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Everything posted by Mistrunner

  1. Just finished the last Monday practice for marching band. The district competition is Wednesday. According to our director, we're at a the level to get superior ratings, but it all depends on what happens Wednesday. Here's to hoping!
  2. I'm sorry. I'll be sending my prayers. Send her the mixtape. It's always nice to get something personalized, no matter the circumstances. That's my advice, anyway.
  3. You're a lovely person, Twi, and I will sing your praises forevermore. (I'll try it out tomorrow. )
  4. I am, unfortunately, in the same basket. They also took off Lilo and Stitch and Emperor's New Groove! *shakes fist at Netflix* On the bright side, I finally got around to making butterbeer as per the recipe @TwiLyghtSansSparkles posted a while ago. Bless you, Twi, you beautiful human being, for introducing me to its splendor.
  5. And I have another essay due tomorrow. I hope you enjoy your time off, Bleeder. Have fun while I wither and die.
  6. I think the lyrics to "Dancing Through Life" describe my approach to this debate. Though we're probably going to have to watch it in history tomorrow who am I kidding
  7. Let's just say that for once I'm glad I can't vote.
  8. There's a reason I've been distracting myself with baking and glowing weaponry.
  9. I am so ready for the zombie apocalypse. I've got cookies, a glow axe from the dollar store, and my collection of Sanderson books. All I need now is a permission slip from my mom that says I can slay monsters.
  10. I just made cookies with M&M's. ...I may have gotten a bit carried away.
  11. Thanks for all the advice, everybody. The 17th Shard Support Group is truly a marvelous thing. I'd also like to add in reference to the current discussion that people are also annoying if you do want kids. If I tell people I want to be a mom, they look at me like I'm throwing my life away. And occasionally tell me I'm throwing my life away. Raising the next generation is not a second-rate job. Anyway. There's no way to win and people will find a way to insult whatever choices you make, so the best you can do is give negative people grapefruits as presents and hope they squirt the juice in their eyes.
  12. But how is the question. Do I just up and say "Hey I'd rather not date now see ya" out of the blue? That'd be a little weird. Besides timing, how on earth does one phrase something like that in a way that doesn't make it sound like "you're inadequate, get out of my sight"? I'm probably overthinking this. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess. Why are people so complicated?
  13. Sure! Come on in. I love it when this thread pops up again.
  14. Remember how that one guy asked me to homecoming? Well he's started flirting with me and according to someone in my English class where he sits next to me he's been doing it for a while but I haven't noticed because I will only notice these things if someone hits me over the head with a sign that says "Hey look I am flirting with you." It's bordering the line between cute and scary because I have never had this problem before and I have no clue what I'm doing. True to my official role of Strong Indpendent Woman Who Don't Need No Man™, I thought I was fairly clear that I don't want to date at this point but I guess he didn't get the memo. I have no idea what to do. Help. On the bright side, this is giving me the idea to go as Eowyn for Halloween.
  15. It's beautiful. I love everything about this. (Oh, by the way, Reginald the spoon has a sister now. Her name is Shirley and she's a fork.)
  16. Heeeeeey. (I look pretty much like my drawing of my spoon-hero alter ego, but with glasses. Y'know, like Clark Kent or Captain Amazing.)
  17. Possibly. It's currently terrible, so maybe after fixing it up and getting it back (this teacher insists on hard copies).
  18. The marching band placed second at our competition! :D

  19. My advice is "run away from all potential relationships screaming until you're thirty," but I realize I'm probably in the minority with that opinion. In all seriousness, romantic relationships really aren't necessary or practical at this point. They tend to make things overly complicated and drama will often ensue. *shudders* Focusing on creating friendships for now is much more sustainable. Speaking of such, I'm caught in the middle of a square of sadness. Obnoxious high school drama below. Be ye warned.
  20. With the help of angry ranting, gratuitous Newsies references, and unfortunately large words, I have finished my cheesy and subtly sarcastic essay on friendship! I'm going to sleep now, it's nearly 2 AM.
  21. Alas, I've already started using examples from Newsies. I'll keep that in mind for my next essay, though. True. I always have a moment of incoherent screaming while writing an essay, but once I actually start writing things down I can get it done pretty fast. I think the required outlines more than anything get me. *shakes fist*
  22. Maybe listening to Newsies while doing homework wasn't the best idea. It's making me want to boycott this essay instead of write it. :P

    1. Mistrunner


      Now that I think of it, I could pull examples of friendship from the characters...

  23. That's amazing. Speaking of such, I've found "about me" papers to be much more fun to write if you make them as sarcastic as possible. Whose life is so interesting that it can't be improved by a good helping of sarcasm?
  24. We aren't reading anything currently. This teacher just got in a week or two ago and hasn't had the time to assign one yet. She's too busy talking about essays. She's a bit obsessed with essays. This idea, I like it.
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