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J. Magi

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Status Updates posted by J. Magi

  1. I'm looking for summer jobs and:



    Looks like I'm not qualified for this one lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi



      Now their just being mean lol

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *whispers* theyā€™re

      No I feel that, my brother was trying to convince me to work 8 hours a day all summer in a call center and I would have actually died. Or killed someone. One of the two.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      (lol I saw it but I was too lazy to fix it)

      Oof, call centers are rough, my brother used to work at one and hated it. I'm looking at a warehouse job were I hopefully won't have to talk to people.Ā 


    I just shortened my username, cause I've felt like it recently.

    I've been using 'Justice Magician' as my online name since middle school, and recently I've felt like changing it. That being said, that name is kind of how I'm known here, so I thought a shortened version would be a good in-between! (Most people call me Magi anyway, so it works lol)

  3. I finally finished The Sunlit Man, which means I've read all of the current Cosmere stuff which is pretty cool. (It took me two years . . . .)

    I'm looking for some new stuff to read, and I was wondering if you guys had anything to request? IĀ doĀ have some things in reading list to get to, but I'm not in the mood to read them yet (lol) and I thought it might be exciting to read something I haven't had on my shelf for years already.

    Specifically I'm looking for clean fantasy (I have a one track mind) that's on the shorter side, maybe a stand alone or trilogy.Ā 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Dude Iā€™ve got an hour left on The Sunlit Man, can I nerd out about it to you on Friday? (Iā€™m gonna be able to get on discord so we can talk without worrying about spoiling it, I know thereā€™s PMs but theyā€™re slow for me)

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks Eddie, I'll try it out!



      alright so, of course I completely respect your opinion dude, but here's what I didn't like about Ender's game:

      (Also please keep in mind I read this book around a year ago, so the details are a little fuzzy)

      -I found the entire concept and vibe of the book very disturbing, which I think is a product of a lot of my other reasons, but even from the first chapter it just feltĀ wrong.Ā I have no idea how to describe it . . . Maybe it was the syndical/realist tone and narration? There's nothing wrong with that sort of tone but in this book it felt so . . . flippant that it seemed really off putting to me. This is probably just me and my personal biases but it just felt really . . . gross? I don't even know.

      -There were a few lines at the beginning of the book about Ender's sister that made the story feel a little sexist? I'm probably misinterpreting that but once again, it was enough to bother me. I can't remember if those lines were said by a character or the narrator, so I don't know if it was meant to be a character flaw or not. It's not super important, but worth mentioning.

      -I personally feel like we were given very little reason to care about any of the characters. That being said a lot of the character tropes and personalities used in this books are ones I don't really like in the first place so . . .

      -The MC was a mary sue. He was more brilliant and more hardworking and more dedicated than all of the other characters. Don't get me wrong, an op MC can be done right,Ā but for it to work the characters power level cannot be the point of the story. And yet in Ender's game, it felt like it was. Ender just hurtled forward through every challenge given him, and maybe he does fail a little here and there, but almost always the lesson felt like 'well, I'mĀ Ender so I'll just do better next time.'Ā 

      It felt like he had little to no arc at all, and that leads into my second point:

      -His character arc on a moral/psychological standpoint really bothered me. As the story progressed he seemed to really only get worse. Correct me if he did improve in some way (that isn't physically) but it seemed like every time he changed, he became more hardened, more stern, and more angry. Once again, I don't mind this. Corruption (for want of a better word) arcs can be done well, and I'm no stranger to liking morally grey (also for want of a better word) characters. That being saidĀ the story has to call them out on it. The story HAS to stay (whether through a narrator or through other characters): 'Hey, what this dude is doing is kind of messed up.' But it never did . . . he just became this cold shell of what he used to be, and everyone applauded and called him a hero. I understand he needed to be stern because of the military environment, but you can have a 'stern army general' archetype and still have them show real kindness and compassion once in a while. Ender became something that doesn't feel human in my opinion, and the book did little to say 'hey this is not great maybe he needs help.' All I'm asking for is one scene where he and his friends hang out and they have a heart to heart and someone (heaven forbid) actually treat Ender with some kindness.

      -The adults are all terrible people and once againĀ no one calls them out on it. 'Oh yeah, lets emotionally abuse and manipulate a child for years because the fate of the world depends on it or something' Come on . . . the fact that they're using children at all feels unrealistic to me. I don't care if they're geniuses or hyper-talented. There will always be an adult with more experience and more skill then some kid--even if that kid comes out of the womb doing college level math. It just doesn't make sense to me.

      -My other big problem with the adults is whenever Ender accidentally kills someone, they don't tell him. I don' know about you, but if I accidentally murdered someone, I want to know. They're betraying Ender's trust in them, all while acting like they're some kind of hero's for keeping the 'harsh truth' from him. I'm sorry, but they should have told him. If they'd have told him, then he could actually learn from it. Ender could re-evaluate himself, and work on self control. Instead they let him continue to recklessly charge forward, and never let him experience consequences for his actions.Ā 

      -His siblings's sublot felt . . . so out there. It was justĀ soĀ unrealistic. Once again, I don't care if they're genius children, that's not enough to convince me they're capable of getting the entire earth to believe that they're competitive politicians with opposite views effectively manipulating adults with experience and education in this area to do whatever they want. I think this might be why the book feels so jarring to me.Ā  The tone of the story and narration is very realist, dare I say pessimistic. But the plot is constantly going into wild and unbelievable directions. It clashes and feels really disorienting as a reader.Ā 

      -Also, this is just a nitpick, but when Ender's sister and brother hack into their parents computer to get unlimited internet access, why does it never occur to the sister to seek help? She has a physically abusive and psychotic brother, andĀ  emotionally neglectful parents. Why didn't she contact the police? Or get info for running away? If it were, me that's what I'd have done. I understand that she wanted to be a part of the politics scheme, but once again the fact that world-wide politics fell onto a child asĀ herĀ responsibility is wild to me. If there was a reason why she couldn't get help or run away the book should have told us!

      -I very strongly dislike the end of the book and the plot twist reveals. When it was revealed that the Buggers are a hive-mind, my immediate reaction was indifference. Sure, we weren't given that much info on them to begin with, but if you want a reader to anticipate answers to questions you have to introduce the questions to them in the first place.Ā The reader has to know that a mystery exists for them to be excited when it's solved. The plot twist at the very end of the book was terrible. 'You were fighting the real bad guys the whole time and it wasn't just a simulation.' How is that supposed to be engaging to the reader? Any tension or expectation for a final battle is destroyed and the reader is left feeling disappointed because what they thought was rising tension was just the climax in disguise. There's no impact, there's no struggle for a win. Once again, Ender won because he's Ender. It annoys me to no end. (See my point about the realist tone clashing with the unrealistic events). If I were to write it, I would make the simulation actually just a simulation, and let Ender truly fight the buggers like we expected him too. The book would be longer, ( I don't mind long books) but Card could have done a time skip showing Ender's progress as he got older, and then the final battle. Squishing it all together didn't subvert reader's expectations, it betrayed them. It honestly feels like lazy writing to me.

      -The ending section thatĀ doesĀ timeskip and talk about the future felt very out of place. Like I said above, I already had little reason to care about the characters in the first place, and now I'm meant to feel something when they do stuff later in life? It felt like an exposition dump and was really boring to read. It was probably set up for the next book, but if that's the case then why isn't just a prologue for the next book? Or the lore could just be implied/ integrated to the next book. Shoving it all here feels lazy. I guess there is Ender's arc about his relationship with the Buggers, but that wasn't really expanded upon in the first place and once again I'm left without reason to care. Also, Peter's apology before he died also felt unprecedented and weird. We were given vary little reason to believe he'd do so and his character arc never alluded to it. A last minute change of heart felt out of pocket and I'll be honest, hard to accept. The damage he did was already done, and it's not like he worked to fix any of it. I don't understand why he didn't just die without ever admitting anything he did was was wrong--it would way more in character.

      whoops that was a really long rant . . . sorryĀ šŸ˜…. I guess I have strong opinions about this book. Once again I respect your opinion, everyone interprets fiction differently and I think it's really cool you can enjoy something I couldn't.

      The sequel does sound not as bad (especially if Ender isn't in it . . . I very strongly dislke him) so I guess I'll think about it . . . I don't know.

      Why ever not: Sure you can message me! I might not respondĀ immediately but I'd love to chat about it!

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      This has given me new things to think onā€¦

      I know this was intended for Bookwyrm, but thank you for sharing it where I can read it

  4. good grief I'm out of rep already

    1. Wierdo


      Lol, nice different miku

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lollll thanks, it's from the some MV but I like this shot better

  5. I want to make a head cannons thread (because I think it'd be fun) but I can't decide if it should go in 'General Branderson Discussion' or 'Cosmere discussion' . . . thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yeah . . . it might work in either? I'll think on it some more

    3. Wierdo


      Good Luck

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      thanks! lol

  6. Things I learned today: Mothman is not a Marvel super hero

  7. The apple blossoms at my house rn:



    (Ignore how patchy the lawn is . . . .)


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oooo they're gorgeous!! Only one of our apple trees has started blooming.

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Those look so cool!

  8. uh oooh . . .Ā Ā 

    the temptation to change my username cause I'm bored of itĀ 

  9. Oh! I hit 3k posts a while ago, so Hoorayyy

    1. Experience
    2. Wittles


      That's a lot of words, Hooray!!

  10. I CAN GO HOME IN 15 MINUTES! I might just go straight back to bed lol . . . it's been that kinda day.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh my chasms I want to do the same thing <33

  11. Y'know when there's like . . . 15 things bothering you and so you feel completely awful but none of the things are big enough to give you an excuse to go home? Yeah . . . .

  12. Just got attacked for how I drink milk cartons in my marketing class .. . .Ā 

    I'm gonna keep drinking it wrong out of spite.

    1. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      That is the correct response, I think.

      Ā Just wonderingā€¦what do you do to drink it wrong?

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      So it's like one of those pull tab ones . . . with the rectangle pull tab thingy? (I tried to find a picture but couldn't) so the hole the milk comes out of is this rectangle slit thing that goes along the long side of the carton. And I guess I was putting it in my mouth in the wrong direction? Your supposed to put the short side of it in your mouth because that's where the 'spout' is? But I was putting my mouth on it from the long side.

      If that makes any sense at all.

  13. Me: Woah, I'm sure getting some weird ominuous vibes even though I'm just chillin' on the couch . . .

    *The dune soundtrack playing loudly in the background, which I turned on randomly a few minutes ago and promptly forgot about because it's gets really quiet at some parts*

  14. *blinks*


    when did the STEM forum disappear?

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I don't know but I kind of miss it...

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I wasn't there much but it didn't seem extremely inactive

    3. RoyalBeeMage


      i tried looking for it to post a topic and stumbled across this instead.

  15. literally nothing matches the level of serotonin i get from a finding a new high fantasy show to watch hahah it's like it's my favorite genre and life-long obsessionĀ 


  16. Going back to reading a more traditionally narrated book after reading the Silmarillion is a special kind of whiplash.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I imagine itā€™s similar to reading the wheel of time then reading eragon directly after.

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      heheheh lol yeahĀ 

  17. Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Here's some cake!!!!

    *hands u waffles*

    1. shortcake



  18. Random, night time thoughts:

    Please tell me it wasn't just my area that had the very important rule that if you haven't lost The Game by the time the queen of England dies, you win?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      The game is never over.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      No, the game ends when the prime minister of England says ā€œthe game is upā€ on national tv.

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      Mark my words.

      The game is never over.

  19. Random short story idea I might write but probably not so I'm putting it here before I forget: the ghost of ancient ruler is well aware that archeologists are (unsuccessfully) looking for his tomb. He thinks that if they find it and disturb his remains, he won't be able to go to the after life, so he uses his magic ghost powers to move his tomb around from place to place (I'm thinking he's stuck in one region though). The archeologists are starting the catch on though, and it's getting harder and harder for him to hide. Chaos ensues.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      oh yeah, it's in a fantasy world cause I want it to be

    2. shortcake


      this actually sounds really cool, I would definitely read this

  20. My best friend who is very soft spoken and quiet trying to tell me something Vs me wearing noise canceling earbuds while I paint to help me focus Vs my art teacher coming up behind me and jump scaring me

  21. [This SU includes paid promotional material]

    Do you like fantasy?

    Evil, magic overlords?

    Undiscovered lands?

    Well I have the RP for you!


    Yeah so basically, there's this:


    and we need a few more people to help develop the world and start roleplaying . . . so if anyone's interested please let me know!! There's already a few people involved but I think it might be easier if we had a couple more players.

    [jk I can't pay myself I'm broke]

  22. The apathy I have towards my GPA in the final weeks of the school year is a little bit concerningĀ šŸ˜…

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh my goodness you guys the school year has 6 more whole weeks in it, it feels like it'll be forever before summer finally comesĀ :(

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      IM SO DONE

      but also all my friends are graduatingā€¦

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I'll be honest it kinda snuck up on me. ACT prep kinda consumed my year, so I'm shocked how close we are to be doing done now that it's all over.

  23. "We're just rats in a Walmart world,"

    --My marketing teacher, just now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      ā€œwELcOmE to waLmArTā€

      if you can name that play I will be amazed and afraid but also very very happy.Ā 

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      eddie I am so sorry I have run out of rep already

      also I have seen probably 2 plays in my lifetimeĀ 

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      xD itā€™s ok itā€™s incredibly obscureĀ 

  24. Hello evernyan!!!Ā how r u fine sank u

    I'm officially back from break which means I'm gonna try and look through all 170 notifs, but I'm probably not gonna see everything. If you tried to contact me or whatever and I never see it feel free to ping or quote me again, I don't mind.Ā 

    Also, I'm on two hours of sleep, so if this is mildly incomprehensible that's why. I am thriving with the power of sushi and wasabi for breakfast.Ā 

    Thank you all so much for the wonderful birthday messages, it means a lot!! The community here never ceases to amaze me with how kind and wonderful it is! Speaking of my birthday, I was gifted The Sunlit Man and I'm really excited about it!! It's the only canon cosmere material I have yet to read.

    Welp, I'm gonna go sort through the RP threads and figure out if Sharpo's still alive or not. If you need me, contact me, and have a wonderful day everyone!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Hurray! The cinnamon roll lives on

    3. TheRavenHasLanded


      kaza can do things right now.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      *wipes away tear* he grew up so fast

  25. Spoiler


    me, ten minutes later: oh wait I'm lazy lol


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Ahaahah jokes on you, all of them were changes to my morning routine and now I'm at school so you're too late!!

    3. TheRavenHasLanded


      Tomorrow then!

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      dangit I forgot about tommorrow

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