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Everything posted by Crowstavern

  1. Sup chat

    ive been looking at cars lately to get an idea of my first one, yall got any advice? Trying to stay under ten k

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kajsa


      seat heaters



      anyway i know basically nothing about cars but i think those are a very important feature--

    3. Cash67


      Oh yeah mine are broken and I miss them. 

    4. Crowstavern


      I will keep the toaster in mind, but if it’s cheaper without then I shall 🥲

  2. Al exams are so tiring and I wish to never take another one again. Dr.Pepper is my only savior.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      why is that so real-

    2. Cash67


      Yeah I have a love hate relationship with exams. Dr. Pepper is good though. Spoken like a true Texan. 

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Me who doesn't have finals.

      Also me who decided to take 3 AP tests for some reason.

      Also me who decided to heavily procrastinate all the projects I have instead of finals.

  3. Guys 

    it was legitimately, the coolest experience of my life. Holy crows it was as so amazing. 
    sorry for being gone so long, it’s been incredibly busy this week but soon it won’t be! 
    Life has been good and I can’t wait for everything to come 

  4. One more day to the greatest thing ever

    my very first concert experience 

    its Ajr


    1. Experience


      *We're gonna burn the whole house down immediately starts playing in my head*

    2. Sequence


      I'm not a huge AJR fan, but I'm sure a live concert from them would be awesome. :D 

      Have fun!

  5. Thank you everyone :,)

    it’s been really great today, one of my favorites by far! 
    Im 18 now and Im so excited for everything to come! :]]]

    1. shortcake


      gosh I feel old

      (you're literally a year older than me)

  6. Welcome back for this weeks update on my life!! 
    (imagine it in a radio voice)


    everything sucks but hey I got Cal B)

  7. The past few days have been rough and so to cope, I wrote. I kept writing until I got through it all. This is a part of one of the poems from that process. It’s titled in full:

    station eleven.


    Hell is missing those you love most

    But you can’t do anything about it

    It’s gone

    Those people you love

    They’re gone

    You’re alone 

    And you can’t get out

    Hell is missing those people 

    And constantly wishing to hear the words they’d always say in bad times 

    They’re not there though

    They’re just gone

    They’ve been gone

    The words, the memories, the love

    It’s all gone

    1. shortcake


      im out of rep, but i hope your week starts to get better ❤️

    2. Crowstavern
  8. How do you just make everything just stop? 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kajsa


      @Experience i think i'm starting to pick up that you really like cheese

    3. Crowstavern


      Hey man

      Cheese is good

    4. Experience


      It's been proven to help like tons of health problems...

      plus it tastes good

      plus plus my name is a type of cheese... xD

  9. Welcome friends to my morning where the only radio stations playing are Taylor Swift Taylor swift and Taylor swift- I know

    its a large variety! 

  10. Hello other disaster gay people, I’m genderfluid and omniflux :))) I’m glad to have found a community here in the shard full of similar people! I hope that I could grow to understand my identity even more. For the longest time I didn’t know anything about this stuff. I grew up oblivious to it. But things changed once I got older. I remember just going through so many different labels as I was learning more about myself. I had plenty of time to figure it out and start during Covid. it takes a long time to figure out and see what works for you. I eventually settled on genderfluid because it described what I had felt undue for so long. Sexuality took a bit longer. Try things out is my advice, see if you like guys, girls and anyone in general. Look inside and find out. I wish you all the luck! It’s hard but I believe you’ll find out.
  11. My birthday is in two weeks.

    oh my gosh. 
    guys, I’m literally so close to being an adult.

    I didn’t think I’d be able to make it here. :) 

    I’m so glad I did 

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Where us Nebraskans live you aren't an adult until 19.

  12. Homebody drank a single small can of Dr Pepper and feels tired, sounds like I’m drunk and goofy heart. Let’s gooooo!

  13. The eclipse yesterday was so cool!!! The entire area became so dark that the streetlights turned on in our community. 
    lowkey the world could end, there was a tornado earlier today for me :3

    1. Kajsa



    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      You were in totality?

    3. Crowstavern


      I was in totality!! It was literally so cool, the ring turned silver during it

      i didnt get a video of the tornado cause school put us in shelter

  14. Guess who got a 1140 on the SAT?! 😎

    1. Cash67


      Nice work!!

    2. Crowstavern


      Thank you, usually I score 1070 :,) 

      a step up :>>>

    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Awesome job!

  15. Okay but guys, I got my prom dresses. I’m going to three and look at them!! The orange one is for Cals! The other is for mine and church prom :3





    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Medium


      already appreciated <333

      bold of you to assume you guys are the first to see these photos lol

      looking radiant as always, my love

    3. shortcake


      also I love the shoes!!

    4. Crowstavern


      Thank you for the compliments :>>>>
      Ill have to get my strength up in my knee 😅 
      it’s still slightly wrecked but I’ve been able to wear heels more often without pain! 

  16. Fun thing I learned today: a plane in the Vietnam war made a toilet look like a bomb and they launched it from the plane. 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      I need to learn more about this.

  17. Howdy folks, I hope everyone is having a splendid day. You all deserve that ❤️

  18. It feels like the world is so big compared to me and like the time just keeps running out. I worry a lot of the time that if I miss on some things that I’ll come to regret it in the end. There’s only so many hours in a day and having two people that have busy schedules trying to see each other feels impossible.

    a lots been on my mind 

    1. Kajsa



      my PMs are always open if you wanna chat abt anything k? :)

    2. Crowstavern


      Of course, I’ll be sure to 

    3. SmilingPanda19


      I’m here too

      I get that

  19. When the GPA bumps up two whole points- 

    It was a 97.54 before and I am flabbergasted.





    1. Kajsa


      Dayum girl—

  20. Has anyone ever watched or read Station Eleven? It’s one of my favorite shows ever and I just wanna talk to someone about it. It’s in my opinion one of the best shows in recent history.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I haven’t…should I?

    2. Crowstavern


      I highly recommend it :]

  21. Update from yesterday: The boy lives! 
    No plane crashes or anything

    I however was less fruitful in sleep so I stayed home from exhaust.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Bookie, considering how bad some pilots are rn and the increased number of crashes… well, it isn’t as dangerous, but it’s increasingly more dangerous thanks to incompetent pilots

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ...I didn't know that.

    4. shortcake


      I've never been on a plane...

      but it's good that Cal is safe!

  22. I ruined my sleep schedule during break and failed to fix it before Monday. 
    I have five am practice. tomorrow’s gonna be rough my dudes.

    1. Crowstavern


      lowkey it’s also anxiety cause cal’s flying back and im just a smidge worried. 😅

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *hugs a bunch*

      He’s gonna be ok sister, even if he did crash he’d just bounce back up <33

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Good luck with your sleep schedule! It can be rough when it all feels outa wack.

      He’ll be alright. If he crashes he’ll emerge as the only survivor or smthin’ with his shirt flying like a cape behind him. Either that or he’d put the plane back together somehow and fly back.

    after much love and labor, I finished it.

    minor things to tweak and do but it’s a dress!!!




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Crowstavern


      I made the tie :>>>>

    3. Medium



      prettty giiiirl

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh my stars I love ittttt

  24. I’m so excited

    Ive been working on a dress I’ve been making since Last summer and FINALLYY!! I GOT THE ZIPPER!!! 
    Im almost done sewing the dress up. 

    1. Kajsa


      OH MY GOSH. I NEED TO SEE THIS (if you’re comfortable with that)

  25. Going to see Dune Part Two tonight with the family so I did some makeup inspired by it. :]]]IMG_9288.thumb.jpeg.2073b39ba56ecb231f75d694982b1d4c.jpegIMG_9289.thumb.jpeg.06d45c6c11e7d1a19ead35cd7bd87172.jpeg

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      Or should I say...

      Spiiiiiiiice. (I couldn't resist)

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh my scud it’s gorgeous

      (Cal is great but make sure you fan girl over Paul)

    3. Crowstavern


      IMG_9291.thumb.jpeg.eef48a448510a27c2390dfaa8dc63b65.jpegI’ll be fangirling over Paul AND Zendayas character. 
      I added some white freckles and added a bit more blue. 
      As they say, the spice must flow.

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