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Everything posted by Mistrunner

  1. The brain weasels have attacked in all their squeaky, obnoxious might. I had an anxiety attack over this thing that I'm trying to do and I know, intellectually, that I'm not failing horribly, it's not pathetic to have anxiety, and that the things the weasels say are blown out of proportion and irrational, but they sure seem rational right now. Besides that, when I get stressed I flap my hands and the more stressed I am the worse it gets and dang it I can't have it this bad at school tomorrow people will stare. Hugs?
  2. I've decided to make up my own American wizarding society where I can retreat when more of these strange and cringeworthy details come forth. For one, there's more than one wizards' school, and I made them all summer camps, because I can.
  3. A couple of days ago someone I know from choir mentioned something about how she's kind of a therapist for her friends. She said "but they don't have your kind of problems, though." I've never talked to her about any of my problems. I don't care if her friends do have different struggles than I do. It's not nice to make assumptions.
  4. I have much homework and two major exams tomorrow and there's ink all over my hands from everything I have to memorize but there's food in the house so I got that going for me

    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Eat the food, then stumble through the house pressing your ink stained hands against the wall and moaning about the coming apocalypse. 

    2. manukos


      i feel ya 
      i was up all night studying freaking  quantum mechanics and i have no recolection of what i studied
      its like a void taunting of how much of an idiot i am

      food is always a plus though


  5. I thought your overall handling of the situation was admirable. Listening, letting her drive the conversation; letting her know you're there, but not being pushy about anything. I'm really glad you're there with her for this- it sounds like she's got a lot against her right now, and you're being the kind of person she needs on her side.
  6. On the bright side, it means the concept of being polite in YouTube comments isn't as new as we thought!
  7. Aw, s'just a phrase. Perhaps Lacking-the-Responsibilities-and-Resources-Granted-Those-Who-Have-Reached-Adulthood Teenager™?
  8. That's absolutely horrible. I'm so sorry for your friend. I can see people not understanding why their children self-harm, but laughing? Saying they're seeking attention? That I will never understand. Even if it was an attention-seeking act instead of deeply-rooted psychological issues, if someone's hurting themselves, they need support, not ridicule. I don't know what I'd do if I was told I couldn't be in marching band- music, in one form or another, is just about the only thing keeping me going right now. There's no possible reason for them to say she can't be in it. It's a good thing to do. Being a Stupid Teenager™, I don't have any ideas on how to help other than to be there for her, which you seem to be doing an excellent job of.
  9. Goodness gracious, you're my brother. He owns something like twelve guitars. He's an amazing musician, but he needs to stop. The man has children.
  10. My friend's addicted to brake fluid. He can stop anytime. And my personal favorite: Why couldn't Beethoven find his music teacher? Because he was Haydn!
  11. @Sunbird You have really interesting anecdotes and you have the overall aura of a fun aunt. I'm always happy when you reply to things I post.
  12. I have achieved a new plane of existence. My procrastination has reached the highest level- indeed, rather than do homework, I decided to learn the flute. I have begun to procrastinate by actually accomplishing things. Farewell, my friends. I ascend.
  13. If it's any consolation, Romeo and Juliet is pretty short, and if your English class is anything like mine was, half a week's worth of reading shouldn't be too much. I have no idea about the packets, though. Good luck, man. ...I still haven't done that Spanish. Or that yet-another-essay for English. I really need to find a way to stop procrastinating.
  14. Don't worry, after a while you just stop caring. Or maybe that's just me and oh dear cheesesticks I really need to do that Spanish work
  15. I spent this morning practicing trombone in my pajamas and eating waffles. Today has been a good day.
  16. October is always a strange month when it comes to weather. It could be anything from 80 degrees to a freezing downpour. Being a mistborn is quite tempting. I'm not sure if I can cobble a costume together with the time constraints, though. I knew I should've gotten on this earlier, but... essays... A mistborn costume shouldn't be that hard, though, right? I play baritone. I'll see what puns I can come up with.
  17. Thanks for the ideas, guys. It's just been kinda hard to find a character that works with my medium-short blonde hair. (Lookin' at you, Kate Bishop.)
  18. I have an important question. What should I be for Halloween? This is very important, as for the football game closest to Halloween the band is actually wearing costumes for the marching show. 'Twill be quite fabulous indeed.
  19. If you jumped off a bridge in Paris, you'd be in Seine.
  20. Yesterday there was a marching competition four hours away. I didn't get home until 10:30 PM and when I did I had a blinding headache. Today there was a football game. I got back at midnight. I have had no time to do any homework. Teachers do not understand this. More, they say, give more work. Students couldn't possibly have anything else to do with their time. So here I am at nearly one AM trying to complete an assignment for Spanish that is impossible to do without having the notes they went over in class on Wednesday. I asked for the teacher to provide them. There's a link on Google Classroom, but it doesn't work. I have a feeling I might be up late. Yaaay.
  21. There was a football game tonight. The game itself wasn't that exciting, but band makes everything more interesting. One of the drum majors gave me a Mario hat he found in his car. That was a highlight in and of itself. One of the tuba players was wearing a Hannibal Lecter mask with his mouthpiece stuck through it, an old lady scarf, and a bonnet with a pretty bow on it (don't ask). When the other band marched over to set before taking the field, we noticed one of their sousaphone players looked exactly like him. A frenzy broke out as everyone tore off his mask, bonnet and scarf, shoved his sousaphone on his shoulder, and made him run over to the other band. Have you seen someone try to run while carrying a sousaphone? Since it's so big, you have to do this strange waddle-run. It's hilarious. Once the lookalike noticed, they started waddle-running to each other in a scene worthy of the playing of Chariots of Fire. It was the single greatest thing I've ever witnessed. Someone bought me pizza during third quarter, too, so that was cool. The team lost, and we all froze our fingers off, but as the old adage goes, "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's whether or not you meet your doppelgänger."
  22. For being the queen of cosplay (seriously, you make chainmail) and forum mom. (It's very nice to have one of those with all us youngins running about. ) For the Great Beard Crisis of September 2016.
  23. One of my friends from colorguard has a father and brother that can be physically abusive. I really want to do something but I feel so helpless. She's so fun and awesome and hilarious and she doesn't deserve this. How can people be so base and heartless as to beat up on their own kid because the football team lost? How can someone stand to be the reason their kid has to cover up a black eye? There are few things that make me angrier than people who abuse their children. But there's nothing I can do. And that's the worst part.
  24. My profile picture is Kate Bishop now, because dangit, I need the confidence.

    1. soyperson


      You deserve it! Girl, you rock!

    2. Mistrunner


      Aw, thanks! :D You, sir Bleeder, are fabulous.

    3. soyperson
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