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J. Magi

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Posts posted by J. Magi

  1. 15 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "I..I..mean, you seem very nice person to have as a friend" she says quickly, Stupid, Yes , Shut up. She stares at the dog as it prances. "Danceshe mutters to the dog

    "Thanks but . . . you've known me for like 5 minutes."

  2. 1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    See even he is uncomfortable, she scolds herself. Glancing back at him, her cheeks blush. Stop it she practically yells internally at herself. She glances away, grabbing the vines, "Become something fun" she mutters feeling some of the breaths drain from herself , and it becomes a small dog, prancing around. Licking her with it's rough tongue. Some of the colours become less vivid around him, and her lifesense decreases somewhat. "But your very nice" she blurts out

    "Oh, you think so? Thanks." Sharp watches the dog move around with fascination. He'd never been able to do something so complex with Breaths.

  3. 1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "Friends are nice" she says somewhat sadly, "I had none growing up" she adds. Why am I telling him this?

    @J. Magi

    "Oh . . . that's a . . . I'm sorry about that. I didn't really have many friends besides Krin when I was child."

  4. 2 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "Same" she says excited, "I was the first person to have an alliance, I hope" she says patting herself on the back mentally. That was a good win "Except I left them to go to the Casino, it drew me in, such competition" she almost drools with the thought

    "Huh, I went there too and bought a jacket, then made some allies after that . . . well I guess Krin and I were already friends."

  5. 2 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "So what are we going to do" she says glancing at him again, and then staring straight ahead. "There are still many tributes"

    @J. Magi

    "I have no idea . . . I made a few allies but they ran off and I haven't seen them since."

  6. 3 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "Huh, I umm never knew" she stumbles, and looks away. Get your storming head together, Yes, do, She grins slightly, willing to put her will against the other things mind. "Did others not win? Our only success story was Doug Norra, the first person in our family, thought to have been created from a god called Arranis" she boasts pridefully. "Not that I believe y Grandma's story much anyway"

    @J. Magi

    "Yeah . . . Sharp'i was the only one." He goes quiet after that. It wasn't like talking about his ancestors death truly upset him, but thinking about this topic lead to another--one he really didn't want to think about.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "Sharpie inspired me the most, as he actually survived a Hunger Games" she says thinking back, "Even though he effectively killed my Great Cousin or something, Dougg No-Name' she adds as an afterthought. 

    @J. Magi

    "Huh, yeah he's pretty much our only success story . . ." Sharp gestured at Krin, "Krin's actually Sharp'i's great great, lot's of great's grandson."

  8. 1 hour ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Wyldri tried to blow the vines away with the wind, but they wouldn't budge. "It's almost as if whatever druid is growing this is specifically trying to slow us!" she exclaimed, pulling her rarely used machete out from her belt and slicing at the vines as well.

    "We don't know if that druid you can sense is the cause of this . . ." Kurtis grunted, slashing more vines.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "Ooh, Do you come from the Sharp household, your ancestor inspired me to come here" she says gushing, I think I have gained their trust. "So where are we going?" she says skipping along glancing at the boy


    Sharp: I don't trust you

    Dougella: I think he trusts me!!

    This interaction is so priceless

    "Yeah, that's us . . ." Sharp's uncomfortableness faded a little, she seemed harmless enough. "Which one inspired you?" He didn't tell her where they were going because he had no idea himself.

  10. 41 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    roy closed his eyes and created a knife made from light and fire to help cut through some of the plants."is it just me or is the plants getting thicker as we cut them?"

    "Hmm . . . they're definitely thicker than yesterday." He finished hacking through one that was wider then his head.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    Dougella blushes, what caused that is unknown. Why did I blush. She questions herself. She shrugs shaking her head, and holds out her hand "Dougella, is my name" she says 

    @J. Magi

    "Okay . . ." He doesn't take her hand. "I'm Sharp."

  12. 11 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    Dougella shrugs, "Well you did not kill me, which I think makes us friends" she grins again stopping storing her luck, as well as tapping. "I can be friendly when I want" she says, "Besides I had a conversation with one of your teammates, saying that she would have killed me if it had not been for you" she says, her gaze boring into him, friendly, with a hint of admiration as well

    @J. Magi 

    She creeped Sharp out.

    But . . . his other allies were no were to be found and he knew it would be unwise to pass her up.

    "Alright, I guess we could work together--this doesn't mean I trust you though."

  13. 1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "then where would we be? or well you."

    "Right, we should stay together." He adjusted his back, and left the clearing on the south side. It took a while to move even a a few yards because of how many plants he needed to cut out of the way.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    "Yes it is the hunger games" she says rolling her eyes, "but you did not kill me earlier when you had the chance." she grins, looking up at them slightly unhinged. "I just thought we could be friends" she says as she launches another snowball at them. "Do you want to build a snowman?" she starts singing

    @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded


    lol frozen is canon now

    "You don't seem very friendly . . ." Sharp muttered. "I didn't kill you because I have honor, that doesn't mean I trust others in this area to feel the same way."

  15. 2 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Coincidentally, that is also the direction that Druid is. It was difficult to hear it, especially now that the fog rolled in, it was almost impossible to notice. "Do you think I should scout ahead?" Wyldri asked, pushing herself a few feet into the air with more effort than it should usually take.


    1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    “I think we should stick together. We could use you.”

    "I agree, you could get lost in the fog and we'd have no way of finding you."

  16. 1 hour ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    Dougella stands back shocked, "Why would I hurt you? You have done nothing to me?" she asks, almost innocently. How can I make this a challenge. She glances around them, "Do you guys like the snow?" she says offhandedly. "Because I do" she grabs some of the snow between her fingers, and behind her back forms it into a ball, before lobbing it at one of them. 

    @TheRavenHasLanded @J. Magi

    "Because this is the Hunger games!" He said, dodging the snowball easily.

  17. 8 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

    "Should we keep moving?"

    "Well, we've got to try." Kurtis stood up, pulling his map out of his bag. "If we assume that we're still on the road, then we just need to keep heading south." He said, pointing in the right direction.

  18. 1 hour ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Wyldri sat up warily, hand going to her bow. "I don't like this," she said, "not enough air." She tried to look through the thick fog, stepping towards the middle of the campsite. It was more open there than by the trees, but it still felt suffocating.

    "Neither do I," Kurtis said, packing his bedroll up. "We could get lost very easily."

    35 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    Sleeper groans, then unleashes a blast that clears away the plants and fog, although it takes a minute.

    It clears the foliage surrounding and in the clearing with around a 40 foot radius. The jungle beyond looks thicker then the day before. 

    The dissipated fog starts to seep back into their camp after a few minutes.

  19. 8 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:



    Coolio! ALSO HI

    The night passes quickly. Those who've camped outside before notice that the jungle is far too silent. No late night birds or other animal noises. No wind. 

    As the sun rises, a thick fog settles over the area. Twisted vines and branches make shadows in the white void. It feels more like being inside the belly of some massive beast then a forest.

  20. 20 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

    "Damn . . ." Sharp mutters looking up at the sky. He keeps a wary eye out for lightning, they needed to find shelter.

    18 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Dougella, HG Arena

    Dougella takes a breath feeling a weight lift off her shoulders, and her storing seems to be more potent. What just happened. She feels the ground shift, and grabs one of the vines, "Hold me and grab things" she calls to the vines, as it grabs onto her, and latches onto a tree, holding her off the ground as it shakes. Snow. Snow starts falling. Dougella laughs, This is not something you find everyday she smiles glancing around in wonder. "Your breath to mine" she breathes. Bathing in the power the breaths give her. It should not be like this, they should not be able to control our powers the way they do. She growls to herself. She taps a bit of luck "Dont worry I wont hurt you" she says soothingly. 

    An idea hits her, Snow=Water, she leans down quickly picking up some of the snow that lay on the ground and putting it her mouth. She feels it melt and trickle down her throat mmm..

    @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded

    "So . . . you're not gonna attack us?" He asked, standing protectively in front of Krin.

  21. 18 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Wyldri is overly trusting and does tend to let a lot of things slip, and it's very hard for her to keep secrets. I guess it's a flaw on her part that she's so open with how her magic works. A conflict with Kurtis does seem quite likely to me as well, although I don't think Wyldri would realize what was going on for some time.


    Thanks for clarifying! Sorry if I misunderstood lol.

    19 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Do you think we should skip through the night or keep going?


    Yep! We can time skip if everyone's cool with it!

    @witsthebest @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @TheRavenHasLanded

  22. On 6/2/2024 at 7:54 AM, BlueWildRye said:

    "Kurtis! Yes, yes, I remember now. Yes, typically people hire me as a scout, y'know, with all the (sort of) flying stuff. Sorry I was so late!"

    "Wind mastery... well... other Alma users can connect, divide, or manipulate air, but only an air elemental, a djinn like myself, can master it." Wyldri concentrated, then gathered the nearby air at her feet and launched herself ten feet into the air. "I can't go much higher than this, but it is a useful ability. Did you know that the first person to accurately map the world, before the Haki of course, was a djinn? Just a fact."

    "Oh nice! I've never heard of any of this stuff before . . ."

    17 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    "Yes, I imagine flight practically lets people do things like that" Arranis says glancing around. "About that Dryad, would you be able to locate one?"

    17 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    'Well she called it a dryad, I would call it a Alma Connected Forest Elemental, but hey Dryad is easier to say" Arranis shrugs 

    15 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

    "Dryad, Druid, whatever," Wyldri shrugged as well. "There is one nearby, I can feel it. That's another elemental thing, I guess. You can kinda sense other ones. It's some ways south from here, and is a very, very powerful Alma user. I don't think any normal Druid would be able to grow an entire jungle within a couple of days."

    @Scars of Hathsin @RoyalBeeMage


    Whatever sense you is foggy, muffled even. The jungle sits around you like a spiritual buffer, isolating you with it's branches. It feels somewhat suffocating, but that feeling isn't difficult to ignore.

    There is dryad, but it isn't extremely close.

    2 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

    "I guess so. I'm going to go to sleep. Wake me up if you need anything." Wyldri walked over to an unoccupied corner of the campsite and laid down on the ground, then hesitated and levitated a foot in the air. She wasn't going to sleep where a snake or spider might bite her. There were too many stories of travelers in the jungle being found months later, bones picked clean. Although Wyldri didn't have bones, so she wasn't sure how that could be a danger to her. Wrapping her cloak around herself like a blanket, she entered a trance-like state that was the elemental counterpart of sleeping.

    Kurtis settled back down too, falling asleep with the efficiency of a soldier. He started snoring again soon after.


    Aaaah I don't want to be annoying but once again, please remember:

    a- Kurtis is a Haki official, and is absolutely not trustworthy with your magical secrets. I've let you off easy as to his reactions to things so far because he's kind of dumb, and fairly uninformed. Just remember that a possible conflict with Kurtis is a part of the dynamic here.

    b-As the GM, I do have things planned out for the plot/world-building. Obviously, this is a collaborative RP so I want everyone to be involved and have fun, but try not to have your characters assume things about the plot/immediate surroundings. It just starts to get a little god-mody and makes things a little more difficult for me to keep things consistent and interesting. If you want to add to the plot with your own ideas pm me! I'd be happy to add things.


  23. Quote

    I didn't get a no for my character so I'll join if that's alright

    Akimitsu wandered into the farmland, unsure if how he had gotten there. Everything up until a few minutes ago was fuzzy . . . he could barely remember the cold mountain village he had been staying in a night or so ago. Aki didn't recognize this area--he knew he'd never been here before. 

    He glanced around looking for other people so he could ask where he was.

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