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Tamriel Wolfsbaine

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Everything posted by Tamriel Wolfsbaine

  1. Pretty much. Edit: I assume that the more difficult one would be sight. We know typically the enhancement from sight through allomancy is different than through feruchemy. But feruchemy can store allomantic senses so you should be able to compound the sight enhancements from A tin as well.
  2. Wouldn't you be able to simply compound just the sense of feeling and hearing so that you didn't have to be constantly flaring A tin. The whole point of compounding is tin is that you get savantism levels of a specific sense via compounding and then you can just increase your other senses allomantically as normal. Really a tin savant gets to have every sense compounded and stored at such a high rate that they can selectively turn on and off at whatever level they want... whatever sense they want. You get all the benefits and very very little of the draw backs. Each metalmind is specific to a specific sense. Just ramp up the sense of touch to the point where you feel the air moving around you. That all said I think a portion of why Spook did well with that was because he was forced to set aside his reliance on eyesight. I bet storing sight most of the time to near blindness would actually allow your body to better comprehend and use the other senses anyway. So much of our processing power is wasted on sight that if you had other ways to know what was happening in the world it might be worth just learning to use them. Having daredevil hearing and spidey sense in one move with tin compounding.
  3. I like the way you think. For such awesome metals I feel like we haven't even touched the tip of what is possible. I had thought similar things for the radiant vs mistborn argument. Take your 6 shooter or even better yet a heavy large caliber "kolos round" from a lever gun and unload out of the bubble then reposition yourself to line up each of those shots and slam them with added pushes to absolutely devastate even shardplate. I can't speak 100% about how tough shardplate is but I can speak for the punch that my 45-70 can pack and that is well within the realm of era 2 tech. Even looking at era 1 we see coins for use against enemies without armor. But theoretically you could toss a cannon ball or even a blacksmiths hammer outside of the speed bubble and then position yourself for a massive push. Plus to add to your thought (one I have asked myself as well) about overlapping the bubbles you could pulse a whole row of an enemies front lines. Imagine charging as a group at what appears to be a row of very stationary enemies only to suddenly be smacked with horrible nausea and then collided into by the next row of allies behind you. A quick pulse of cadmium could be a massive disruption against your enemies and like you said you have this awesome buffer zone where now your handful of coins tossed through the slider bubble can be lined up and further pushed on to further decimate the oncoming army. Drop both bubbles and retreat back a few paces only to throw both back up for round 2. My next question would just be about how a steel push would effect outside of a bubble. If you shoot a gun from inside the bubble to outside it doesn't lose any of its momentum. It just alters its course. But how does that interact with a steel push. Could you push on the object and once it makes its alteration stop pushing then drop the bubble and it continue its course with the same momentum you placed on it seconds before dropping your bubble? I feel like in my mind I always picture this follow through where you either get tossed or that object goes through your enemy and you stop thinking about its momentum and the backdrop you are shooting at. I don't actually think that object just falls after you stop pushing. Even in "flying" there is an arc where you stop pushing and your momentum carries you until either gravity or another push catches up to it.
  4. I wanted to answer this question the same as StanLemon did however I believe my understanding of exactly what lerasium does may be a bit muddied. We are told a lerasium mistborn is more powerful than those mistborn who have had that genetic decay. Even with all of the tricks we see Wax use with steel he still has less raw power than a coinshot from Vin's time. Overtime would we see allomancy become more of a supportive role offering no truly gigantic boosts of power simply because it is being diluted so much? The way I picture investiture (right or wrong and happy to have my mind changed) is as a row of water tanks with a lock over the tap. People with abilities have the tanks associated with those abilities unlocked. A thug only has the ability to tap the pewter tank. A mistborn can tap all of them. Each tank also has a different sized tap, and the ability to control how much that tap will let out at once. Breeze demonstrated the importance of learning to control the amount of water from the tap to Vin when explaining how a subtle touch is often better for emotional allomancy. Duralumin and Nicrosil take any tank that is currently being tapped and make it and the tap totally vanish and the water all escapes at once (though I believe a WoB described it more as an instant infinite loop that happens causing everything to be released at once). Aluminum and chromium on the other hand appear to make the water disappear from every tank no matter if they are currently being tapped or not. Lerasium is simply the key that unlocks all of taps so you may use those tanks. As for the amount of water in each tank (or the amount of investiture given by each molecule of a metal) is different for a lerasium mistborn. I am myself a little bit confused by if your strength in allomancy is tied to the tap on the tank or the amount of water in said tank. If a gram of pewter for Vin is providing a liter of water and that waters maximum flow rate is a L/min then 5 grams of pewter could be used in 5 minutes. For Elend post lerasium does each gram of pewter provide the same liter that it does for vin but his tap is capable of doubling the flow rate allowing him to access all 5 grams of pewter in 2.5 minutes instead? Perhaps Lerasium works from both ends both allowing for each gram of metal to be more water and allow for a larger tap. In that case we could see Elend with those same 5 grams of pewter be able to produce 10liters in the 5 minutes at a 2l/min flow from the tank? Lerasium therefore only increases power based on how large the chunk of metal is. The tank is filled based on the amount of lersium you have and the amount of lerasium you burn directly impacts how the other tanks operate (size of tap). I would say stormlight would work in the same analogy only that the tank has a few leaks making it impossible to be as efficient. Feruchemy has perfect control over the tap but doesn't use water and instead uses sweat... they have to make it and store it but the tank can be emptied at whatever rate they so choose once it has any sweat in it at all.
  5. We see pretty well the use of bendalloy in combat to isolate a target. But I have been curious on others thoughts for use of the bubbles in other ways. Seeing the reaction of characters when they pass through bubbles seems to be a huge missed opportunity with combat applications. Even just pulsing a bubble long enough for an opponent to cross into it seems to offer a few seconds of disorientation effects that could be used well to your advantage. I don't know if that would be more of an interuption to an enemy than having an attack at your mental by brass or zinc but it definately appears to be pretty distracting either way.
  6. As far as tin feruchemy goes I am pretty sure that each tin mind is specific for each sense. So your ring that gives increases sight doesn't give increases smell or taste or hearing. A hand full of rings would be needed to have access to all of your senses. It has been thought that allomantic senses could hypothetically be stored as well. (Imagine being able to compound atiums future sight) I think the reason I see tin compounding as a work around is just because you could completely isolate the sense you want to enhance. That said being a feruchemical savant has its negative effects as well. Even if you got used to feeling the vibrations in the air and didn't have to compensate with head wraps to dull your other senses I still think having that sensitive of skin and feeling would cause you potentially more issues later down the road. Say an attack does finally land... its going to be excruciating. Granted you can start storing feeling and probably move past that but if you have made this new normal of having that sense heightened all the time I can see it suddenly being gone as a massive liability. There would definitely be some learning curve to get used to having those senses heightened so much. A ferring without access to compounding would spend so long feeling nothing and have a burst of feeling everything that would likely be more of a shock to their system. But a compounder has unlimited access to titrate up and down all the sensitivity they want long term. That will give them more than enough time and ability to get used to having enhanced senses one sense at a time without the others suffering for it. Not saying A pewter wouldn't be a welcome help for those flashbang moments but compounding will at least allow you to choose specific senses to enhance at once and not blow up your eardrum to be able to see further down the street.
  7. I don't see why being an allomantic tin savant is a necessary part of this discussion. Allomantic senses can be stored in the tin minds and then compounded and pulled out at a rate that makes flaring tin a joke. Save tin for when you need the benefits from that (seeing through the mists) and then compound everything else. The real power of being a tin compounder is the fact that you can skip savantism and get all the benefits of feeling the air move like daredevil on steroids. You get to save on all of the negative traits of being so light sensitive that you have to keep yourself blindfolded and layers of earplugs. I had an idea for a tin compounding food critic. Not only do you write reviews of the foods but your sense of taste would be so refined and acute that you could be the greatest thief of secret recipes ever. Create the black market for award winning BBQ sauce secrets and make all the $$$.
  8. I am a bit obsessed with the idea of playing a kandra and have a question about resources and influence. In the case of a kandra being contracted... or one that has spent ample time observing a person... how do you handle resources and influence for those kandra? If you are commanded to take control of a character who had great influence or had ample resources would you gain bonuses to those standings even though your kandra itself is just a contracted being who has no real like resources or influence in the area they are supposed to be involved in? Edit: For instance tensoon had no real putward resources or influences as a wolf hound but while being oreseur he has access to everything that the other kandra was using during their contract.
  9. So anytime someone transfers something hemalurgically who didn't themself intend to do it and ruin is in the game it is assumed that he himself as a shard wanted it to happen so it happened? I mean you can't argue with the god of the cosmere saying that another god in his creation has that power. I'm trying to wrap my head around it a bit still. Was the person stabbing spook under ruins influence via hemalurgy or is this truly just a case of "It is cause I said it is." Nothing wrong either way I just don't know if I missed a hint in the book.
  10. A quick question about hemalurgy and intent here... How big of a deal does intent play in hemalurgy? I think I remember that spook became a pewterarm just by being shish kabobed on a sword with a pewterarm who died and the sword broke off inside spooks body. Where does intent play in this scenario that took spook from daredevil status to dang spiderman strength and reflexes? Feel free to correct my memory of how spook got his spike if I am incorrect and there was an intent to steal the pewterarms power.
  11. We know that kandra can gain access to feruchemy and allomancy via spikes like anyone else. It could be assumed then that kandra could gain access to the ability to compound as well (whether they would be allowed to by their all controlling harmony is a different question). In the case of Iron feruchemy usually the metalminds and clothing or other equipment are the limiting factor on how light a person can make themselves. Storing into iron takes away the weight of your bones and all of the organic mass to a person. But what is a person? We are told and shown that investiture is tightly woven in with a persons spirit and how they view themselves. The ability to heal from old ailments for instance is mentioned to be tied to how that person viewed themselves all the way down to a spiritual level. How do kandra view themselves? If you are carrying another person's bones would that weight be storable for a kandra into iron? Would their true bodies be weight that got stored or not? If a person loses a leg as a child and then suddenly gains the ability to burn a gold metalmind or use regrowth may not have access to grow that piece of them back... does that self identification work both ways? If your iron compounding kandra with a true body made of iron bones were to store all of their weight into their bones would they be just storing the weight of the goo or the weight of all of the iron true body as well? I would also be curious if their kandra then wanted to go and replace random person X and they have to give up their iron true body would they be able to store the weight of a foreign set of bones into their metal minds?
  12. There are such massive power swings in the cosmere it makes it really hard to put in perspective. Then the plot armor adds a much thicker cloud to our perception after that even. I will say Marsh in HoA was terrifying. If not for listening to his train of thought and him being a good guy in an ultra OP bad guy costume I definitely think he could make for one of the scariest if not the scariest bad guy out there. But the story stopped it from happening. As others have said though when your good guys aren't in true danger of dying off (my opinion is that this is what made GOT so great until even it took a turn towards the immortal main characters on screen at least when they rush ordered a shortened final season). A massive earthquake in South America being talked about on the news behind your main characters conversation at the pub in Ireland doesn't do much to make you scared of the earthquake that could have killed hundreds of thousands. Likewise, stories of ultra powerful villains doesn't do much when all of your characters with screen time get to escape unscathed. Thanos without the snap would have been just another pin for the avengers to bowl down. When he snapped and won the war he became a legendary villain. That said, no hate on any cool looking villain. I still would have liked to see even more of the final empire crew taken out by inquisitors. We got some really awesome fights between our mistborn and our inquisitors but between the mist being ready to get breathed in at the last second every time and the most juiced up inquisitor in that world secretly fighting for the good guys it is hard even then to see them as the threat that their powerlevel should have made them.
  13. The thing that I have been curious about with this concept is the possibility of a feruchemist storing all of their identity and then "leeching" their metalminds. If you store identity does it allow you access to other peoples metal minds? Then if you had a steel mind on and they have a steel mind you could tap the other persons speed while storing as much as you tap into your own? I guess if you could tap their metalminds and store then that would be stealing their attributes. Even if you only had an aluminum mind and could touch someone else's metalmind you could tap everything from it all at once and try to drain it just through a massive burst of usage. I also am slightly confused by copperminds. Wouldnt you have to transfer memories from one to another or risk losing that memory?
  14. I also have been thinking of the lord ruler vs Vin. I just can't make up my mind whether the lord ruler underestimated her so much that she was able to do what she did or if he simply was putting on a show and wanted to die anyways. Look at the generations of kandra. Half of them are willingly melting into nothingness at this point. Honestly the idea of immortality is better than the whole existing and watching lifetimes worth of friends and foes disappear off the face of the earth. The lord ruler had a job to do... keep the world held together after he mismanaged reforming it the last time. With my work taking care of patients who all seem so shocked that certain diseases are actually real (and some who accuse us of lying about it and perpetuating the lies of covids validity) I have seen a lot of providers give up and just look elsewhere for new work. I can't imagine the lord ruler found any joy in sitting on his throne surrounded by people who either hated him or were to scared to admit that they hated him. My ultimate theory is that the dude just didn't care anymore. I imagine his last breath being a sigh of relief from lifetimes of being hated and bored.
  15. I do think bendalloy is a legitimate argument as far as the element of surprise goes but I don't see it as the counter that I think may be presented here. The mistborn can do nothing to the inquisitor outside of the bubble. Any projectiles would be slowed down in the inquisitors eyes the very moment they exit the bubble and will be far easier for the inquisitor to adjust and move in time than for the mistborn. If both parties are on different edges of the bubble the edge goes heavily to the inquisitor as they have much more time and chance to react to anything exiting the bubble after them. A handful of coins shot into the bubble is a complete roll of the dice for the mistborn as those projectiles may be slow moving until they hit the bubble but the moment they enter the bubble they take a different course and speed up significantly. Yes a handful of coins would become a shoving contest which the potential for F-iron from the inquisitor would make extremely risky as getting pushed out of the bendalloy bubble would pop said bubble and give the inquisitor the couple of seconds to react before the mistborn is able to put a bubble up again. All that and once an inquisitor enters the bubble his steel will again allow him ample time to move and react faster than the mistborn can consciously leech him. As an argument for the mistborn with the bendalloy or even cadmium (and something I have thought about as a potential combat use of these 2 metals) is that it is described as being very uncomfortable to move into and out of a bubble. I can definitely see a moment of hesitation as an inquisitor is moving across the bubble for the first time or even the second time where they would be caught so far off guard that if the mistborn were close enough to touch they would have an opportunity. If a 5 yard bubble allowed the inquisitor enough time to process that change he could still land a killing blow (and honestly it probably wouldn't take too long with their steel speed suddenly being as effective as it would have been minus a bubble anyway). I don't doubt it would end badly for both parties no matter what and we really don't know what powers each inquisitor had so it is all based on that. But Vin with era 2 metals still doesn't have access to F gold and F steel. An inquisitor with the minimum spikes allowable would more than likely lose. Every spike you add increases the inquisitors chances. Vin era 2 vs marsh from HoA would still end with marsh winning most of the time. We don't see Vin outright win a fight against an inquisitor without plot armor helping her anyway. I don't think leeching and bendalloy bubbles will change that against an inquisitor with F gold and F steel. She might be able to duralumin boost a leeching strike but likely she will be wiping more than just chromium when it happens and we really don't know enough about chromium to know how much of the metal it would take to wipe out reserves of feruchemal metal minds. How much metal does chromium use up to wipe out another metal? So far we have only seen it wipe out a single mistings reserves of metal. I don't know if a spec of chromium could instantly wipe out all investiture. If it were to work that way a single chromium charged cube would leave a group of shardplate wearers stuck inside massively heavy plate with no storm light to power it making 1 chromium cube the end of the mistborn vs radiant debate. I have a feeling that chromium leeching would take time to empty reserves. It may do it quickly but can it do it fast enough for Vin to leech out all the powers from an inquisitor??? Both the inquisitor and Vin are able to touch each other. We will give Vin the benefit of the doubt and say she gets to start leeching and attempting to dispatch the inquisitor. The inquisitor gets to start delivering his killing blows. Does Vin both leech all of the inquisotors metal minds and land a killing blow before the inquisitor lands one on her? What it both plunge a dagger into the others heart at the same time.... did the leeching hand get enough investiture wiped in time and was it lucky enough to leech away all F gold? The bubble is vins best shot but not because it negates the speed. Her best scenario would be to hope the bubble can disorient the inquisitor long enough for her to grab hold of the linchpin in that time. I don't see attempting to joust with leeching touches to be a winning strategy. Vin is so happy to test new ideas though I wouldn't be shocked to see her forgo grabbing the linchpin to instead try to leech the enemy.
  16. F steel could allow an inquisitor their choice of vital organs to attack Vin with in the time she realizes she is able to leech let alone the seconds it could to drain all of their invested metal minds.
  17. So intent is a massive part of investiture usage in the cosmere. Electrum is a viable option against atium. I will concede that atium is countered due to Vin constantly countering it with electrum. Leeching is insanely powerful but it does not instantly clear all metals and metal minds when it is used. Not to mention if Vin chose to leech via touch plus kill she is needing to hit 2 attack rolls vs an extremely powerful enemy who is already in position to only need to hit 1. Plus F steel is way more busted than leeching anyways.
  18. If we are taking era 2 metals from inquisitors do we allow them atium and take it from Vin? Or are we working on the simple assumption that inquisitors were only mistings when created and would struggle with access to those spikes?
  19. I wonder how that would work against other arts and just how potent it is. I assume seeing into the future to avoid an attack still requires having enough reation time to make it out alive. Atium allows you to see another person's future and process what that means so that you can react with inhuman speed. Electrum allows you to see your own futures but seeing your own future changes your future so you just see a bunch of shadows and can't truly comprehend them all. I guess when your opposition has insane amounts of speed they could move faster than what atium will allow a person to react to. Electrum again is so difficult to comprehend that I imagine opponents speed would be able to surpass it as well. For chromium feruchemy though, without it allowing you to directly see into the future, would speed increases in your opposition ever get great enough for you to naturally be in the right place at the right time? Also how much do you think thought plays into chromiums ability to work. If you think about making that decision to move would that change the outcome? Or do you have to be almost thoughtless in your moves like the scene when Vin tried to consciously make an unconscious decision?
  20. I sort of think that most magic systems start to lose a bit of that umph as technology advances as well. For the metallic arts (and more specifically allomancy) it feels like even more of a hit because the whole genetic dilution of the magic potency on top of the technological advancements. I think era 2 offers a cool look at the in-between of op magic and op technology. Makes me wonder how impacted other systems will be when they see the further advancements in their own worlds. But I imagine every era where technology starts evolving into more modern times will have a large impact on all of the systems. I know the mistborn vs radiant battle simulation has been beaten down a billion times and maybe this isn't a popular opinion... but if you plucked down a scadrial human born with no powers at all, gave him a couple medallions and a few guns in the middle of Roshar he would turn a few heads... even from plate clad knights. Get a steel medallion and a 45-70 and go to work. The progression of technology will dilute the mysticism that magic systems provide the story of any planet. Thankfully scadrial still has a ton more secrets for readers to learn even if they aren't directly tied to the metallic arts. I just enjoy the almost steampunk feel of the era 2 books and think it is fun to see the characters cope with the nearly unlimited potential of power combinations. We haven't even started to dig into the spiritual feruchemy metals... I want to see F chromium on screen for a bit and compare it to atium already.
  21. So if A copper doesn't really offer protection, would specific blessings offer more protection to a kandra than just a copper cloud? Is it the blessing of presence or blessing of stability that acts like an aluminum hat for kandra? According to the wiki one of them helps resist A zinc and brass and the other helps against shards control? There isn't a ton of depth on any of the wiki pages for specific blessings and exactly what they do. I have a new found interest in kandra as of late and am curious how powerful a blessing is when compared to other parts of systems. I think one page likened awareness to A tin, but does it cut through the mists like tin or is it more magnified vision when needed like a feruchemist. Same thing with potency. Does the blessing that increases physical aspects of a kandra work more like koloss just taking human strength. It seems it offers an amount of speed and aids in endurance as well but maybe doesn't offer the density and healing that say A pewter does. Kandra are awesome and I really hope Wax and Wayne part 4 sheds more light on them.
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