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Who Sharded?

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Everything posted by Who Sharded?

  1. I really enjoyed Thor: The Dark World, especially the parts not on Earth.
  2. I didn't love DG as much as most when I read it, but that ending...maybe the most powerful scene I've ever read. I'll probably reread DG this summer, and I think I'll enjoy it more this time.
  3. I'd recommend publication order for Malazan. Or that "Ultimate" order in the link is fine I suppose. One of ICE's books, Return of the Crimson Guard, has incredibly big stuff happening. It ends up not mattering too much in the remaining 3 Erikson books, but Erikson's books do spoil you on one big event that happens in RotCG.
  4. 1. Words of Radiance 2. Mistborn: The Final Empire 3. Hero of Ages 4. Elantris 5. The Way of Kings 6. Well of Ascension 7. Bands of Mourning 8. Warbreaker 9. Shadows of Self 10. Alloy of Law The top 2 placements are the only ones I'm really certain of. In general I much prefer his longer books to his shorter, Mistborn era 2 books.
  5. If you like Black Company and Malazan, Bakker is a must. It's the only thing I've read that compares to Malazan. Don't get me wrong I love Stormlight Archive just as much, but Malazan and the Second Apocalypse leave me in awe of the authors' abilities. I'd say Malazan is just slightly more graphic than Second Apocalypse. Second Apocalypse is more pessimistic though.
  6. I read the first 2 books and felt the same way. Good books but I didn't love them. I see people on the internet raving about the Fitz books, so it makes me feel like I'm missing something. But I don't hear good things about book 3 so it makes it hard to want to continue.
  7. This is the only community I visit where it's common for people to avoid graphic material in books. One user even mentioned that if a book has more than 2 F-bombs, he will stop reading it. It seems very strange to me but hey, everyone's different. I just think these people are missing out on a lot of great books.
  8. Finally someone else mentions the raising of one eyebrow. I've been saying this for years, but no one else seems to notice. I'm one of the few people I know in real life who can actually raise one eyebrow, yet all of Brandon's characters can do it.
  9. My only problem with the controls is that during intense fights (Lynels) I'll press in the left control stick and crouch down.
  10. BotW did indeed connect with the CD-i games.
  11. I enjoyed book 1 more than 2, but I know I'm in the minority. I just thought that McClellan did an excellent job setting up book 1, giving you an interesting world with nuanced characters a little bit at a time, and making you want to learn more. Come book 2, there wasn't all that much worldbuilding left to give. Some people would see this as a plus, but I like table setting. Haven't read 3 yet but I'm looking forward to it. Good characters.
  12. This book is near perfect, and very hard to put down. Stover is one of my favorite writers. I love the sequels too, though they are more uneven.
  13. If I were an artist I would never put a woman on my covers then people would debate whether or not the portrayal is sexist. But then I'd be sexist for not putting women on my covers...
  14. Uh, is there another country that has a Thanksgiving in early October?
  15. Book 2 features Avasarala, Bobbie, and Prax, where everyone tries to find Prax's daughter and Avasarala engages in political stuff. Book 3 mostly takes place
  16. I'm with you. I understand the appeal, but what boggles my mind is that so many people love it. It doesn't seem like a mass appeal book to me. So padded and slow, with little to no tension. And the sequel is worse. I understand the whole "unreliable narrator" thing. But I still can't stand spending an entire book with a fake humble person.
  17. Pretty sure most fans thought there were 2 timelines until the Historia book came out.
  18. I'm avoiding spoilers but as far as I know it's unconfirmed. I believe Aonuma said it's after OoT, which could mean anything. I don't think fans have placed it yet.
  19. I can never decide what I want to do next. Do I go to one of the shrines I have marked? Search for memories? Heard towards a divine beast? Do a sidequest? I'll probably try to find a certain Korok about seeds... 3 towards in so far.
  20. I just don't want to stop playing this, and I keep thinking about it when I'm not playing. Too bad I'm working almost 70 hours/week...
  21. I went ahead and pre-ordered the Switch for this. I'll be getting a Switch eventually either way for Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2, and I know they won't drop the price before the end of the year. This is the first Zelda game where I'm avoiding all pre-release stuff. I pretty much haven't seen any trailers since E3 last year, but I know everyone was hyped about the January trailer.
  22. I haven't noticed this, but there are a lot of Sanderson-isms I have noticed. But I won't mention them because if I did, you would start to notice them too. I do find it impressive that this only really shows up in Reckoners, which in my opinion means that it's not a Sanderson-ism.
  23. I don't think even Rothfuss expects Doors of Stone to be out this year.
  24. Sorry to say but Peace Talks does not have a real release date.
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