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Everything posted by Mistrunner

  1. *wipes away tear* It's so... beautiful... Edit: Here's my favorite.
  2. Owls are amazing. Once there was an owl on the stop sign right next to our house. When it eventually flew away, it was unnerving how silent it was. I always heard about how owls make nearly no sound in flight, but it never really sunk in until I heard the silence.
  3. I specialize in leftover soup. Anything can become soup if you just add enough potatoes!
  4. This thread can also pertain to friendships, right? Because I have a bit of a predicament I have no idea how to get out of.
  5. I've been trying to find this one song I heard once for months and I couldn't remember enough of the lyrics to look it up and it was driving me crazy but recently I remembered this band @The Honor Spren recommended and how I'd liked what songs I'd heard by them and lo and behold the song was by them. Bless you, Honor. Bless you. This doesn't sound very exciting but finding a song you can barely remember is the equivalent of digging up a treasure chest made of solid gold filled with chocolate bars and distilled happiness.
  6. Basically, they're terrible puns after the style of the one you made. The quintessential dad joke: "Dad, I'm hungry." "Hi, Hungry, I'm Dad." Please use dad jokes responsibly.
  7. So am I supposed to post my character's perspective on the Sorting directly to the thread, or send it to someone else for review/compilation? (Sorry I'm so late! I forgot about this thread. )
  8. I just have to wonder- what do his parents think of this? Do they know their son has an extensive collection of whips and handcuffs? Also, why do they let their son have an extensive collection of whips and handcuffs? I'm so confused.
  9. I don't have a phone and don't want one. If I got a smartphone I feel like I'd spend too much time on it and if I got a dumb phone I wouldn't use it enough to justify having it. It kind of disturbs me how quickly it became outlandish for anyone over 12 to not have a phone.
  10. In Japan they have octopus-flavored ice cream.
  11. Everyone should try drawing themselves as a superhero at least once. It's awesome.

    1. soyperson


      I tried, but my drawing skills are equal to that of Wayne, or perhaps a one-armed Herdazian.

    2. Mistrunner


      Perhaps your superpower is shape shifting, and you caught yourself mid-transformation. :P

    3. soyperson


      Well, no matter what my superpower is, yours is superior. 

      I mean, come on. Spoons are everyone's secret worst fear.

  12. I heard about that. I didn't feel anything. It might be because I got home at midnight, though. There was another football game last night. (We won. Also, Reginald the spoon has become band famous. I'm so proud. ) Edit: I found a video on how to read sheet music. It's hilarious.
  13. That makes a disturbing amount of sense, actually. I should make some radish earrings. I drew a thing.
  14. It's really not all that interesting, but sure. When I was eating lunch outside the band room (it's always band, isn't it?) someone gave me a spoon because they didn't need it for their applesauce. I stuck it behind my ear and started joking about putting my hair in a bun the next day and sticking the spoon through it. So, naturally, I did. I think I'm going to make it a thing. What do you think? Hey, I could become a spoon-based superhero! That would be awesome.
  15. Thanks. You guys are all awesome. (By the way, the spoon's name is Reginald Lancaster.)
  16. In forensics things happen that are unlikely to happen anywhere else, like a teacher singing softly to himself while carrying four skulls. I love that class. Best of luck. Have fun in Virginia! I've heard it's lovely there.
  17. He's very nice. He lets me talk to him for too long about random historical figures, at least. STEP ONE HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED UNFORTUNATELY, STEP 2 TURNED OUT TO BE MORE TO THE EFFECT OF SCREAMING AND RUNNING AWAY I WOULD BE OKAY WITH THE SPY THING THOUGH I'm not really sure I want to go to the homecoming dance. I've had bad experiences with school dances, and I'm not going to date until I'm 16, but he's really nice and I don't want to be mean. I don't know how to say no while still conveying that it's not because I don't like him. It's certainly flattering to be asked, though. I still have no idea why. I'm a complete weirdo. I wore a spoon in my hair today, for heavens' sakes. ...Oh yeah, I wore a spoon in my hair today. Long story.
  19. Just got back from the first football game of the season! Our team won 28-7. For our first performance, I think the marching band was pretty darned awesome. It was great.
  20. Man is sprouting two new heads and several legs from his back in a primitive courting ritual. He realizes he is not worthy as his bride looks on in amusement. (I need to start watching that show again...) Anyway. Someone who has not watched Doctor Who, explain this picture.
  21. I just had an idea! Rom-coms have a cutesy shortened genre name, but what about action comedies like Mystery Men? What do you call those? Well, I decided to answer the question nobody asked to create the punch-com! It's like a rom-com, but instead of romance, people hit each other. I'm brilliant.
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