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Everything posted by Mistrunner

  1. I've decided to change my profile picture to something that more adequately represents my current mental state.

    I wish I was a Kate Bishop, but I'm more of a Clint Barton.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Delightful


      I was wondering what your pic was and then I realised it was Barton and I was right! Yay me!


    3. Mistrunner


      Yay! :D

      I just wrote a long explanation in Random Stuff that now is irrelevant. I hope you appreciate it anyway. :P

    4. Delightful
  2. My brother made one of his guitars. He also makes a lot of his own pedals and stuff. Apparently it's cheaper that way. AKA my brother has too much time on his hands
  3. Continuing the saga of Mistrunner's mom deliberately misinterpreting what she says... We were trying out a new show, and I wasn't enamored with the characters. Me: "I don't like anyone!" Mom: "I know, but what does that have to do with the show?"
  4. I've been thinking. At comic conventions, people dress up as their favorite characters and often even act like them throughout the event. Well, why not extend this to the Democratic and Republican conventions? People could dress up as their favorite politicians and debate each other as them. I'm sure it'd be a hit.
  5. I relate to "My Eyes," as I am either Billy or Penny and there is no in between. But anyway. You said on the Bad Day Thread that you wanted to go into music, and because of the risk of thread derailment I decided to ask my music questions here. What instruments do you play, and what do you plan on going into with music (performance, teaching, etc.)?
  6. They've outlawed ninety percent of my personality!
  7. Glad to know I'm not alone in my immense dislike of overly cheerful people. (This exchange reminded me of a Pearls Before Swine strip, but I couldn't find it, so have this one that is similarly cynical.)
  8. Here's an actual question! What song can you identify most with from Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog?
  9. I dreamed I was chasing obnoxiously happy people down a romantic beach with a snow shovel. I suppose that says something about my subconscious.
  10. So. Teachers. My history teacher is definitely not the best on any day, as he can't pronounce anything correctly and he steals all his (low-quality) powerpoints and assignments from other teachers, but today was especially bad. For one, he kept pronouncing "Canaan" as "cannon". It went downhill from there. We started talking about Judaism. I may not be Jewish, but my best friend is, and I've read the Bible. I'm at least vaguely familiar with the concepts. I know at least enough to realize that the name for God they used in both his powerpoints and the textbook is considered extremely sacred and not to be pronounced outside of prayer. I kept wincing every time he said it. Not... good... My English teacher is possibly worse than my history teacher, which is fun. Her classroom occasionally smells suspiciously like cigarette smoke, and once last week she just left in the middle of the day. The office didn't even know she was gone. We had to stand outside awkwardly until they sent down one of the office ladies to awkwardly attempt to tell us what to do. It was weird. She resigned yesterday, so now we have no English teacher and an AP test at the end of the year. Yaaaay.
  11. Pro: I'm staying home from school today! Con: I am deathly ill. What a lovely way to start out the week.
  12. Hah! Because of excessive exposure to the Dream Realm, I have managed to conquer its eldritch terrors and become its queen! All shall bow before me!
  13. I'd give you this, but I feel there's too much competition for it in this thread. You may still enjoy its splendor.
  14. Similarly, when someone asks a teacher a question and they disguise the fact that they don't know the answer by replying with the answer to the question they wished the student had asked instead. It's okay to not know the answer to a question. Pretending you do because you want to preserve your authority is not.
  15. My brother merged into a semi as a beginning driver. I was in the car. It was terrifying then, and I thought I was going to die, but I think I can laugh about it now. I remember when my sister was trying to learn stick shift, too. She was awful at it. My siblings are not the best drivers starting out, I guess. I still don't trust any of them. Even the ones who are nearly 30. *hugs*
  16. Do you ever read six books in three days and then look up and realize that all the people you spent all that time bonding with aren't real and their world isn't real and the real world is boring and you have to do homework? Because that is a sad feeling.
  17. So... You're saying that Dalinar's wife was... Eevee?
  18. Thanks, guys. I think I will. People on the Shard give the best advice. You're all awesome.
  19. This sounds somewhat frivolous written down, but it's a bit of a predicament. There's this girl who I sit with at lunch. She's nice and all, but we have pretty much nothing in common, and the only reason I sit there is because when I'd just barely moved here she told me I should sit with her. It's extraordinarily awkward. I'm the fifth wheel- she has a bunch of her friends and now her boyfriend at the table and I feel horribly out of place. A lot of people eat in the hallway by the band room at lunch. I've done that a couple times when Lunch Girl didn't show up. In the one time I sat there last week, Reginald the spoon was born and someone gave me a purple animal cracker that I decided was a wildebeest named Phil (or Phildebeest, if you will). I also got someone to read Way of Kings (!!!). You can imagine where I prefer to eat. The problem is that I don't know how to communicate to Lunch Girl that I'd rather not sit at her table anymore. It's not that I don't like her- she's very nice- it's that I think we'd both be happier without me third wheeling everywhere. But if I say I'd rather be at the band room, she'd ask why I don't want to sit with her and she'd try to make me stay out of politeness, and it's a mess. I don't want to make her feel like I'm shutting her out, but I'd really rather I didn't have to sit with her friends. tl;dr I am a mess and don't know how to communicate. Help.
  20. I feel ya. I swear, everything I touch turns into a mess. Everyone else at school can somehow keep a tidy desk. Within five minutes of getting to class, I have a veritable natural disaster on my hands. This might have something to do with the fact that I regularly have about three books on me at all times. I'll keep you posted.
  21. The one that comes to mind is three-ingredient cookies. 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg Mix together ingredients. Place spoonfuls on cookie sheet; use fork to press a cross in each cookie. Bake at 350 degrees F (about 175 degrees C) for 5-10 minutes. They're the easiest things ever, I swear. And really tasty to boot. Not all that healthy, though.
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