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Everything posted by MGershone

  1. And with the containment tube, Jax puts the watch on the guard he knocks out and teleports him back. It seems like if you're using the tech, but don't jump back, you melt. Otherwise, you'll be fine.
  2. The strong implication seemed to be that Deathsrise is a being similar to Calamity. @Player22, your interpretation sounds right to me, though it would be a bit of a retcon to say, "Just kidding, Calamity wasn't actually creating the fears of the epics, it was someone else." Maybe the answer will be that Calamity somehow killed Deathsrise and gifted him to the Epics to manifest the fears/weaknesses, but now Deathsrise has regained his consciousness or sentience. This would also fit with his name - he's risen from death.
  3. They totally pulled a "gotcha" on everyone watching:
  4. I appreciate your MTG reference. I'll take a stab at this too: SA: (Get it, stab, because Shardblades)
  5. I saw your post in a thread about Greenglass House. I love that book.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shard of Reading

      Shard of Reading

      Okay, that's cool.

      *Runs to library*

    3. MGershone


      The second most recent one is The Thief Knot, which is a spinoff about Marzana from Ghosts of Greenglass. It's really fun in that satisfying way books are when the characters can work together to solve a mystery really well.

    4. Shard of Reading

      Shard of Reading

      I'll right I'll check that one out.

  6. Alright guys, the point is moot. Dan Wells has confirmed that the title of book 5 will be Knights of Waluigi's Toilet.
  7. Since the Ghostblood's whole bit is trying to transport Investiture (in myriad forms) between worlds, even if Mraize himself didn't visit Patji, Yolen, or SIlverlight, it seems logical to assume that either another Ghostblood did it, or whoever did it for the Ghostbloods was subsequently forced to divulge their method of travel/transport. Mraize likes torture, I can imagine him forcing some random person who found a way to get to Yolen or wherever to tell him their methods.
  8. I think the Rhythms are at least partially a byproduct of Shards simply being on Roshar, Investing it with Investiture. Other Shardic planets have rhythms similar to the ones on Roshar, though each Shards' rhythm is different. (This was confirmed in some WoBs, I believe)
  9. Is it possible that Mercy would be primarily concerned with the little puny humans? A huge battle between Shards, even if it happens in the Cognitive Realm, can certainly affect humans, and it definitely does on Threnody. Mercy could be on her own side, trying to protect the people and stop the fighting - through any means necessary. Just a thought.
  10. I was thinking this too, but it seems like no one really visits First of the Sun until Sixth of the Dusk happens. As Khriss points out, it's really hard to get there. I was thinking the same thing, perhaps a Sellish system we haven't seen yet?
  11. So I was rererererererereading WoR, and I got to the scene where Shallan first meets Mraize and the Ghostbloods. The book describes Mraize's collection of glass boxes holding artifacts that are unfamiliar to Shallan. Here's the exact quote: That second paragraph of stuff, given what we now know about Mraize's off-world hopping, could very well be from somewhere else. (others, I think, have mentioned this). ANyone have any theories, ideas, WoBs, etc relating to this? My guess for the sand would (obviously) be Taldain, because it's white sand, but other than that, I have nothing.
  12. The kind of sentence you only get on the Shard (that's a good thing). Anyway, this is a really good theory. Thinking in the same vein, where exactly does the mass a Feruchemist or Forger creates come from? If it comes out of nowhere, then the Cosmere has no law of conservation of mass. If it's a Physical/Cognitive/Spiritual Realm thing, then it could be that the Cosmere does have a law of conservation of mass, but it applies across all 3 realms instead of juts in the normal Physical realm.
  13. Abrasion: Possibly some sort of a smoothing of emotion - a Scadrial-brass-like effect, or the opposite (a zinc effect).
  14. So, just further evidence that the gun probably fires some sort of Stormlight beam instead of a solid object. There's also the possibility that the glowing box is some sort of spren-summony thing that manifests an object in the barrel which is then fired using Gravitation or a release of Stormlight (well, that's a wacky theory).
  15. I would say Sel is probably language - all the magic we've seen is writing of some kind - but other than that this makes sense.
  16. Odium's other color is white, though. And it does seem most likely that this is referring to something on Scadrial, especially since we know from the letters between Sazed and Wit in SA that Harmony has only just begun reaching out beyond his own planets and learning about the rest of the Cosmere.
  17. I see what you're saying, and in a way, it's my point. Honor's whole problem was that he had a desire to sav and protect the humans, but had made deals that prevented him from that. So he started to try and get around those oaths, which created problems. The same way Kal had problems in WoR because he wanted to do the "right thing" - kill Elhokar - but not break his Windrunner oaths.
  18. Is it possible that the broken oath isn't a sudden thing? What if the oath was some sort of complex deal or treaty? Honor begins to "break" it, little by little, and that causes him to begin unraveling. Eventually, the Recreance - the proverbial straw on the camel's back - pushes him over the edge and he is weakened enough to be killed. This is similar to what happened with Preservation, whose efforts to preserve Scadrial drove him insane and eventually killed him.
  19. Is it possible that there is something that Odium can't do, but honor can? maybe honor can send vision, but only odium can listen to them,or something
  20. Have we seen a second blind person anywhere in Stormlight yet?
  21. So you're theorizing the existence of static Investiture that doesn't do anything, but just provides a connection between the Physical and Spiritual Realms?
  22. If this is true, then what exactly is the Light? I've always assumed Light is Investiture, but if not, it's got to be something else. (Unintentional hilarious Stormlight pun!) (Unless you meant to do that) (I can't tell)
  23. This is the point of Wax's monologue to Steris in BoM with the cord & ball
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