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Everything posted by Starborn42

  1. Hiiiiii, I'm alive! (That's a lie)

    Sorry for being so inactive recently. On Chinese new year holiday and having to study for six assessments...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starborn42


      I live in Singapore so it’s Friday already :lol:

      I don’t really have to time to go through all these notifs... Did I miss anything important? 

    3. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      UMM, I don't know what notifs you get, but nothing important has come up in my notifications. 

    4. Condensation


      My status updates are really important. Definitely.

  2. Okay so according to my teacher I am now my classmate's uncle.... 

    (There's an "a" because there's two ppl with my name in my class)



    Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 2.38.03 PM.png

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      The grammer constables doth hath tried to arrest me many times before. They never hath succeeded in this grandiose feat.  

    3. Condensation


      What has this turned into? XD

    4. Starborn42


      I’ve stopped reading the replies and can you really blame me?






  3. Okay so the boys in my class have developed a strange addiction to saying LOL and LMAO out loud and its so scudding weird....

  4. Grammar 101


    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      bruh, grammer is amazing 

    2. LukeWasTaken


      I see no problem here.

    3. Condensation


      This disappoints me. :(

  5. Yay my rep is almost a hundred! **sees people with thousands of rep** Baby steps?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starborn42



    3. Hen


      Hey you got more rep then content and that’s a win in my book 

    4. Tesh
  6. Hey peeps, hope y'all wouldn't mind explaining how the RP here works. **noob much**

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Yaas!! You’re thinking about joining rps!! *much excitement*

    3. Tesh


      You should join Let's Go Find A Dragon... :ph34r:

      But no matter which one/s you end up joining, RPing on here is a ton of fun.

    4. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      PM me and Connie! Together, we can explain any and all things RP!

  7. Am I the weird one? How do y'all write the letter a?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Condensation


      I do it this way: a.

      I picked it up from a friend.

    3. Starborn42


      Same, Condensation! I’ve never met anybody else who writes it like that....

    4. Condensation


      Huh, that's odd! I've known a couple.

      They just teach it the other way, so it's only if you specifically change to it.

  8. I haven't been this excited in ages... Give me a minute to squeal and flail my arms about..
  9. Did my doctor just tell my parents and I that we shouldn’t worry because she’s 50% sure I’m fine......? That’s convincing....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starborn42


      I’m not sure what I think of her because she’s hopelessly optimistic but she’s helped me get through a lot.

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      If you want anyone to be optimistic, it's your doctor, but at one point you need to be a little less so when the chances are a coin toss.

    4. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      I hope your alright Starborn. Your doctor sounds pretty eh though.

  10. I present to y’all why I’ll be single for a very long time...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doomstick



      To be honest I’d be willing to date you just looking at this.



    3. Starborn42


      If only people I know personally thought the same way...

    4. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      So maybe that’s why no one likes me.....

      Maybe I should stop threatening to devour people from the inside out.

  11. Deep breathing doesn’t do scud to quell anger :D

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      In addition to being really good at giving encouraging advice, us Sharders are the kings of hugging.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      I’m here if you need me. I hope you’re ok. 

    4. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      Someone said hugs?! *Hugs everyone in the chat*

  12. OOOOOKAY so after trying for two months to get subscribed to Brandy Sandy's newsletter, I finally got the confirmation mail bUT I MISSED THE SKYWARD SAMPLE CHAPTERS *is furious and sad* 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starborn42
    3. Tesh


      It came through a while ago, and I delete emails unless they're pretty important, so it's probably permanently deleted by now.

    4. AonEne


      Okay so what you want to do is click the "view this email in your browser" at the top, then click PAST ISSUES, then the latest one and scroll to the bottom.

  13. Okay, I am really mad right now because my parents won't allow me to cut my hair. I haven't cut it for my whole life and I absolutely hate my long hair. It's a pain to manage, and it's physiCALLY PAINFULL to manage. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Starborn42


      I go through 325 ml bottles in a week or less and I wash my hair every alternate day……...

    3. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Wow, that's a lot. I used to wash my hair once every 3-4 days. Now I wash every 7-9 days depending on how sweaty it gets. 

      Gosh, your hair sounds like a workout :D.

    4. Yvainnie


      I also used to have hair to my knees so I hear ya. I cut because it was pain to look after and it was more bother than joy. I had one bottle of conditioner for 2 weeks tops. But I cut only to midback/hip length which is still long but much more manageable and fresh and I can actually do sports! 

      So, may be try to suggest cutting it but not so much at first? And then trying with each regular cut to take a bit more until your desired lenght?

  14. My community reputation thing is Lighteyes. My eyes are dark brown lmao

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doomstick


      One might say we were... obliged to give that reputation.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      I had no clue what you meant Stick until I looked at the rep title.  

    4. Starborn42

    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Not for me. . . 
      Happy New year!

  16. What’s a Nintendo switch? I’ve heard of something to do with it opening in the Universal Studios in my home country.
  17. Exactly. I only know of one non annoying guy and I’m the only person in my class who thinks he isn’t annoying lol. Even the other guys do. I got to know him better and it turns out he’s really smart and kind.
  18. Urg I really wanted that poco class starfighter retro shirt thing on Brandy Sandy’s online store Hmm... I dislike them. I find them very predictable.
  19. The title says it all. Pretty self explanatory. Of course, cosmologists and astrobiologists are totally welcome! Not a fan of astrology but you folks are welcome too @Dean @Scarletfox @TheAstronomer
  20. My mom gave me a pair of underpants.........
  21. So are we gonna talk about how awesome Arturo Mendez is? B)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Starborn42


      *Visible disappointment in the human race*

    3. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      I mean , , ,  yeah, he's pretty cool, but there are better characters (like Nedd).

    4. Starborn42



      Okay, Nedd is cool but Arturo is Kool (TM)


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