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Everything posted by Innovation

  1. If Gavilar married off Jasnah to someone outside the SoH, then that person could potentially discover Gavilar’s goals, being close to the throne. Amaram, as an ally, would be a far safer alternative.
  2. I think it is because Savanthood permeates the soul, although it can have some effects on the body.
  3. I agree, this could be what is happening. However, after using their powers for centuries, they could have become Gravitation Savants.
  4. They have to use Voidlight for healing and Lashing. If they already can fly without effort, the only reason whey would need Lashings is for maneuvering and going faster.
  5. Interesting how the Heavenly Ones can fly forever, but have to use Voidlight to increase speed. Are they somehow Gravitation Savants or something?
  6. I believe full is third and master is fourth. Of course, this knowledge comes from the Skybreakers, who may have different ranking systems.
  7. I thought Cord got the Shardplate from Amaram after Rock killed him. If it is from Aimia, then where did the Amaram’s go?
  8. All of Bridge Four, Windrunners? Ash, giving away info? Dalinar, with an on-call Perpendicularity? We sure have been gone a while.
  9. Skybreakers and Lightweavers, certainly. I would add some Windrunners, as they have a lot of Squires. A Bondsmith for Stormlight and some Edgedancers and Truthwatchers for healing, to name a few. Willshapers for Transportaion, considering that the Inkspren seem unlikely to bond more. I don’t think we entirely know how Cohesion works, but it could have some potential benefits like turning your enemy’s sword to a useless metal blob.
  10. Returned feed on Investiture, not Breath. Awakening uses Breaths. Vasher can fuel his Returned Breath with Stormlight, but my theory is that he cannot awaken with it, considering the properties of Stormlight compared to Breaths.
  11. Breaths are sticky. Once they are put in an object, they stay there forever. Stormlight, on the other hand, has been described as “wanting to flow.” In the same sense that you (presumably) can’t change Stormlight into Breaths, a Larkin probably would not be able to steal Breaths from people. Even if it could, Larkin consume Stormlight. They have likely evolved to do so, and may have some trouble consuming other types of Investitiure.
  12. It could be any number. I just picked three off the top of my head.
  13. A lot of this could be a coincidence. Honor’s number is ten. There has to be a ninth Herald out of the ten, a ninth Surge, a ninth Radiant order... if Odium’s number was three, you would end up with the same result. I do agree though, not all of it is coincidental.
  14. And stone is the ninth essence, and the Shin worship it. 9 is Odium’s number after all, but some of these could be coincidental.
  15. The Stormfather is to Honor, and the Nightwatcher is to Cultivation. Perhaps the Sibling is to both?
  16. Perhaps a combination of Stormlight and the theorized Cultivationlight?
  17. Kind of like how you have to remove the Stormlight from a gemstone before a Spren can enter.
  18. That is quite possible. However, resurrecting Shardblades may be different than resurrecting a Bondsmith Spren, but you are correct; it could be a step in that direction. If I recall correctly, that the Sibling is not dead, just slumbering. My theory is that the Sibling is inside the gemstone column in Urithiru, and has been since the creation of the tower. Kind of like a giant Fabrial. Once they awaken the Sibling, the gemstone column will function again.
  19. I believe that each type of Fused has one Surge. Adhesion is the most likely to be the unused tenth, considering that Adhesion forges bonds, whether Spiritual or Physical. Bonds are one of Honor’s specialties, so it makes sense that no Fused would have that ability.
  20. Even Vasher did it. Classic trick.
  21. The Sibling is implied to have control over the tower, which the gemstone column presumably allows.
  22. Where is the Sibling? The Stormfather is in the storm and the Nightwatcher is in the Valley. Is the Sibling in the gemstone column? Dalinar couldn’t infuse it, and that could be caused by something already in it.
  23. How I think it works is that there are two groups of Chulls pulling two separate Fabrials. Group one walks forward, disconnects, and turns around. All the while, group two walks forward. Repeat process for unlimited uninterrupted flight.
  24. Urithiru is well guarded, and with Stormseat’s Oathgate, the Shattered Plains are also likely well protected.
  25. Ballistas and trebuchets seem like the best options. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Fourth Bridge has openings on the hull to drop rocks or some kind of Fabrial bomb.
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