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Everything posted by shortcake

  1. " @InfiniteInsanity you have a child and you didn't tell me?" - me to Insa
  2. Lundyn tried to scream, but no sound came out as she and Pic were pulled into the vacuum.
  3. Lundyn grins. Lundyn reaches for Pic's hand.
  4. Lundyn baps Aventine on the top of her head, just because she felt like it.
  5. Lundyn smiles when Pic picks (heh) her up and wraps her arms around the top of his head.
  6. I hate that using shuffle on Spotify isn't actually a true shuffle

    it just plays songs you've recently listened to or artists you've recently listened to and then throws in some other songs into the mix

    like it's not even a true shuffle and it bothers me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Don't use smart shuffle and it'll help

    3. Kajsa


      i just don’t like spotify


      it’s just not good

    4. shortcake


      smart shuffle is the one where it adds songs that aren't already on the playlist, yes?

  7. "...okay.. but if I die, I'm definitely gonna haunt you."
  8. literally everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong right now

    I know that's not actually true but it seriously feels like it

    I fell sick its not fun

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh dear idk about that . . . 

    3. Wierdo


      Most of the time.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      *Some of the time

  9. "I don't think the things I've done here have made it very peaceful..." she thinks towards him.
  10. Lundyn doesn't say anything for a moment and silently scoots closer to Pic. "...Lovely."
  11. "Lundyn... Are you the person who tried to steal my soul??"
  12. "Um- Pic, who is this?" she looked the new person up and down. @Cash67
  13. kajsa there's a YouTuber called Sam Does Arts and I feel like your art style radiates his art style's energy

    do you watch him? if you don't, I think you would enjoy his videos

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kajsa


      I KNOW 

      my art improved so much after i started watching him

    3. Cash67


      Kajsa do we need to talk...?

    4. Kajsa


      @Cash67 nope nope definitely not

  14. Lundyn blipped back into existence in the middle of this interaction. She looked out of breath.
  15. awwwhhhh that's so sweet
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