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Everything posted by Trusk'our

  1. It was pretty good, but it felt. . . Off, to me. It almost felt like fanfiction with the characters, like they were acting how a person who wasn't the original author would write them. And, I mean, with the time gap between their writing it makes some sense, but it made the story worse overall in my opinion.
  2. RoW was pretty good, but for SA I think OB was better, likely due to the build up from the previous two books. However, BoM is probably my favorite of all Cosmere books thus far.
  3. We don't have all the details right now, but we know: 1. His bones were involved due to their Connection to him. RoW spoilers: 2. It is still possible to Hemalurgically spike a Cognitive Shadow. SA spoilers: Personally, I think that it's likely that a Mistwraith was fed the bones of Kelsier, then a Hemalurgic spike was driven through the eye socket to pin his Cognitive/Spiritual aspect(s) to it. As to the rest of the specifics, I don't know.
  4. Oh, no question about that. He's truly on a level of his own.
  5. I don't know, the WoB that says a Dawnshard protects itself seems to be kind of flimsy as to whether it's the Sleepless guards or some Invested effect that makes the Dawnshard "self-protect". TSM spoilers: As such, I'm not sure Rysn has a lot of protection from the Dawnshard except from the Sleepless (though that is probably quite potent itself, as they're nearly unkillable and can drain Investiture from opponents). True, I totally blew past him somehow. Nightblood plus his fighting skill, his knowledge of the Surges, and his own Surgebinding makes him very powerful, though he's obviously more limited in large scale endeavors due to him being a loner instead of a ruler/civil leader. He's also somewhat mentally unstable, which is going to further his "power". I mean, yes, you can't rely on them to defeat every Surgebinding opponent in battle, but they can grow your crops, build buildings, craft goods/tools/weapons, and help spread your influence through teamwork. Power doesn't just mean direct combat potency, but being able to reliably influence the world in any way that you desire.
  6. Ah, but can she use it? Furthermore, she does have the Sleepless protecting her, but they do not serve her, unlike with Jasnah's, Taravangian's, and Ishar's kingdoms.
  7. Thanks Ah, that's right. I forgot about the title name and assumed any character in SA was fair game.
  8. Got it. Good definition, by the way. Yes, Dalinar is going to be hard to beat in terms of sheer potential, though there are a decent few who I would count as being more powerful based on the specific circumstances; Wit is highly intelligent and has certain powers and resources within his possession that make him difficult to deal with, to say the very least. Jasnah is also smart and is adept with her Surgebinding, which includes Soulcasting. Not to mention the fact that she is the Queen of Alethkar and as such has also has considerable resources. Odium and Cultivation are both incredibly ancient, highly intelligent deity-level beings, so I'd count them as being pretty powerful even with some limitations Shards seem to have along with godhood. Taravangian (especially after RoW) is, again, a highly intelligent and ruthless individual. He too has a sizable nation under his control. Ishar is ancient, has a nation under his power, and is a very experienced Unchained Bondsmith, giving him a great advantage over Dalinar in terms of Surgebinding. Taln has the best fighting skills of anyone in the Cosmere, but he's also utterly insane. high ranking Ghostblood agents have access to special resources, powerful Worldhopping secrets, and a powerful organization. plus, if you're looking to be powerful in direct 1 to 1 combat, Dalinar has no Shardblade or Plate, making him functionally more limited than many others, such as Ishar. And, while I don't want to throw the Blackthorn under the bus too much, in terms of political genius or scheming potential he's simply not going to be the most adept compared to many of those on this list; By his own words, he's a soldier and a general first, not a politician.
  9. Personally, that's the biggest reason I love her character; she's a scholar and we learn cool Fabrial stuff when we get her perspective. I do like some other fun character interactions with her too though.
  10. Probably also Kaladin, though Dalinar and Navani are also pretty awesome for different reasons. Overall, it's gonna be a tie between them for me.
  11. Oh boy, here we go again . . . Define "powerful" for me.
  12. Awesome! Did you Homebrew rules for it? I've been working on a D&D 3.5 Homebrew rules set for Mistborn, and someday all Cosmere aspects.
  13. Quick thought here; If meddling with Connection can change your soul to think you've grown up in a different place, would a highly Invested person who meddled with their Connection physically change to fit said Connection? For example, if a Connector Ferring were to somehow Tap Connection saying that they had been born Nalthian and they had already obtained lots of Breath to become highly Invested, would their appearance change to look like a Nalthian too? I'm sort of basing this off of Yumi, as she was able to transform Painter's body when possessing it due to her high level of Investiture. I know Identity and perception are going to play a massive role in this, but I'm curious as to what others think.
  14. That seems. . . Like a rather bold suggestion.
  15. Yeah, that would be best, as those are pretty obvious answers, which requires little to no creativity. Could prove quite useful, as you get better aim with far less sound. He did Soothe her on occasion, but I'm pretty sure that was early on before she learned to keep her Coppercloud up all the time. Copperclouds do more than just protect you from Emotional Allomancy though, they also smother your Allomantic Pulses so it's far harder to Seek you. As such, it would be pretty foolish of a Mistborn to ever stop Burning copper when on a mission, and since it Burns so slowly I think having enough is going to be more or less a non-issue.
  16. I think in an ideal situation it would be very, very difficult to train your Mistborn enough to make it more pro than con, but it could probably keep you safe from Allomancy and Leeching grenades.
  17. Really? Not Teft 4 ever? In any case, it's hard to decide, but I'd tie my favorites with Dalinar, for his morality and maturity (for the most part), Kaladin, for action, relatablility, and vibe, and Navani, because Fabrial tech is neat and she's fun.
  18. Ah, I see now. That would work much better than what I thought you meant. I thought you were saying to line the body and tassels of the cloak.
  19. A little aluminum is strategically placed is good, but wouldn't a cloak prevent their use of Iron/Steel and Emotional Allomancy? Definitely true; some lightweight armor would be extremely useful. Ooooh, interesting. I wonder if an aluminum cloud would block Steelpushing or Ironpulling as well as Seeking, as it has some field like effects.
  20. I chose chicken, because I just love how Rosharan people just call any bird whatsoever a chicken
  21. Technically, yes, but neither held a substantial portion of Ruin's essence, so that influence would be incredibly weak compared to Preservation's Connection to them.
  22. So climbing pitons, essentially. Or, perhaps Allomantic pitons would be a better name. Seems like a pretty good idea to me. That way you get more control over your Pushing/Pulling power.
  23. I think that's gold Feruchemy that doesn't deal well with sickness, actually. Progression is pretty capable of dealing with disease, perhaps because more Investiture is generally used with it.
  24. Figured I'd start a thread for furthering input; since there is going to be a Mistborn as an antagonist come era 3, what kinds of tools would help them perform the traditional processes of a Mistborn assassin/sneak/warrior? 1. Cloth-covered coins: we see Vin use this a little in HoA, where having a little cloth covering you coins used for Steeljumping gives you greater stealth. 2. Aluminum daggers: since this is going to be a lot more common come era 3, it would prove quite useful for a Mistborn to have some upgrades to their hand-to-hand weaponry. Maybe their would even be an alloy of aluminum to make it sturdier. You could also coat the blade(s) in a dark substance to keep it from being shiny in the dark. 3. Aluminum vials/pouches: this would keep your metals safe from being Pushed or Pulled on, so no need to worry about losing them in combat. 4. Fingerless aluminum-lined gloves: now, I see a lot of potential for these; you can handle Bendalloy nuggets in your palm to ingest while keeping them safe from Allomancy, you can add aluminum covered steel knuckles for more punching force, when punching a Leecher they won't be able to Leech you, and with the finger tips exposed you have more dexterity and can Leech your own targets. 5. Ball-bearing cannon box; not really something they're going to use to often as it's big and clunky, but imagine a box with 100-300 steel ball-bearings held in place by a thin cloth. Then put the box on its side and attach it to a crossbow handle. Basically, this allows the Mistborn to use a duralumin/pewter/Steelpush to make a massively destructive grapeshot when in battle. 6. Allomantic body piercings; another source of Allomantic reserves that my be more tolerant to being Leeched or may be usable for longer periods of time. Plus, they can just be kept in the body without the need to ingest them if the Mistborn were to be attacked unexpectedly. They could also be used in an emergency as a Pushable weapon or item to break their fall if they lose their coin pouch and have no other metal. What else do you guys think would be a good tool for Mistborn?
  25. RoW spoilers; We also see that Connection forged via Emotional Allomancy or F-duralumin to a Hemalurgic construct can let you perceive their thoughts somewhat, though they wouldn't exactly count for what you intend.
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