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Lego Mistborn

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Everything posted by Lego Mistborn

  1. Welcome the shard is awesome, isn't it
  2. I definitely didn't just up vote every post on this page. Also, if anyone wants to train, I can gift you knowledge. Just summon me and say you want me to be your Babsk.
  3. Welcome to the shard. All I'll say is you are in for a treat with RoW
  4. Welcome (said with a polish accent) Chose whether you want to waste time and perhaps get drawn into something you may not want to.
  5. Sorry, twas unclear. I just don't like her personality. I do like her un-stereotypicallity though. I wan to be clear that it is not the reason I dislike her.
  6. Here is my even more unpopular opinion. Vin sucks. She's so annoying. I just can't like her, despite loving Mistborn. I enjoy reading characters I don't like, but it confuses me why so many people have her as their favorite. I do think is is a strong female character who isn't a stereotypical strong female character nor a stereotypical non-stereotypical strong female character. To me at least she's written as a person first, not as a strong female character.
  7. I don't think that's quite right, I'd say it's more "platonic romance" (I written papers about this actually)
  8. Elend Kaladin Hoid Navani Wayne Honorary mention to Stick
  9. Actually it is not in that range. Imaginary numbers don't work that way.
  10. @CalanoCorvus, you peaked my curiosity how does one easiest figure out reading speed? Also, @Liahona is 5i truly in that range, seeing as it is an imaginary number?
  11. I definitely think the passions could be related to odium, as the parshendi also talk about passions(but not the).
  12. Tis the default for anyone with no avatar. It does have green though. Or so I thought. I'm colorblind so I can't see it right I guess.
  13. Did you draw that yourself? 4 and a half ter'anglreals out of 5
  14. Gets 1=0.9999999 Inserts 1 minus sine squared of theta
  15. Or is he... Now proceeds to waste my time theorizing how Wayne could secretly be a worldhopper.
  16. Gets a shirt missing a button Inserts a wheat penny I got Ninja'd so robin, you now get the shirt.
  17. Isn't Thaylena colder than the rest of Roshar? I always think of icicles when their eyebrows are mentioned. I also want to picture them as blue, but that's the Nathan's, so maybe I'm just crazy.
  18. I think it has to do with a special relationship with Soren rather than with investment. Since we only know radiants, who are bonded with spren and fused, who are a spren inhabiting a singer's body.
  19. Welcome to the shard
  20. Mwha-ha-ha I'm an evil priest. On a side note, if you would like to make business deals, include me in the message to make the contractual thing-a-ma-bob legal and fully binding. Thank you.
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