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#1 Taln Fan

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Everything posted by #1 Taln Fan

  1. Crapola… this term… I have not heard it in years. Did you get it from Tim Hawkins…?
  2. Sorry it's been a while! I have a deer for ya today. Enjoy!
  3. Fantastic art as usual! Reminds me that I should probably post some art on my own thread…
  4. I don’t celebrate it, but I know what it is. TPBM has gotten a friend to read Sanderson
  5. 1) What channel (besides staff ones) do you look at the most on the discord? 2) What’s your favorite type of cheese? 3) Do most of your friends/coworkers/students know your a Sanderfan?
  6. What was the last song you listened to? Who’s your favorite artist to listen to? What’s your favorite type of cheese If you were a boat, what kind of boat would you be? Favorite place you’ve been to? Best day of your life? What was your first impression of me, and is it much different from now?
  7. 1) Which of Brandon’s unpublished works have you read? 2) If you got the Kickstarter swag boxes, which one are you looking forward to the most? 3) Whats your favorite type of meat? (And in what form?)
  8. First off: Enders Game is such a good book. I recently started it, and am a third of the way through it. 

    Second: My older brother has finished SA and is on mistborn, and today we had a fun time talking about stormlight and mistborn for like an hour, it was super fun getting to chat in-person with someone about these books lol, my friends aren't really big on book discussion.

    Fourth: I'm hungry so imma eat my 11:36 sandwich now

    Fifth: Have a great day/evening!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Morningtide


      OOOH ok. :lol: I like it. 

    3. Elf


      Enders game could be a good book, i haven't read it so I wouldn't know. But in case you didn't know, i  just wanted to let you know that Orson  Scott Card isn't...the best of people. 

      Still that shouldn't deter your enjoyment of the book. You can support the content without supporting the artist. I mean look at JK Rowling. 

    4. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Yeah I’ve heard about Card. Clearly though, I don’t mind buying books from a questionable author. I mean, I backed Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter and the man microwaves his cake. :P

  9. How much time are you usually on the Shard discord on an average day? Are you active on other discords, or mostly just 17s? What's your favorite mathematical concept to teach? Which coppermind page that you've written (or written a lot of) are you most proud of? What was the last food you ate?
  10. "I'm not asking the Epics for information, per se. I'm reaching out to the Epics of the city to gauge their motives. My soldiers that I didn't send out have already given me a brief overview, but I intend to learn more when I go up into the city proper. Which brings us to you. Surely you heard of my message, if not directly receiving it. Unless you just like taking walks in sewers. Where does your allegiance lie?" Crystallix studied the newcomer, analyzing her posture, the subtle cues she gave off about who she was. Was she the kind of Epic to submit to a stronger force? Or one who would resist until her dying breath? Either way, Crystallix wanted to make her decision easier. He caused the veins of crystal on the floor to shoot up into jagged spikes, pointing at the Epic from various angles. Not touching, but each point being a mere four inches from her skin.
  11. Thanks all the mods! This place is super fun, organized, and friendly. Thanks for keeping it so!
  12. Regent! You’re probably my favorite person on the Shard, and I’ll always remember the fun times in Slug Squad during the Sunreach days. You’re a fantastic artist, a slug enthusiast, and your drawing of Syl in Doomy PJ’s is still my phone wallpaper after all this time. Long live Slug Squad!
  13. Eh im not a fan of glitter. TPBM has read the SP1 preview. (Or listened to it)
  14. Nope and nope 1) This place has only been visited by one viewpoint character 2) This place is not inside a city (and isn't a city) 3) This place's location is currently unknown. 4) this place was the location of a huge historical moment.
  15. Crystallix was intrigued by Neverthere. She was intelligent, and not rash. Useful qualities. Crystallix sat back on his thrown. Crystal wasn’t particularly comfortable. “You two.” Crystallix ordered, pointing at 2 of his 5 men in the room. “I shall require a more comfortable chair. And you,” he pointed at a third man. “I shall require…. A shrubbery.”
  16. Crystallix regarded Neverthere. Too many questions, too vague with her own answers. I'll have to keep an eye on this one. "You make a good point about the dangers of staking a claim. This is one of the advantages of temporarily dwelling here. It's not exactly desirable. I plan to move to a better position once I have a better grasp on the Epics in the city, and where they stand. For now, this is a good strategic position. You keep asking me questions. You don't seem keen on attacking me, at least not at this moment. Do you want to join with me? I could be convinced to share power with you, if you wish it. I assume you're not willing to serve under me, as I gauge you are powerful. I will not, however, serve under you. Either you work with me, you work for me, or you can leave."
  17. One, mad respect, Doomslug is amazing. Two, you're always fun to be around and interact with. You hang out in a lot of the same threads as me, and it's fun to see you RPing as Ceph in Zvso.
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