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Everything posted by Aether

  1. I am not saying that they are not watching Dalinar, Sadeas etc.. They might very well be, but very few are able to even see them. Elhokar could be - for some hitherto unknown reason - one of the only people able to notice them at all.
  2. You can hide your posts by clicking the "hide" button, which should be right to the left of the "multi-quote" button.
  3. I wonder if anyone other than Jasnah is able to see it when her shadow goes bonkers. Other people with strong ties to the Cognitive might do so, but since it is a Cognitive thing, "normal" people might not see it at all. Then again, everyone are able to see the Amian reverse shadow. Also, if Elhokar is not in the process of bonding a Cryptic, and that they are merely watching him (assuming that it is Cryptics he sees), then wouldn't the shadow shenanigans imply that Ivory-spren are watching as well? Elhokar surely seems to be popular in the Cognitive Realm.
  4. Wow, great work. I like the topic column. It does not look "too busy". What I do find somewhat unfortunate, however, is that the "excellent theory" stars are somewhat hard to see. I like the idea of having gold, silver and bronze stars, but it doesn't seem to work as intended.
  5. This is probably true, but it should be added that you can get access to Investiture through other means as well, such as through Hemalurgically grafting a part of someone's Spirit Web unto yours, or by receiving Breath, becoming a Radiant or a Squire, etc.
  6. The death of this person would be hilarious. And deadly! ... It's raining Blades!
  7. I would SO like an Axehound Squire. A true Hound of Baskerville!
  8. I think Spiritual DNA is more personal, while Spirit Web is the sum of your own identity and your connections to everything and everyone around you. There are several Threads around discussing this.
  9. Reading comments is end-neutral.
  10. Well, I think we will have to agree to disagree, then.
  11. I have ended up staying up way longer than I intended, so pardon me if I have trouble expressing myself properly. My initial statement about Hell was to be taken in the context of comparative views of Hell and damnation. What I meant is that I fail to understand how, let's say a Christian, can be baffled my my apparent unconcern for the threat of eternal punishment of their religion, when they are just as unconcerned as I am about the Muslim threat of hell and similar claims that they know about from other religions. Point being that they claim inability to comprehend a specific lack of belief while maintaining that same lack of belief towards similar claims. Szeth, on the other hand, is never confronted with an alternative world-view, or an alternative threat of eternal suffering. He is specifically confronted with information that might directly invalidate his beliefs and tenants - something I think we can agree is hard to acknowledge (especially if you're barking mad).
  12. Lirin might not be creepy and secretive towards his family, but the whole story arc from Kaladin's youth was that the whole town shunned them; Lirin especially. He might have used his knowledge to heal as often as he could, but he didn't share it with the other villagers. One would assume that he could have taken at least one more apprentice (though the town might admittedly not have been willing to give him one). I disagree, he fits in quite nicely with the Truthwatchers. Even with the "creepy and solitary" part.
  13. Silly me forgot to actually give you one. Fixed now. Also, changed my vote to Stalemate.
  14. We have WoB that all forms of Investiture can be used to power the different expression of it, though it requires "jury-rigging"
  15. Rust, that was positively horrible! Congratulations, you're on my level of punning ^^
  16. The list was nice, but I have some aesthetic issues with it. And concerning the arrows, you'll note that all I said was that we likely shouldn't use them as a standard to evaluate the effectiveness of Coinshooting. I do now think, as per many of the arguments, that Coinshooting (at least from a Mistborn of Kelsier's calibre) would be more powerful than arrows. It is on how much more our opinions differ. I do think we need a WoB on this.
  17. I suppose it might have an effect on the Spren, but the point I was making (joke-ish though it might have been) was that Elhokar might associate art with femininity, which might be why he would find it necessary to hide it.
  18. Curiously enough, this is not the most drastic of means that has been suggested to coax more information out of him.
  19. Seems like I'm approaching the Honourspren rank. I will be going to bed soon, so I won't be seeing the shift if it happens happens tonight. Just popping in to say that I'm still a Sentien Awakened Object at 1023. EDIT: Amusingly enough, this post made me reach Honourspren, at exactly 1024. Which we honestly should have expected, as 1024 is 210.
  20. As I've argued here, I don't think we can claim for certain that they actually do.
  21. He always did strike me as somewhat effeminate (not that art is effeminate outside of Vorin traditions)
  22. They mention a Lighteyed archer killing a Shardbearer, but that was only after a horde of Spearmen had given him a decent bashing. I was under the impression that he killed him through an already destroyed and open section of the Plate. And if pelting a Shardbearer with arrows was so effective, then why does the Parshendi never use their Archer companies against them? Instead of sicking a never-ending line of War-pair on them, wouldn't it be more effective to send only some to keep them occupied while you pelter them with arrows? I think we are over-estimating the effectiveness of arrows here, and we shouldn't thus use it as a basis to determine the effect of Coin volleys.
  23. Well, without any forensic evidence, I don't really see how someone else would be punished for it. Dalinar isn't likely to let anyone get the blame without strong proof, and just randomly being the one to find Torol's body isn't likely to be enough. And even if Adolin has to own up to it, I don't see how that would damnation Dalinar. If anything, Adolin admitting to the crime and submitting to punishment could be seen as honourable and true to his father's beliefs. The true blow to Dalinar would be if he tried to shelter Adolin in any way.
  24. Oh, right, the Shattered Plains. Ketek makes my next point for me. The Plains aren't quite as barren as you suggest, and Kelsier can't fly around quite as easily as a Windrunner or Skybreaker. A List, a List! Up-vote for the List! Unless one of them quickly gets the upper hand (which really depends on how fast Dalinar can gap-close and how powerful a Coin volley really is), I think this is more of a Stalemate. This should really be added to the voting options, by the way.
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