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Status Updates posted by Quiver

  1. Nine-tenths of Green Arrow stories:

    Something Something Social Justice Tract, Something Something Boxing Glove Arrow.

  2. Overdramatic Proclamation!

  3. And from Red to Brick

  4. From Green to Red

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mailliw73


      This is Speedy/Red Arrow, or Thea Queen, Oliver Queen(Green Arrow)'s younger sister.

    3. WayneSpren


      Red is cooler than green!

    4. Edgedancer


      But blue is an even better color.

  5. John Constantine is the Green Arrow

    1. Slowswift


      I actually thought that was Castiel for a moment... :huh:

    2. Quiver


      Fun fact!

      Castiel was going to be Constantine, but negotiations fell through. That's why he has the trenchcoat look.

    3. Kasimir
  6. I am the Green Arrow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Seriously? Now you notice that? It's been missing for a while now.

    3. Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      a red arrow just means you cant turn left.

    4. Curious Anamaximder
  7. You have failed this city

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mistrunner


      Bit of a downer, that.

    3. Voidus


      Well I'm sorry, the cities essay on the effects of dopamine on neuronal activity in vitro was just pure nonsense, it hardly cited anything! Maybe if the city does some extra credit we can give it a pass.

    4. Curious Anamaximder
  8. Goat, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine.

  9. I am the Starter of Things, apparently.

    1. Ookla the Absent
    2. Quiver


      Well, there's Slowswift's comment about getting him addicted to Arrow. And the AMA trend which I did not steal from Brandon started. And while it was Oregon that popularized ponies, I was the first person to post about how awesome MLP is...

      (Of course, mostly it's just a title to assuage my massive ego.)

  10. If Friendship is Magic, does that mean Enmity is Science?

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      And if the superweapons of Friendship are the Elements of Harmony, would the superweapons of Science be the Methods of Rationality?

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      I thought Magic was just Science we don't understand yet. So is Friendship Enmity we haven't quite grasped?

    3. Edgedancer


      Looking at Sombra not only friendship is magic.

  11. Long Live the Solar Empire

    1. Edgedancer


      You are now a troll. A very awesome troll.

    2. Quiver


      A troll who has all the cake.

  12. I'm going to put something hilarious and witty here. You know, when I think of it.

    1. the winter system

      the winter system

      IF you think of It, I'm sure It is thinking of you.

  13. Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night... will last... forever!

    1. Edgedancer


      Nightmare MoonxNightwielder. :P

    2. Quiver


      At least you didn't say Nighthound.

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