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Edema Rue

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Everything posted by Edema Rue

  1. Aww scud I forgot a scene- Actually, it doesn't! So part of the magic system I'm developing is that there are different levels of being connected with the gods. In Empress, she's an Acolyte. After her deal with Death she becomes his Heiress.
  2. My apple blossoms are starting!! Only on our tiniest tree but still!!




    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Nice! We have an apple tree and a pear tree

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ooo!! We used to also have plumb, peach, and apricot, but they've all died. In that order. 

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lol we used to have peach as well but it died too

  3. Siylna watched the fight, faintly amused. This is sick. I wish I could taste them… “Perhaps the hunger games will need to pause,” Siylna mused. “Perhaps the people need to be angrier.” It doesn’t have to be this way! We—you—could end this for good! We could break this world, Siylna…don’t you want to? Siylna scoffed. “This world is already broken, Zira. Maybe I need to fix it first…I wouldn’t want to rule a ruined kingdom, after all.”
  4. I’ll definitely be writing that at some point, but I’m 100% a pantser so… Ah… I don’t exactly know How it ends yet? But I’ll write it at some point!!
  5. Wait what? Auntie Eddie is here to help???
  6. Okay here's the link to all Liz things, I think I've posted all the ones on there here but I should have another one later tonight or tomorrow. ...and if anyone has no idea what's going on, I gotchu just let me know.
  7. Head pounding, Tal backed away from all the people. Flames flickered up and down his body. The voice in his mind was laughing, and he was too...he made it to the basement, barely. Stepping into the cell, the flames died, and the pounding headache returned. Then all faded to black.
  8. Happy birthday!! I hope it brings lots of laughter and the best sort of tears.

  9. It's the unquenchable magic only available to those who aren't nerds, geeks, dorks, or even stalkers.
  10. If you all keep doing this, a murderer is what I'll be... For legal reasons that's a joke. Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually kill people who ping me too many times.
  11. Absolutely, I'd love that!! Aww, thank you so much. Don't stop writing. It comes from practice and from spending hours alone with good books, and the more you write the better you'll get! Not quite yet, I'm working on it though and once I finish it I'll put a link here
  12. Aaaaggghhhhhhh I do it using my very secret non-nerd magic
  13. The screaming got louder. The terror overcame the anger. Blood began to drip, drip, drip.
  14. Tal frowned. The paper suddenly burst into flame, and he winced. Stop that. Give me something better to do. Get out of my head. Laughter. Tal grimaced. "Thaid?" He said out loud. "Bookwyrm? Can either of you hear me?"
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