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Exotic Almond

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Everything posted by Exotic Almond

  1. The staff goes crazy the instant it can't "see" Almond anymore. Outside the room there is basically a localized hurricane with fish and debris flying around. The hurricane mysteriously disappears at the other end of the hallway.
  2. Almond begins wriggling even more to the point that it's a struggle to hold him as well as speaking louder. The staff continues throwing things everywhere even faster at this point almost seeming desperate.
  3. As they near the medical wing (room?) The staff continues to throw random heavy objects at Sunny, including people. (possibly if someone wants an introduction to this part)
  4. Suddenly, the staff vanishes. and reappears 10 feet in front of Sunny. Clearly too far away to have turned invisible and floated that way and then a rock falls straight above Sunny.
  5. Almond starts squirming and seems to be waking up while still whispering "no, no, no, no" over and over again. Behind Sunny the staff (presumably) left on the ground begins to silently float behind.
  6. In a quiet, barely perceptible voice he says "no... I'm caught again" before falling unconscious.
  7. Almond finally gets a grasp on his staff and draw a circle in the air with it with it. Still screeching he warps through the portal and flies straight through a window and splats on the floor barely conscious. His already tattered clothing basically shreds at this point.
  8. Almond was falling. This was not the first time he fell, but that didn't make it more unpleasant. In the distance, 100 feet or so below and to the right of him, he sees a strange building but he's falling to quick to tell what it is. He tries to do something with his staff and... nothing. He starts to become very worried and begins to screech (nope not scream, he's screeching)
  9. Hello! I like your new PFP.

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Thank you! It's Aventine 😊

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Oh that's really cool!

  10. There is a new Clinic character in the works currently and I think it'll be a shocking reveal.

  11. Hello all

    I have decided to try rejoining the Insanity Clinic. Yay! however I have lost all of Exol's spare stuff (the stuff not written down in his backstory) I don't know what to do. I don't want to rewrite half his lore from scratch and kinda want to make a new character but,I don't know how well that would be received. so tell me, how well would that be received.

  12. "Why would you eat out of Mark's E-coli fridge?!?!" - My friend to my other friend "Stop eating random berries!" - me to my friend
  13. Ok so I figured I might as well try one more time. Instead of Pathfinder however I think maybe just a DnD 5e/3.5e campaign would probably catch more people's interests. So, same as before Someone DMs and me and other people as players (or I can DM if I have to, I'm just bad at it)

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Ok so I know double post and all but, if I were to DM I would be running the House of Lament mini adventure and then either let someone else take over or make a larger Ravenloft campaign.

  14. *GASP*


    Screenshot 2024-04-25 12.34.10 PM.png

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Noo! My perfect 100! You monsters!


      JK not actually upset. Just gotta do the bit.


  15. Ok to gauge interest in the pathfinder game I want to start (but not GM) I'm going to make a post in the Roleplaying section and link it here.


  16. Hi it's just me. Just put what you are interested in playing here (player, GM and character/story ideas if you have any)
  17. Would anyone be willing to start a pathfinder 2e game with me? I suck at GMing so someone else would probably have to. I could if I had to but, my storytelling abilities, especially with chaotic players, is very poor. Plus I prefer being a player.

    1. TwinSouls


      If it’s anything like D&D, then I’d love to!

      thing is… I probably have less experience than you.

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      I've studied the rules but I've never played before. If you're interested in learning then I would recommend looking up Pathfinder in 7 minutes or less. Really helped. I could also explain if more people are interested. out of curiosity though would you join as the GM or a player?

  18. I did NJAS yesterday instead of going to school. I'm sure most of you have read @The Bookwyrm's post by now but It's a regional science fair that my school forces us to do for our junior and senior projects. I ended up getting a blue ribbon which surprised me (I hated my project). I must also congratulate Bookwyrm for his win and wish him luck in State.

  19. As you can see this is one of my more active phases.

    Anyway, I haven't been talking about it on the shard but I recently went and got an ADHD test because of a concerning amount of inattentiveness.

    I was officially diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type, social anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder (mild) yesterday.

    I don't know how to feel really but, at least there is an explanation for the way I act in my everyday life now.

    1. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Nothing wrong with being adhd. You're just you, that hasn't changed, you just know who you are better than you did before.

  20. Joyful Date of Birth.

  21. Hey all. I'm back.

    Soooo... I've decided to make a TTRPG based on real life. I'm going to call it Backyards and Bullies and It's going to be like Dungeons and Dragons. All the players are students and they would have different "Specialties" (Can't use classes because that might be a different thing later). There is magic but it would be more mundane (like a fire spell being a lighter). I'm having some trouble getting started so if you want you can leave suggestions.

    Current Specialties are:


    I'll try to answer any questions I can if I know the answer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Good ideas.

      Implementation must happen now.

    3. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Sorry for the dbl post but if you contribute I will credit you in my spreadsheet. (not gonna be published or anything but I feel like y'all deserve it anyway)

    4. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Theater/band/orchestra/choir kid

  22. Well, I've been very inactive. Sorry about that. I find it difficult to focus on more than one interest at a time so I'll probably randomly pop back up every so often. Now back to disappearing!

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