me. I like all of his books but to me these two are on another level.
  24. I really don't think Shadows of the Apt is that weird, but it is a great series. First book is pretty standard fare but they get better after that.
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