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Everything posted by Trutharchivist

  1. All right. This is something I once thought of: is there a theme for each metal that can fit through the Metallic Arts? I know that tin seems to have one - senses - but I'm trying to find a general pattern to all the metals. I don't have a specific idea, but I think we should work in the general direction of pushing/pulling metals. Here is the list of what metals do in each Metallic Art: Iron - A: pulls on metals. Fe: stores weight. H: steals strength. Steel - A: pushes on metals. Fe: stores physical speed. H: steals physical allomantic powers. Tin - A: enhances senses. Fe: stores senses. H: steals senses. Pewter - A: enhances strength and balance. Fe: storing physical strength. H: steals physical feruchemical powers. Zinc - A: riots emotions. Fe: stores mental speed. H: steals emotional fortitude. Brass - A: soothes emotions. Fe: stores warmth. H: steals cognitive feruchemy. Copper - A: hides allomantic pulses. Fe: stores memory. H: steals mental fortitude, memory, and intelligence. Bronze - A: allows to hear allomantic pulses. Fe: stores wakefulness. H: steals mental allomancy. Aluminum - A: wipes internal allomantic reserves. Fe: stores Identity. H: removes all powers. Duralumin - A: quickly burns any burning metals in powerful burst. Fe: stores connection. H: steals connection and identity. Chromium - A: wipes out target's allomantic reserves. Fe: stores furtune. H: might steal destiny? Nicrosil - A: enhances allomantic burn of target. Fe: stores investiture. H: steals investiture. Gold - A: shows past self (or alternative present self). Fe: stores health. H: steals hybrid feruchemy. Electrum - A: shows possible future of the burner. Fe: stores determination. H: steals enhancement allomancy. Cadmium - A: slows down time. Fe: stores breath. H: steals temporal allomancy. Bendalloy - A: speeds up time. Fe: stores energy. H: steals spiritual feruchemy. Proceed to read the spoiler with caution - it's not too spoilery, but it always pays to be cautious.
  2. Am I the only one wondering about general cosmere implications? is anti light still Investiture? If so, is it still Adonalsium-related? And it's all very horrifying, though it seems anti light clashing with light isn't all that strong. It will finish he war, but probably won't destroy the planet.
  3. Don't envy us. at least you are sane, as much as any sanderfan is. Which is, admittedly, not all that much sane, but is still saner than me. Oh, and of course, my answer is no, finished it approximately two days ago. TPBM waited until he/she finished RoW before posting in his thread. (Probably not, but worth a try.)
  4. Sadly, that is true. TPBM is as idiot as I am and finished all RoW in three days, during which he/she didn't sleep.
  5. What? I'm talking about dragon! Though addmitedly, I have only one post in this topic. I actually have a full YouTube video about dragons - mainly about their varying intaligence level - but it's in Hebrew. Sorry. Back on the topic, apparently I don't have much to say about it, especially since I know practically nothing about why it's supposedly impossible for them to fly. I already wrote about the book that tried to explain dragons' flight physical possibility, and I believe it was about using lighter-than-air gas. Again, maybe you should check that out. This is the Wikipedia article about this book.
  6. Define "slightly". TPBM likes to ask people to define things when they ask a question/state an opinion.
  7. It has been confirmed through WoB that allomantic pulses are connected to the rhythms. I don't know about the sleepless, though.
  8. Sorry, I don't really know how to make memes, only want to point out
  9. You mean the one with the cyborgs? Never read it, I have committed the worse sin in existence and read about it in Wikipedia. I don't know if it could help. Did you read what I wrote about the worldbuilding? I acually had an idea about something to differ it from the original story, part off which was making the prince disappear - replaced by an identical-looking innocent person - and the main plot would've been people searching for him. I'm just not sure if it's really a good idea.
  10. I don't know anything about the wingspan that should make flying possible, but I've heard of a book called Flight of Dragons that is about it's physical possibility. It's probably not really all that much scientific, but it's still interesting. Silly question: do you think dragons could be as big but with less mass? I guess the answer is no, but it could help the problem too. Though it might make them more vulnerable in close range fights. How much should their scales weight?
  11. I won't copy the oath but it's mostly right about me. Sadly, part of the reason I don't write a lot is that I have other things which I also procrastinate. I will add that I will try to think of interesting ideas for stories whenever I have time, but I'll never really use them ever since I'll procrastinate. Besides, I try focusing on one idea. I technically published a sort-of fantasy book, but it shouldn't count by any means since it was a very bad one, and it was only given to family and close friends. I have an idea for a world - it's in my signature - and also a vague idea for a story in it - basically some sort of a retelling of Cinderella, though I'm afraid this kind of stories was done too many times. I will like to have some help.
  12. I do it every time I read a book and a character acts in a way I consider stupid, though I can appreciate an author that makes character mistakes plot driving, or lets them happen because it fits the character. Right now, I'm glad to say I have no reason to facepalm.
  13. I must be missing something, but if I remember correctly, Nikli just said that at least the soulcasters, and maybe the plate(?) were given as gifts to the guardians. Of course, there is the problem with why give them something they don't need. I do believe the guardians are the lanceryn.
  14. My reaction was along the line of being halfway interested through the book - I didn't care much for Rysn or even the Lopen before, I admit - but then Nikli mumbled that the dawnshards were used to shatter Adonalsium and... Well, the OP described it better then me: Though I didn't think of Hoid, but I should've. Remembering the First Dreams interlude, I thought the Sleepless would appear, though I realized about Nikli just a moment before it was revealed.
  15. Well, @Shard of Reading, I'll answer anyway: it's the Fjorden word for demons, including elanrians, IIRC.
  16. Yeah, it was a little weird, especially since he already has a Ryshadium.
  17. Well, it is a nice story, though as you noted, most of us prefer fantasy. It's a bit weird that they act as if it would be a best case scenario, than everything goes wrong and they don't seem to panic for a moment. I don't exactly get why a robot modelled after a kid would be wanted on a classified mission, and though you've wrote multiple times that Jason usually doesn't get to do field work, it is implied he did such things before, so this point isn't exactly clear. except for that, it seems like a nice story, and I might read it. You shouldn't really care too much for my opinion; I'm pretty much locked on fantasy. wrote this about the first chapter, didn't read the second.
  18. When I begun reading the OP I started worrying, since the first few lines can be applied to describe me - I regularly talk to people without them listening to me, though in my defence it's rarely ever people I hardly know. After you stated he was anti semistic I relaxed a bit, since I'm a jew and thus, not anti semistic. After that, i begun sounding like a nightmare. Seriously, I don't really know how it is anywhere outside Israel, but here people like that are strait away blamed for sexual harassment. In fact, from what I've heard, you could be blamed for i on less than that. I can't believe someone hearing about such things just cut it with "boys will be boys." On the bright side, I'm glad to hear it's all right now! Maybe this message is outdated a bit, since you're all through it! Just wanted to share my thoughts.
  19. I agree - I did like the book myself. It's only that I think many people like Sanderson's books because of the sensible magic systems - my older brother who introduced me to Sanderson is like that, for example. Thus, magic systems like that could make books less interesting to some sander fans.
  20. Just finished it. I have found it a little... confusing. I might recommend, but I'd warn you to get ready to a little weirdness. I think it's normal in DWJ books. Besides, be prepared for a magic system that (at least in my opinion) doesn't exactly corresponds with Brandon's laws.
  21. Here's another good advice I've just found in the book Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones : I have nothing to add but pointing out the practicality in it, much needed in writing books, far more than imagination.
  22. I believe that @Bzhydack means the metal from last week is an alloy of aluminum, and he stated his beliefs about the spears' metal on his post. About the shardblade-blocking metal - aluminum alloy is probably the best option. I was very surprised to see in the read-along discussion on tor the idea that both are god metals, but now that I think of it, it might be an alloy of one with aluminum, which I think was done on scadrial too with trellium.
  23. Reading this reminded me of a book I read that has things like this in it. the idea was of storing your experiences mainly in alcoholic drinks, and you didn't have to forget them to do so, I think. It was a nice book, but it was written in Hebrew and AFAIK was never translated.
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