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Tamriel Wolfsbaine

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Everything posted by Tamriel Wolfsbaine

  1. My biggest worry for mistborn movie is that the entire cast be made to look like morons so that Vin can look better. Its a thing I think Hollywood has done a lot in the past. This character needs to be extra cool so everyone else needs to look like they are inept. I can see Vin getting the Rey treatment and the entire cosmere adaptation being murdered movie one. Vin is strong. Vin is powerful. She is written to be strong and powerful. Vin still nearly dies over and over. The scary thing is that Vin also happens to be a teenage girl and with that comes a bit of stinky attitude sometimes. Depending on how the writers treat it and the casting I can see myself really not liking the character. Also I have fears that they will make my favorite character out to be a joke or a slimeball. I love breeze. And I think sometimes he was a bit slimy. But dang it if they cast him to be a creep I will be bummed. I would rather see Wax and Wayne turned into a movie first. I think that cancel culture and agenda pushing have pretty well ruined entertainment. I just want a true to the book rendition if and when they do one. By that I mean I want the screenplay to match what I remember feeling when reading the books. I think Wax and Wayne would actually do better as a movie in that not having a teenage female as the main PoV protagonist would be less likely to get ruined by politically driven producers and critics.
  2. So I feel like I remember reading that shardplate protects the wearer from fire as well as lightning. Is that the God metal itself or just the massive amount of investiture it is made of? I had this dream where there was a fire and I was trying to get through this house. I must have been the 9th heightening because I was commanding the sheets to smoother the fire on the ground around this bed with just my voice. So automatically an A tier dream. But the sheets started to smoke. If future dreams find me smothering fires with awakened blankets should I just will more breath into them to make them fireproof or is that a shardplate specific thing?
  3. I was thinking of how brutal the life of a lurcher can be. The constant knowledge that if you pull something you are creating a homing projectile against yourself must be kind of brutal. We saw wooden shields stop a lot of those things and work well but it still brings some inherent danger with that power. What if you combined it with Awakening? We know Vivenna's cloak caught the arrow but would you put your trust into an awakened cloak to catch projectiles you are pulling as a lurcher?
  4. I agree that in our current setting it is not worth much more beyond saving me the consequences of gluttony haha. It would be super useful if I could convince the showrunners of Alone to let me take a full bendalloy metalmind or two as one of my survival items. Honestly I flip-flop between feruchemy vs mistborn so frequently for this reason. Allomancy is so cinematic and awesome that feruchemists look kind of weak next to it. But I could use feruchemy every single day and have it be useful nearly every time where allomancy just won't serve me the same. I agree that that a lot of businesses will have metal detectors out front to avoid ferrings of many kinds to not be allowed in. Especially if prefilled medallions become a thing... The possible ways ferrings could abuse the economy are crazy. But that makes me wonder. Do you think a gold ferring would be turned away from hospitals if they were caught sneaking in goldminds? Could you store far more health into goldminds while getting hooked up with treatments on top of it? Could be some serious abuse there. Make yourself sick and then push further with medical intervention. Kind of like how a pewter misting could burn pewter to offset the effects of being so sick to store more... likewise a gold ferring could heal past pewterdrag effects.
  5. I used to roll the dice for the random twinborn combos for RPGs and the first time I landed a compounder it was bendalloy / bendalloy. At first I was so disappointed but then I learned of potential synergy with Aetherbinding (which I feel must be free game since it was in TLM). If you could somehow convince Silajana to bond with you as a bendalloy compounder you would be insanely powerful. Just my opinion. And I totally agree with the energy bonuses. Buffets and food challenges would become my best friend. Even without compounding (because bendalloy isn't cheap) you could really stretch the food budget with a few hours at a 10$ buffet.
  6. I think that last example of Vin using pewter and duralumin early in the fight is a great one. It still doesn't specify how much pewter she had which would continue to add the effects more and more. She had many other metals in her for the fight. Had she had the same mass of all the other metals made up of pewter instead the scene could have looked totally different. I can see that density may not be the best way to describe it. Surface tension and elasticity could very well be what we are seeing effected. But I can concede. I think pewter+duralumin is a really expensive replacer for Allomantic pewter and Feruchemical gold. If you want to make an immortal Miles has shown us the best way to do that. Pewter just makes everything else in life better. That is why that specific twinborn combo is so popular. Rules of cool just make the scene look differently. Kilos worth of pewter being burnt at once with duralumin may or may not be enough to face tank a shot to center mass luke cage style. Pewter + gold does allow you to nit up that hole in your chest as you walk forward like wolverine. The pewter gold twinborn is a far better way of doing it. Duralumin would just require way to much pewter and the odds of Brandon writing any scene where someone burns a stomach full of pewter just to answer this question is highly unlikely.
  7. Ah okay. These seem to disprove that. I don't have a book to look through for anything else. I just remember that he had been shot and was back fighting shortly after. It makes perfect sense that Wax saw the headshot as the only viable option to stop Tarson from shooting in retaliation. My opinion that duralumin + pewter could make you nearly bulletproof does still stand though... if it is actually causing your body to become denser in addition to stronger. We know that pewter alone causes the thug to be tougher and have harder bones at least. We know that duralumin plus whatever amount of pewter Vin had left was enough to keep her skull in tact while destroying the skull of another pewterarm. I really think this has to point to all of the tissue becoming denser. There is little I can think of that would support that the softer tissue is strengthened like the bones are but if it is universal increase in durability I still think that enough pewter plus duralumin should lead to some very temporary Luke Cage levels of invulnerability. But if the skin and other soft tissues don't get denser or stronger then perhaps you are right that no amount can make you bullet proof. If they do then there would be an amount when paired with duralumin that would eventually give you enough density to able to stop a bullet though. Caliber differences would matter a ton for stopping bullets and how much pewter you would need. I don't think it is entirely out of the question. With other magics offering similar enhancements although this is just my own head cannon: So I am happy to be convinced either direction on this. We know Vins skull was strong enough to not get destroyed with duralumin pewter while demolishing a typical pewter burners head. If the OP is specific about a duralumin pewter burst then I don't see how it can be ruled out. Duralumin is as near infinite as you can get so long as you have access to infinite amounts of the metal in your body to burn. The possible effects of it span the total power potential from all of the pewter a mistborn could have access to burning in a single moment. Stomach full... plus piercings potentially. Vin did what she did with a fraction of what could potentially be done.
  8. Well we have some other examples we can pull from. The scene paints an awesome picture but doesn't explain everything. We dont know exactly how much pewter Vin had in her system at the time and the more pewter the more resilient she would be. I personally think the losing consciousness could have been from any number of the wounds she sustained and the simple loss of pewter is enough to put her into a pseudo pewter drag thanks to the damage she had sustained elsewhere. A setup of cast ball bearings alternating pewter and Duralumin so that the Duralumin use always leads to a new layer of pewter being burnable would fix this. Another thing to consider is Tarson. Tarson was Kolossblooded as well but I believe his being a pewter savant had more to do with his toughness than the kolossblooded genetics. Tarson didn't even have access to duralumin and he was tanking body shots multiple times in alloy of law. Wax made a point of needing to shoot him in the head to put him down. Who is to say that enough pewter and duralumin couldn't make him bulletproof even to a headshot. The process of duralumin is to condense all of the pewter into a single burst. I imagine that if pewter adds durability the the duralumin would condense all of that durability at once... and even a pitiful +1ac bonus from a spell can make your character invulnerable for a turn if applied hundreds of times instantly. Again this trick could work over and over with the correct ball bearing setup for pewter alternating duralumin layering. Mistborn with more modern technology would be terrifying... especially if you can burn anything piercing you as well. They could have large piercings with alternating metals to access for duralumin pushes as well. They could swallow a kilogram of metals with no worries of poisoning thanks to aluminum as well. $ would be the only thing limiting a mistborn in more modern day and they could totally set up a man of steel sort of pewter+ duralumin chain.
  9. I started reading Sanderson with Mistborn. The hard magic system is what grabbed my attention. I really expected more from him like that. I was always so stoked to learn more about the systems than read the books anyway. That said I think stormlight was a let down as far as wanting a hard system. I know it may meet the definition of hard magic but stormlight just does too much and I think the danger of being sad is a sad limitation to a system. For someone who loves laws and hard magic my favorite system is possibly the softest. Awakening. It is so good and fun. Comparing it to other series? I just really love the metallic arts and awakening. I have tried other series but there is something about the cosmere that keeps me coming back. And with time being a precious resource in life now it is the only non required reading I do now.
  10. I totally agree with @alder24 on the A-pewter F-zinc. I think it is perhaps the most potent combo for balancing multiple aspects of life. Trying to think of a second favorite without the need for A-pewter (the #1 single power in the metallic arts imo)... I would probably say a second place would be A-brass or A-zinc with F-duralumin. I can see life becoming a lot easier if you had that kind of magical help to manipulate the compliance of others around you.
  11. This is an interesting thought. Following for sure. I am a huge fan of the vision from spiked eyes. I didn't really ever think that inquisitors needed to burn steel constantly but I didn't realize a spike other than one granting steel or iron would suffice until this book. I wonder if it is any spike or specific to steel? Is Kelsiers spike made of steel even?
  12. So I assume that you have to be actively tapping large amounts of gold while the spike is being driven through anything vital to be healed in time. Even if you were using a medallion for the healing process is there a moment while using the power that you "have the power" to the point where the temporary F gold would be stolen as well? We also know you can't heal while aluminum is in you. So it would likely push the off button anyways if it goes through the head right? My thought was not to commit genocide of all metalborn via hemalurgy but that the government could potentially mandate that specific powers be forfeited over to them via hemalurgy while allowing the person to live a normal power free life. Or in a different sphere of possibilities, that powers could be sold permanently to the highest bidder while simultaneously disarming the lower class of the metallic arts.
  13. Thanks for the WoB. With a bit of limit testing it is totally possible to pay people to give abilities via hemalurgy while granting enough healing to heal the soul of everything but that invested ability. Frustrthis reminds me of the thread @Frustration made in warbreaker forum about the value of breath. How much do you think it would cost the rich and powerful to pay the impoverished yet genetically gifted people of scadrial to give up their powers? I assume certain powers would sell for a lot more.
  14. I was posting in the feruchemical rankings thread when a terrifying thought hit me. TLM has already shown us that hemalugy doesn't have to kill the person. WoBs indicate that the spiritwebs can be healed via Gold feruchemy post spiking. And era 2 as well as all of human history has proven that government will abuse its power if allowed. Do you think that an application of hemalurgy and gold medallions could be stripping powers from people and then allowing them to heal back enough of their soul to live a normal life powerless? If this is possible and the governments of future cosmere settings were to discover it how long until they deem specific powers as too dangerous and attempt to force those individuals to have the powers removed? I guess Rashek did this in a way by turning all feruchemists alive into mistwraiths at one point. I also assume that these benevolent governing bodies would immediately give those spiked powers to the indoctrinated police or military forces they choose to. A real slippery slope.
  15. Interesting list. Combat and survival in a world of other powered individuals trying to kill you all the time I agree with this. The interesting thing I always found with feruchemy is how much I would want some metals in a fight but since I am 33 and never really been in a fight I have this desire to have the others all the time. For me in my life the S tier is: GOLD- 100% agreed. Gold is super useful nearly all of the time. Just sleeping wrong for a night can ruin my neck or back for days. It is so hard to do anything following that. The ability to tap a bit after a workout and boost the recovery time would be awesome too! Iron- Purely for the fun of it. It goes back to the first time I watched the opening scene of "The Covenant" when they casually step off the side of that cliff. So epic and I just want to erase my fear of heights. Bendalloy- as a lover of food I would love to be able to eat everything I want, when ever I want and discard the rest. No consequences to eating trash (gold could heal them even if there were). Tin- There will always be uses to turning down senses and turning up others. The possibilities here are endless. A tier- Pretty much everything in the C tier of your list for normal every day life. I like doing survival stuff and all of the mundane metals are linked to things we take for granted... They would be immensely beneficial in minimalist outdoor living. Zinc would fall in here as well B tier- More combat related metals and copper here. I don't need to have a great memory. And I don't really fight so it doesn't much matter. Lifting heavy things for the lulz and moving would be fun. Being a speedster in house work and yard work would be beneficial. C tier- I guess the spiritual metals for me? I would love to see what fortune actually does some day. It could be completely epic but storing it seems like that could really ruin your day fast. @Duxredux I like the idea of looking at the economic effects and judging them by that standard. In the world of medallions we would probably have to ramp it up even further than just monetary value and see which of them needs to be limited via some form of regulations as well. While my mundane tier list says what I value in metals, the criminal or law enforcement / military applications of certain metals are spooky at best. While I am a big believer in the 2nd amendment the idea of people having unlimited access to these medallions makes the more conventional martial applications of metals that much more important. I sort of fear a sort of "Captain America: Civil War" type of feel for the next era but with medallions and other magitech becoming more and more popular I don't see how it can be avoided other than assuming all the people in the future of Scadial are honest peace loving folks. Criminals will make the tech and powers dangerous and not only will economic costs matter but we will eventually see legislation placing the Waxe's and Wayne's of the future more into the criminal box than the good guy boxes.
  16. It is the same trope as End Game. Out of all the millions of possible outcomes only 1 would work for the protagonists. Guess which one the writers choose? I totally see the issue. It feels like some form of lazy writing. But I would say Ruins issue was the same as Rasheks. Who cares about the 1 in a billion shot your opponent has when you have every advantage under the sun? Plot armor pulls the protagonist through everytime. It would be far more boring to read about such a vastly overpowered character that there is virtually no danger to them in any form... which I could point to my issues with the Stormlight series for that easily. While Ruins ignoring the one possible outcome points to him being incompetent I personally believe that it makes for a more interesting story to have the big bad guy decimating everything before some form of divine intervention saving everyone than the heroes being totally imba and still getting whooped over and over again. Stormlight spoilers to highlight personal thoughts:
  17. This is a bit late but my 2 cents either way. A brute and a pewter savant kicking shin to shin is going to favor the pewter savant everytime. The muscle mass isn't going to save that feruchemist in the same way that pewter helps the allomancer. Equal strength, as stated above is never going to be a thing to compare. Look at the worlds strongest men. Different body types favor different movements. Eddie Hall is a far different beast than Brian Shaw the difference? Shaw is a full head taller. So yeah more body surface area is going to allow for more muscle mass before getting all bound up but that doesn't say a ton about the strength they are getting. I think its more than the bones to worry about though. Pewter allomancy enhances bone density as well as muscle density and the strength ligaments and tendons. Everything about it is strengthened. Feruchemy increases muscle mass and strength and gets the necessary bonuses to use it. For the record I don't believe that feruchemical strength increases proportional to mass either though. I believe that they gain far more strength per unit tapped and gaining the mass is the limitation built in to stop them from throwing entire buildings willy nilly.
  18. If type 3 command breaking messed with identity could you then harvest those breaths back for yourself and climb higher through heightenings that way? I'm not saying its possible as that would be a big thing that is hidden from us despite all of the work we saw go into gathering breaths in Warbreaker. But if you could break past the identity enough to tell an awakeners cloak to kill their owner instead of protect then why not steal breath from it? It could be that command breaking is simply so difficult even at 8th heightening that it takes an amount of time to accomplish it and it is far to dangerous to do in any meaningful way during a conflict. But if an awakener dies with their awakened objects on them and you took those objects and could break past the deceased identity then perhaps those breaths don't have to be lost entirely forever. All of our POVs in Warbreaker are unfortunately from the persons understanding and the system is understood so little that it makes sense noone has spoken of this being a use. Even the scholars not saying anything about it make sense because they don't say crap about awakening anyways trying to always keep back their little secrets from anyone else. So the lack of seeing it in the books doesn't make me think its impossible. Heck after the first era of mistborn we thought it entirely impossible to burn a metalmind. But identity proves us wrong in AoL. So if command breaking does overwrite the identity of the object then perhaps type 3 objects can be harvested of their breaths in the right conditions. I don't believe we saw command breaking outside of trying to break the lifeless commands though did we? It makes sense those POV didn't mention it because the lifeless can't be harvested for breath.
  19. I agree with that. That is the benefit of using 2 net neutral systems. They should cancel eachother out in the long run. Breath can be used sparingly as a supercharge to whatever attribute you need more of in that moment... And once you get down the hacking of the systems you can pseudo replace it by awakening with the feruchemical charges if needed. If 1 breath boosts you through healing from a heartshot past what you had stored then you would be able to store back that much over a long period of time and use it to awaken later on perhaps. We obviously don't know exactly how much could work. Depending on Vashers feeding habits on Roshar that single breath could do a ton of work from the feruchemical side... if over time you could replenish it in awakening with the hacked storage then it would still just break even. But being an awakener with a ton of breath could be a similar way of compounding via using endowment to supercharge the feruchemy. Though if this is possible as well then maybe being a compounder could allow you to hack direct transferring allomantic burning of attributes into awakening fuel as well perhaps?
  20. I definately feel like this is a valid reason. TLM made it quite clear that investiture sources can be used across boundaries. Breaths are so much investiture as well. I am sure that a single breath would supplement the metals well. Use it more to boost what you are already drawing out as it would likely be lost forever... I am curious if the reverse would be possible. We don't know enough about nicrosil to say either way but if it is storing investiture as a general thing then perhaps that can be used to boost everything as well.... including awakening with it? We know that stormlight could be used to awaken. Why not some other hacked source? Feruchemists have the metal as a sort of lock and key only allowing one thing or another. But if the feruchemist were to find a way to convert any attribute into usable investiture for their awakening purposes this could be pretty huge.
  21. You know I am shocked that @Trusk'ourdidn't jump at this chance either. I have had my thoughts torn between the kandra and the Feruchemist as well. I love the idea of feruchemy combining and using 2 end neutral systems to make some really neat scenes. It would be the ultimate survivalist build in my opinion. If the cosmere held a season of ALONE I would totally pray for the feruchemist / awakener lineup. Awakening slings as long range hunting implements / security against the dangerous predators. Being able to awaken ropes to start friction fires or blankets to rub together causing friction for warm that could be stored up. Spending the days storing health and speed / strength for when it is needed. You would be the ultimate survivor. Faster, stronger, sharper when needed. And all those times that those poor people spend doing nothing... you could be refilling your stores. If you balance your hunting via steel and awakened weapons and using tin to track animals you could be a reliable hunter... combine that with being able to eat any game you do catch and store it all away in a scentless and spoil proof bendalloy mind. You could store breath and heat for deep diving for fishing and a higher heightening could make you more resilient to food poisoning while gold would top off your health anytime you actually did get sick... or injured. And your risk of injury would be way lower because you would have access to iron making you lighter anytime you do go out. Lighter and stronger would cause you to be far less likely to get injured on the trail. Back to hunting... store fortune for days or even weeks while bunkered down in awakened shelter feeding off of your stored bendalloy minds and when you get low step outside and tap fortune to find game quickly. I could go on. As for Kandra... the 101 tricks is so convincing that I ended up voting for it initially but then I went on this survival tirade and after binging a season of Alone I am rethinking it heavily. The awakened truebody rope skeleton sounded so epic and I totally loved it, however I was thinking about the benefits of being able to separate smaller bones to allow things to pass straight through you. A rope skeleton would get in the way of that. Maybe there are other perks and ways around that. I am not too sure. The feruchemist ideas are just too strong.
  22. If you could take an influx of breath and put it onto another being in the cosmere what other system would you choose and why?
  23. I agree with the list of roommate criteria. (Not as extensive of a list as yours but I did have 15 other missionaries I lived with over a 2 year mission.) There is nothing worse than a roommate looking at you when you ask them if they would do the dishes and their response being "naw I know a full sink will drive you crazy before it drives me crazy." And he was right. Like a House to my Wilson (binging house for the 3rd time with the wife and I just feel for Wilson more and more every episode.) That said... I think the perfect roommate on this list is Nightblood. He won't make any mess and I could always build or commission an aluminum safe to put him in if he is too annoying. Just for a bit of peace of mind. He would be immensely helpful if I left him out as well. Anyone who wants to break in would immediately try to unsheath him and end up toast. Best security system out there? If I had to choose a person on the list I think I would go with Szeth. I feel like if we laid down some ground rules he would be eager to follow them and easy to get along with. We might be boring roommates but boring can be easier to live with than exciting I think. I always told my brother that friends make terrible roommates but roommates can turn into some of your best friends. I could see myself getting along with Szeth over time for sure and he seems like someone who would have your back so long as you weren't the one screwing up.
  24. I always assumed that the idea of conservation of momentum meant that if your Skimmer was flying at a set speed and then they became half the weight they would move twice as fast. Or if they became twice as heavy midflight they would slow down by half. But I know nothing of physics and this would be greatly limited by air resistance and such also. I imagine they would be confronted with some serious Gs when making sudden changes as well. Perhaps the iron feruchemy would protect them.
  25. I mentioned that due to OP specifying that is what she had. I think she could do some damage with a Koloss sword. Heavy heavy weapon with pewter strength behind it could mess up plate. Even if it gets cut in half a hundred times that still leaves a bunch of anchors for pushes and pulls. Still doesn't fix the flat arena.
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