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Everything posted by Innovation

  1. Didn’t Honor go mad before he died for good? Perhaps he locked travel without considering what he was doing.
  2. Nice that we have an avalanche at the start to help us figure out what has happened during the time skip.
  3. That would be my guess. Dalinar and the Stormfather would probably have unlocked it. A Bondsmith bonded to Honor’s cognitive shadow would likely be a sufficient enough pair to be considered Honor by the Oathgate Spren.
  4. Dalinar probably unlocked the Oathgates with help from the Stormfather. Note how, aside from Fortune, Renarin can create light, but not illusions. An odd distinction.
  5. Good point. When Navani mentioned the ship’s two lattices, I assumed what she meant was two Fabrials, not a collection of Fabrials.
  6. I don’t think Dalinar would like Veil assassinating people...that won’t end well. Moash is back! And pretending to be a Bridge Four, in some ways. Poor Sigzil. Thousands of Fabrials for the barge? Wow. Metal type matters a great deal for Fabrials apparently. Interesting.
  7. His redemption arc would be undoubtedly interesting. Unfortunately, Moash (or Vyre) has a habit of killing characters during such arcs. I hope Gaz doesn’t fall to the same fate, and at least apologizes to the bridgemen.
  8. They are Cognitive Shadows, I believe. We see Cognitive Shadows worshiped a lot in the Cosmere.
  9. He did flee the warcamps, at least. Better to desert than to serve under Sadeas, in my opinion. Sadeas was an eel. He couldn’t change his position in the army and was unable to travel, so I can see his predicament. He was rather spiteful to the bridgemen however. You could argue either way, but at the end of the day the Cryptics don’t seem to discriminate between good or bad. Just truth or lies.
  10. Didn’t we see Radiant in Plate? I think Shallan was just handing the Plate off to her more soldierlike personality. Jasnah has her Plate, I am certain of it. Szeth might get his Plate in book five, as he has a small role in this book. Book five may detail his quest to cleanse Shinovar as part of his fourth oath. Kaladin will probably get his Plate this book. He will have to overcome his guilt and depression to swear it, which will be tough for him. The rest of Bridge Four either are working their way up there, or just can’t find a Spren to bond. Venli may have sworn the second oath offscreen. It has been a year, so who knows how far she has progressed? Dalinar probably will not get plate, considering that he doesn’t have a Shardblade. He may swear his next oath this book, although I am uncertain what situation will prompt him to do so. I do believe that he did have Plate. I may be wrong, but it seems that Windrunners can Lash themselves while in plate, but cannot Lash others while Plated.
  11. Has this been theorized? One of Shallan’s brothers. They would be close to Dalinar, and the Davar family has been known to be associated with secret societies.
  12. They probably use such codes to keep sane, even after being defeated time and time again. What is defeat when you are revived to fight again? They would have won eventually, if not for Taln.
  13. I think the Sibling is slumbering inside the gemstone column, where it normally resides and powers the tower from. After all, Dalinar couldn’t infuse the column.
  14. The ship was attacked by assassins, and the only possible targets would be Jasnah and Shallan. He probably assumes that Jasnah was killed.
  15. Option 4: Yalb thinks Jasnah is dead. She was stabbed through the heart after all.
  16. First Dreams was the ship Kaza was on, one that went to Aimia and had it’s crew poisoned by the Sleepless. This seems like a potential reason for Rysn to go to Aimia, to search for survivors (there probably won’t be any unfortunately).
  17. I believe into is because Honor and Cultivation used to be their gods. I guess some aspects of their culture still remained when they turned to Odium.
  18. If each fused has one Surge, then who would the parallel for the Skybreakers be? Gravitation is for the Heavenly Ones, and I can’t see a Dustbringer parallel as a Lawyer.
  19. I personally think they are Savants. It could be the way the Heavenly Ones Surgebindings are structured, and I hope we will get an explanation in the book.
  20. Certainly some must have been left behind. You oddly need part of a section to regrow Plate, and either Kaladin’s attacks or Amaram’s transformation must have left a piece somewhere.
  21. Maybe the Fabrial is in the core of the spear, while the aluminum is just a wrapping.
  22. Agreed, there is something we aren’t seeing here. Gavilar sent his “box” to Braize. That would require at least some help, and definitely not from this particular group of incompetents.
  23. Or he was killed or captured during the time skip.
  24. I assume those are the Squires spread out over all the Windrunners.
  25. Good point. Maybe Amaram was to keep her pointed away from the SoH, actively distracting her from their activities?
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