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Everything posted by Mistrunner

  1. Today I was talking to my mother about how I love being home alone, and she responded with "Yes, you love spending time with your three favorite people." Mom. Mom.
  2. That might be a factor in why there's a grand total of 3 of us.
  3. I currently play the baritone horn, so yes, it's quite heavy. I hope I can get my arm strength up. I better be buff at the end of marching season.
  4. Band camp has started, causing me to realize again that I have little to no arm strength. We've got good music, though, so I've got good songs running through my head for the rest of eternity. That will comfort me as my arms slowly die.
  5. Mistrunner bursts in through the front door, carrying several large brass instruments. "I'm back!" she says, panting. "I'm so sorry I've been gone so long. This happens a lot, doesn't it? Horribly awkward." Mistrunner, stunned for a few moments at the fabulocity of the Assassin in Burgundy's outfit, takes a minute to respond. "With those robes, I think you can do whatever you want, to be honest," she says finally. "So... fabulous..." She snaps out of it a second later. "Oh, you were wanting something to do, @antgrgmn? I found these outside the door!" She drops the instruments. "I'm not sure what to do with them. We can form a band, or maybe find out why they were at the top of a mountain outside the Awkward Fortress." She grabs a baritone and tries to play a B flat. It's horribly out of tune, what with being at the top of a snowy mountain and all.
  6. I'm watching episode one now. It's really good. I hope you're happy.
  7. Probably. It's not on Netflix, though. Where do you watch it? (It looks really good, in any case. )
  8. Ah, gun laws. I definitely agree they should be better regulated, but I also agre with everything Twi has said (e.g. a gun ban would be impractical). I think the biggest issue with the debate is that there's too many people vying for extreme measures- either "Everybody gets a gun! Guns in every supermarket!" or "No guns anywhere! Those who own guns are the devil incarnate!" Like anything else in politics, it desintegrates into name-calling and repetitive, flawed arguments. In other news, I've got a cold. It's not fun.
  9. Happy birthday, America! It's amazing to think how those thirteen rebellious colonies have grown into fifty states and one of the world's largest powers. It's nothing short of miraculous. I'm proud of you, America. Happy 240th, and here's to many more. Happy Independence Day, all you American Sharders!
  10. "I'M HERE!" Mistrunner said, coming through the back door with an armful of strange-looking victuals. "I was out back collecting food. Did you know we had a garden? That grew steak?" She turns to face Rielle. "You are accepted into the Order of the Knights Awkward. Serve honorably and well." Jasper descends from his perch in the rafters to whisper something to Mist. She thinks for a moment. "What synonym of group are we? I believe we were originally termed a guild, though we're mostly called an order. It sounds more professional."
  11. I'm not alone Motivation was a huge problem for me this last school year, especially moving from a school where I had some really good classes and teachers to one where I was stuck in the remedial math class and with teachers that basically gave up on actually teaching.
  12. Mistrunner jumps up and says, "Ant of the Antgrgmn clan, your Words have been accepted! Welcome to our ranks." For accomplishing the horribly difficult task of communicating with a new, different human being, she rewards herself with a plate of bookies.
  13. I have returned to the glorious realm of the internet. Hello again, friends! I have already begun the indocrination of my niece Frodo. I read the Hobbit to her in the car and, well, I call her Frodo. Unfortunately, there were no Sanderson books handy, but I'll make sure to have one nearby the next time I'm on a long car trip with her. It's all about persistence.
  14. It may be crucial to my survival, but it'll probably kill everyone else. I am far from a harmonica expert. But then again, what do I know? Maybe my terrible harmonica playing will be what the group needs: a cause to unite under! The cause, of course, being "stop Mist from playing that harmonica or so help me we will throw her off a bridge."
  15. In a continuation of Mistrunner's 'Day of Derp,' instead of packing for a Very Important six-week long stay away from home I'm learning how to play the Star Wars theme on harmonica. No regrets, right?
  16. I just found out Agents of SHIELD season 3 has been released on Netflix (!) and I told my mother, "I'm going to tell everyone I know!" Mom: "You've already told me." Thanks, Mom.
  17. I've started wearing a bucket on my head. I look fabulous. Maybe I need to reevaluate my life. But I'll do it while wearing a fabulous bucket on my head.
  18. Reminds me of a certain Supernatural character. Right, @Delightful?
  19. Aw. Is it a fun kind if family reunion or one of those super awkward things with people you haven't seen in twelve years?
  20. First off, I apologize if anything I said was taken as belittling to those with low self-esteem. Honestly, I think it's something most everyone struggles with in some way throughout their lives. I realize that there's many types of people on the internet, and the ones I was referring to are those who specifically say these things so they seem humble. Of course, I also think that there's far better ways to deal with issues like this than seeking validation through social media. I'm really glad you found a way that works for you.
  21. No! We need Chaos alive! If he stays awake for any longer he's gonna drop dead and the site will degrade into cha... Okay, maybe I need a different word.
  22. GUYS. You can highlight text from a person's post and there's a button that pops up for "quote this." This is amazing.
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