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Everything posted by bartbug

  1. I follow your reasoning, and I could see why you would vote for me. But what I propose is: Right now, let's not look on why people voted for people. That is something that Spiked or Villagers could do. Let's look at why the Spiked killed the people whom they killed. I mean, I'd assume that they would have a reason.
  2. That. Is. Brilliant. I believe that you should ask brandon, given the chance.
  3. This one's for you, all shippers of Shallarin! I just read the 3 preview chapters on Tor dot com, and may I say, wow. I was completely and absolutely blown away. Before I read them, I had been a quiet shipper of Shallarin, thinking that it would work but not much more than that. But after, I am positive. Spoilers for WoR I believe that Shallan and Adolin are going to get to know each other better, all while she is growing a friendship with Renarin. She will realize that she likes him and he will realize that he likes her. There will be some problems with Adolin... and then Boom! What do you guys think?
  4. I think that you are right. But listen to this: A big part of the problem with some people's confusion is they think of the Cognitive, Physical, and Spiritual as "Three Realms". I.e., a 'magic world' where you can go to, a la Oz or a more primal Wizarding world. This is wrong. The Three Realms are more like three ways of looking at an object, or variables assigned to describe the object. Think of it kind of as philosophical dimensions.
  5. Hey Quiver, don't beat yourself up. I just looked back on stuff and Grayv was definitely the most suspicious looking dude. The whole 'I don't care if I die', while noble when true, usually looks like you're a rat trying to look noble. Good point on Edgar. I think I'm leaning towards him as well.
  6. Starting classes? No way! Me too! When I said 8 and 8, I meant x and x. Heck, I don't care if you do 1 and 1, or any number between 1 and 12. As long as its not thirteen. Jokes aside, the write ups every 2 days is already a lot of work for just a game, and whatever your able to manage will be perfect . I'll take the write ups as they come. Upvote for flexibility.
  7. I agree that 24 hours might not be long enough, yet at this rate, 48 seems like too long, especially considering that this game will at least take a over a week, and that's with the Spiked being the ones down each consecutive time. I think a part of the problem is the timezones. Maybe 36 could (conceivably) work? Like, it could start at 8 in the morning, Gamemaster Time, and then end at 8 at night the next day.
  8. We have WoB that the Letter was written to a Dragon who is currently residing on the planet Yolen. Before the WoB, that was a popular theory however.
  9. Kind of out of game: When is day over? Is it soon? Just want to know an exact time, or as close as possible to one.
  10. I really like the core of this theory. Upvote for you.
  11. Yeah, that's another thing. Yes, deadlocks are bad, but killing one of our own is even worse. EDIT: About the deadlocks, Clancy. I see what you are saying, but if we don't get one of them now, then tomorrow, there will be 14 left, with x many of them still alive, guaranteed. We need to act now, and hit hard.
  12. To whom are you talking? And to be honest, I'm not trying to get it so that no body dies. I was trying to: a). Kill Grayv, because his idea sounds very Spiked. b.) Save Mat, yes, but because I feel like a lot of the reason there is attention on him is because he accidently chose a very suspicious persona which in the end means nothing. I mean, it's not fair that he makes a mistake and then he gets killed very first. Right now, Grayv has done the most suspicious thing.
  13. I think that Quivers got something. In a game of mafia I played a few weeks ago, the mafia won because he got the vote into a standstill, and he was able to swing it his way. Not killing anybody is worse than pointless. And edgedancer, that's part of the point. If we can prove that someone's lying, then we can say with reasonable certainty that they are Spiked. My vote is for Grayv, as well.
  14. I say instead of accusing people, we should ask people what they are, and if they lie, then we can kill them. I am Beetle, and I am an ordinary citizen. Anyone else willing to step up?
  15. Properly inebriated, Beetle creeps upstairs, towards the rooms and their beds. Yes, technically, the innkeeper didn't know, but Beetle knew he wouldn't care. The inn hadn't seen another visitor in six months, let alone the six that it could accommodate. Relaxing, he stretches himself and begins to doze off. In all of the excitement of that night, the innkeeper would never think to check if he was stowing away again.
  16. Beetle carefully scuttles into the inn. Last time he was caught in here, Dyring had whipped him so hard his back had bled for a week. Course, Beetle doesn't care, and he cares less about the frights the villagers are discussin'. Koloss can't scare Beetle, they can't hurt Beetle. He swipes a drink from a distracted villager and chugs it down.
  17. I say Si-zeth. Probably wrong, but it's the easiest on my mind. Also, I say Aimia as Ay me Ay and Sadeas like Shardlet does.
  18. I always thought that Nazh was some inside name or whatever for the guy who IRL draws the maps. Could be wrong, though.
  19. Nope. Not Blunt. I would tell you more, but then I'd have to kill you.
  20. I like this idea. I remember what Kirk said, only that he had around eight of them chosen and was considering characters, be it repeats or more minor than the other eight.
  21. Sell. He's already started to use surgebinding now, and to not use it would seem silly. A heartbreaking death will occur in Words of Radiance.
  22. I'm in! This is new to me, but mafia is a family tradition that we love playing. I'm Beetle, an urchin who is always at the most annoying place and is practically invincible. At least, I think so.
  23. Have you already read it? If so, eh. If you have lots of free time. But if not, then you must read it, NOW. There are some great inside jokes in there, and great non inside jokes too.
  24. No uses for WoK hardcover, but we use the Twilight books the same way! Great minds think alike, eh?
  25. Christmas! Got an Iphone 5c, first Iphone, very excited. Also, I got Words of Radiance, or I preordered it, but the adreneline rush was close enough. Um... I got underwear and socks, along with a wierd book by J.J. Abrams.
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