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Exotic Almond

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Everything posted by Exotic Almond

  1. Exol starts running the magnet up and down his arm pulling out any shrapnel that he sees start to poke out with his fingers until he's shrapnel free. "Ooow. That hurts. Now I understand why people run from frag grenades like they do."
  2. "How do we escape no-ooow." Exol topples over from pain mid-sentence with an arm full of shrapnel
  3. "You do realize that it still could've hurt us seriously. The Ex49 may not be the most powerful but it's built with shrapnel to cause injury. Besides even if the explosion wasn't deadly we still coulda died and... why am I arguing with you about this you were trying to hurt us that's still not right."
  4. "I'm not sure about the others but, my doppelganger SUCKS. He tried to kill us so sack him please."
  5. "Well I can't do much about that so I'm focusing on defense. I can blow things up, make speedy time or think fast. Also who's driving."
  6. Exol throws his Multi-Planar grenade, exploding the guards mind, body and soul simultaneously at the same time. "Wow, that was effective."
  7. "Nope not really," Exol exclaims "I'm having the time of my life now that I've calmed down. Now how do I... AH!" Exol screams as the stopping power of the gun pushes him back injuring some of the remaining guards but not killing them.
  8. Exol leaps into the shotgun position and then rolls down the window and puts the shotgun in position to shoot any who try to stop them. "Y'know I've never shot a gun before. Seems easy enough though. How hard can it really be."
  9. "Shotgun!!" Exol exclaims holding up a weapon. "I also want the front seat though"
  10. "Welp that's a small comfort I guess. So... Are we there yet. My legs aren't used to all this running and I'm extremely encumbered." @Ookla of Hope
  11. "Umm... excuse me Mr or Mrs Light? Where are we running to? And most important of all, WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING!!! This is my FIRST day at the clinic and I'm in an alternate dimension and I'm being chased by gods knows what. All while having to worry about my evil Doppelganger running around with explosives and all my knowledge!" @Ookla of Hope @Ookla of Ravens
  12. Exol pulls himself back with elan's help. "Welp, let's go now. I'd rather not almost die."
  13. "That doesn't sound very fun. Sounds quite painful in fact. I take it we have to anyway or else bad things will happen anyway?"
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