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J. Magi

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Posts posted by J. Magi

  1. Quote

    Whoops . . . I did my best to catch myself up


    On 5/25/2024 at 8:57 PM, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    Krin shakes his head. "right, right..." 



    Because of the break? 

    20 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

    “Hey guysh” *chewing sounds* “I found ush shome food that we can eat!”

    Connor swallows, laughs quietly, then goes and gets more shpores from Tinker’s bag (verdant) and grows more food. Then, getting a funny idea, he grows them and tears off portions, lying them across his group member’s necks, but not tying them. (Excluding Marewill, to whom he grins and winks. | Think basically if you have a rope for a blanket and just lie it across you)

    After eating some more his own vines, he takes a particularly sturdy one and ties one end around a large stone. (He’s made a ball and chain, just… without the chain.) Then, after turning and walking away, he says “I’ll be back, I’m heading to the casino for a while.”

    "Okay . . ." Sharp didn't object as he watched him go. Krin was still asleep, but Sharp decided he had gotten enough. He sat up and looked around regaining his senses.

    15 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    Well I am glad that your friends were here, she thinks to herself, suddenly grateful for more people to watch her humiliation. She burns a bit of the chromium that she had left in her stomach overnight by accident, Whoops, Oh well. She chuckles to herself, before sitting there. Will one of the others untie me? She calls out to one of them.

    @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded @The Bookwyrm and others


    Could you try to use quotation marks instead of italics for dialouge? It just makes it easier to understand-- especially because I often have to skim through posts.

    "Nope." Sharp said with a shrug. 

    5 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

    Her head shot up. “First death.”

    @J. Magi @The Bookwyrm @TheRavenHasLanded @Scars of Hathsin @WhyEverNot_8

    "Damn . . ." Sharp mumbled as the canon went off. "Took longer than I expected."

    He watched as Marewell ran off. He wondered briefly if she would ditch them entirely.

    1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    Tinker nodded. "Good luck."

    He tried to hide his discomfort.

    Sharp stood and moved over to him. Might as well try and make friends with his allies right?

    "Hey . . . I'm Sharp, what's your name? You might've already told me but I forgot . . ." He sat next to Tinker.

  2. 13 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "oh... so thats why i couldnt move."

    "oh no!" roy said before using his magic to pick up the body and bring it to himself. once he had his hands on it he tried a spell of healing... then a spell of spiritual connection...

    Nothing happens.

  3. 19 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

    Dragon blinked. Okay, weird but all right. He chucked the body to the other side. This one crunched, but not as much as the other had. Then he threw Penn the same way. It landed an inch from the wall.

    Penns body did not wake up.

  4. 6 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


      Hide contents

    Im not stalking you

      Hide contents




    Thanks lol

    6 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:
      Hide contents

    I am :ph34r:

      Hide contents

    Kidding lol

      Hide contents


      Hide contents

    Ok, fine I did

      Hide contents

    But she dared me to try

      Hide contents

    So I’m innocent








  5. 12 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

    Connor cracks an eye open and says “Krin, like Sharp said, we’re trying to sleep, and you should too.” Then he closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.



    mmmh I think we're on like, a flat meadow above the swamp.


  6. 1 hour ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    Krin looks around. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING"


    no worries lol

    Sharp starts awake, he had fallen asleep next to Krin. "We're just . . . sleeping . . . cause it's night time." He mumbled.

  7. Just now, Spark of Hope said:



    Ohhh I did see, but thought she was talking to Tinker because he does the spore stuff

    Retconn: Before attempting to sleep, Sharp grabs some sturdy vines and ties Dougella up.

  8. 2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    @Spark of Hope @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded @WhyEverNot_8

    Tinker sat staring at the dwindling fire as the night crawled onward. He clutched the silver knife in his hand and gazed warily at the other Tributes. He didn't particularly trust them, and the prospect of forming any kind of alliance only meant more emotional pain later on.

    He'd given the blanket to Marewill, told her to get some sleep. But he stayed up, thinking.

    Was it in his best interest to run? He had spores now, and could probably find some clay in the arena to make grenades. No iron or steel for precision Rosite usage, but he'd make due.

    He didn't think Marewill would take his departure well, though. She seemed emotionally unstable after what the monster Emeric had done. And Tinker didn't want to leave her...she reminded him of Iara, somehow.

    There was also the choice to attack. But what was that going to do? He'd never taken a life before. And he really didn't want to. He'd kill in defense, but striking first didn't feel right. He didn't want to follow the whims of the gamemakers. He'd made the choice to be here; he'd choose how he acted now.

    He sighed and gazed at the sky again, missing his family.

    1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

    “We need to take someone out.”

    She’d ignored his request that she sleep. She only had the tin she’d swallowed, and she needed to make it last as long as possible.

    "I heard that." Sharp mumbled, having awoken at the sound of their voices.

    1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

    Out of the leaf pile flops a little brown fluffy ferret. It looks like it’s built for cold environments. 

    Sharp mostly ignores his two new allies, it seemed their conversation was a private one anyway. The little ferret thing was odd but didn't seem dangerous, so he ignored at as well. He was good at ignoring things, like the guilt in his heart and the reason he was here.

    He stared up at the sky as he tried to fall back asleep. They were probably the same stars he could see from his home, but they felt different anyway. The yellow-brown fields of summer didn't make up the horizon, and there was no rickety mansion sitting proudly on it's hill. Krin wasn't sleeping next to him because they'd snuck out of the house to play under the moon.

    Sharp wondered if his ancestors had stared at the same sky, trapped in their own times. Had they been ready to die when they did? Sharp had thought he was, but staring at the stars of his childhood made him reconsider. 

    Could he really do this?

    Was this really who he was?

    He'd always told Sharp he'd been made for the games, but Sharp couldn't have felt more out of place.


  9. Just now, Spark of Hope said:

    “We either let her live or kill her. It is still the Hunger Games, and if any of us want to win…” She left the rest in the air, but it was obvious what she was implying.

    "I won't kill an idle opponent." Shap replied, his eyes tired.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    Dougella stumbles around the arena. This is why I don't have any friends. She continues wandering, Too competitive, the voice repeats in her head, over and over. Never ending, driving her up the wall. She takes a few deep breaths. Calm down, yes, calm down. it mutters. She feels like screaming, but stumbles upon a group of tributes, and heads towards them, and the fire they had, before falling on the ground, staying there and falling asleep, her head spinning. 

    @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded


    "Oh man . . ." Says, watching her fall with a flinch unable to get up fast enough to help. "What should we do . . ?" He asked his teammates. @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm @TheRavenHasLanded


    *flashes back to Sharp'i's Murder Revenge arc*

    nah doesn't seem to intense to me


  11. 6 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    "No need for that," Tinker said. He pulled out a vial of yellow spores, placed a few on the wood, and poured water on them. They started glowing white hot, and the wood caught fire.


    "Oh yeah," Sharp said putting his knife away. "I forgot about your uh . . . fungi bits? Magic sand?"


    uh . . . 5? Sharp, Krin, Connor, Marewell, and Tinker (we did sort of make an alliance with Kresh but he ran off so I don't think he counts


  12. 4 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

    Sosdor continued to wait. He wasn't really tired. HIs life had been running around like a madman, and a little hike hadn't bothered him in years. What did bother him...Souls, a soul was supposed to be constant. He knew above manipulators of course, but they was different. Like putting one in front of the other. But the way his father had explained shapeshifter...It was almost as two souls existed, between each other. He shivered. It was almost like there was no soul. 

    He put that away. It was good that he had known about it before his betrayal. Rumor had it that Shapeshifters couldn't be killed in their animal form. It would mean he'd have to attack him first, and in human form. Perhaps in his sleep...

    "Having trouble falling asleep?" Kurtis asked, finishing off the grey ration bar he'd been eating. "Want something to eat?" He offered Sosdor a grey inedible looking bar of his own.

  13. 4 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

    "If you and Roy ;eave your bodies, I will throw them across the room." @J. Magi @RoyalBeeMage

    "Alright, but like I said, It will take me several minutes to get back in after you throw me."

    Penn sat down so his body wouldn't fall as he left it. You don't see his spirit leave, and he doesn't have a visible ghost. His black hair faded to white, for some reason, and his eyes glossed over.

  14. 2 hours ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

    The temperatures continue to drop as the night goes on, getting to the edge of freezing levels. 



    @Lord Spirit @Cash67 @RoyalBeeMage @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded @The Bookwyrm @Spark of Hope @Wierdo @The Stormfather @The Honorable One @WhyEverNot_8 @Unintelligenius @Scars of Hathsin @Witisthebest, @Lotus Blossom @Dragonheir @LightRinger


    Sharp came back with his pile of firewood. "Let's get this fire started." He could feel the cold air on his face, though the coat kept him warm enough that it didn't bother him. He set up the sticks and lit it with some sparks from his knife. He wasn't worried about drawing attention--with a group this big it wasn't likely they'd get ambushed. Soon he had a small campfire made, in the general center of the area the group had settled down in.

    3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    Krin shivers.

    "Want the coat?"

  15. Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

    @Spark of Hope @WhyEverNot_8 @J. Magi

    Tinker led them to a dry area that was mostly clear of Verdant vines.

    "I think this is as good a place to stop as any," he said, gazing at the sky above. 

    It was beautiful.

    And it reminded him of home.

    He tried not to think about it.

    "R-right, we should try to settle down for the night." Sharp sat down, not sure what to do with himself. "Should we . . . try to make a fire?"

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