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Everything posted by Trusk'our

  1. Seems plausible to me. Depends on some factors I would assume, but it doesn't seem unreasonable.
  2. Sorry for the confusion, I was speed writing and I've only got my mobile to use for a while. No, I don't think that Allomantically Burning a pure Godmetal will necessarily grant you access to the system directly. I think that there are individual ways to use the pure form of each Godmetal to access (or, I suppose, just improve the use of as some people have argued) the magic system they're tied to; Lerasium you ingest, but Tanavastium you Bond, just like with a Spren. Could be that Edglium you Command with "your Breath become mine" or something like that. That is true, but pure Atium's effects that aid in Hemalurgy could also be considered a "side effect". So, perhaps Godmetals don't directly grant access to their magic system, but the effects they grant are close enough that they could greatly aid its use or be used in a roundabout way to gain access. That is the electrum/Atium alloy I believe, not the purified form of the Godmetal. Hmm, that's a valid point. This definitely moves against my original theory. You could argue that this is technically still using a pure Godmetal to access its system after a fashion, but that's probably a stretch.
  3. I was thinking about how refined Atium (with no electrum contamination) is able to give you enhanced visions of the SR when I realized something; that's literally the perfect ability to use in conjunction with/access Ruin's magic system, Hemalurgy; in depth knowledge of what you want to do with an equal portion of cognitive enhancement to use it? Hemalurgy's all about knowledge, Intent, and metal, which just fits super well. . . Almost too well to be coincidence. Then there's Lerasium, which inherently grants access to Preservation's magic system, Allomancy. Honor's pure Godmetal is only seen in one way; the Honorblades. Which also happen to grant access/expand one's power in their Shard's respective magic system. I'm starting to see a pattern here. I theorize, then, that the pure form of each Godmetal of each Shard grants access to or expands the possible use of that system it's tied to. For example, Edglium may generate Breath for someone, Raysium may allow for Odium's version of Surgebinding, and Trellium may possibly allow access to Sand Mastery or Star Marks. And this does make some sense on an intrinsic level; they are the condensed essence of the very systems that they're Connected to, so I don't think this is outside the realm of plausibility.
  4. Happy birthday! Your art looks so good!
  5. Ah, clever; you simply hum the sound (or have a recorder replicate it via Intent) and any Kandra nearby would be caught off guard and may let their posing lapse. A big part of it was Preservation's desire for her to be his heir. If I remember correctly, what allowed her to pick up the entirety of Preservation's Investiture at the end of HoA was her initial interaction with the Well of Ascension; it acted as a sort of attunement force for the rest of the power (I'll have to find the Word of Brandon later). Yeah, absolutely! It was nice!
  6. Anti-Ruin is probably going to mess with Hemalurgic spikes big time, especially since Hemalurgists have Spiritwebs more vulnerable to intrusive Investiture and such. Possibly, though actually using the Mists that way seems like a stretch. Perhaps using the Tones you could eventually develop technology that can harness the Mists though, especially if used in conjunction with Connection and Identity Feruchemy. Nice! It's a fun couple of ideas and I was happy to have read it
  7. Fair point. I'd say my art needs some progress before being used as a good Coppermind resource though. Maybe after I get more practice in
  8. I mean, I'd be honored, but they already have some really good whitespine art (I actually used BenMcsweeny's depiction as a reference for my own). Thanks for the consideration though!
  9. Probably possible. The only reason I think maybe it couldn't is because Hoid's Spiritweb changes are supposed to be stronger than Nomad's, and we are talking about messing with Dawnshards, so it going either way is possible until Brandon cannonizes it.
  10. Yay! I'm glad you do Out of curiosity, what kind of end outcome would you find most appealing?
  11. The wrestle continues. Gulav isn't doing too well though. . .
  12. Trusk'our

    Trusk'our's Art

    Some of my doodles and such. Hope you like them!
  13. I think it means that she rewrote her past to say that her parents moved to Arelon and then she was born, thus giving her a new Connection necessary to become an Elantrian. That was my takeaway, anyway.
  14. What about Steel Inquisitors? They have significantly more of Ruin's Investiture than Koloss, yet they retain sapience. Probably true. After all, there is a way to use Atium and Lerasium to become a Feruchemist, and my guess would be that getting a 50/50 alloy and Burning it would do the trick. However, alloying them to have more Atium should, I believe, only Connect you to Ruin, which would probably have a different effect from producing Allomancy or Feruchemy. I don't know, I think it's possible that Hemalurgy converts the Investiture it steals into Ruin's Investiture. Cosmere spoilers:
  15. A Worldhopper named Gulav got into a wrestling match with a whitespine. . . Wonder if he'll survive. . .
  16. Now that would be amazing. Hope he decides to do it someday.
  17. I've wondered about the same thing before, especially since Lerasium can be used to Connect and Invest to Shards other than Preservation through alloys. I'd say having more Ruin may very likely do as you propose. Warbreaker spoilers: I've also wondered, do Koloss-blooded have extra Ruin? They're descendants of Koloss after all.
  18. Well, I figured I'd update my profile picture with a much, much more recent drawing of my Cosmere avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trusk'our


      Yup, it's an OC. I'm going with the name Gulav for now.

    3. Lego Mistborn
    4. Trusk'our


      Maybe at some point. I haven't decided too much for him at this time other than the fact that he's Scadrian, isn't a Metalborn, is a total Metallic Arts nerd, and loves his hoodie with ancient Terris style markings.

  19. Nice! I personally love that 3.5 has more rules and direction for interactions, such as upgrading magic items. Ah, yeah, with 5e being the most popular version, it's a lot harder to get 3.5 aid. That would be so awesome! I'm always looking for constructive criticism and/or new ideas to add! I actually started a thread for it as I update and create new ideas at the creator's corner.
  20. On the topic of Metallic Art genetics, I recall the concept of Mistborn Snapping letting in more Preservation to make them more powerful, despite the fact that both Mistborn and Mistings come from the same blood lines and therefore have the same genetic potential. Anyway, branching off from this, do you think this would possibly imply that a Mistborn may actually introduce a boost of power to the lineage as opposed to if they Snapped and just became a Misting, or is it not how it works? Basically, if a Mistborn and a Misting of the same line were to have both have children, are the Mistborn's kids going to have a higher Allomantic potential?
  21. How come? I didn't love most of them compared to the rest, but Veil was pretty nice to read about. I tried to, but 5 pages in I was still getting through was would be Sanderson's first sentence. It was too long and tedious to continue for me.
  22. Not at all buddy. I loved it myself, but I'm glad to hear someone else's take. The introduction of the Southern continent and its people was HUGE to me; it opened a whole new world of possibilities for the series as a whole and fit with the original world building. What literary issues? Understandable. What about when more advanced weaponry, like fragmenting aluminum bullets, anti-Investiture bombs or daggers, and Awakened blades/guns become available? Then even Invested healing will not be able to prevent serious danger, so maybe you won't have to worry about it forever. The scene where Vivenna realizes the mercenaries aren't her friends. . . That scene had some tension to it. Yeah, I listened to a chapter when I was driving with my dad, and the narrator for OB was terrible. He honestly sounded like he didn't want to be there. Completely understandable. I personally liked it, but I think it could have been better if written to line up with the rest of the Wax and Wayne books. So true. I really grew to love her character over the course of the series. Agreed on all accounts.
  23. This is actually the Mistborn forum, so please put any other Cosmere spoilers in a spoiler box. As for what you propose, it's probably possible to do just that (as long as it's used with a previously existing human body), but he doesn't have knowledge of Hemalurgy from what I can tell.
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