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Shard of Reading

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Everything posted by Shard of Reading

  1. Why would I need a watch? I have a phone. TPBM loves cheese.
  2. It appears that the full power of all of humanity’s frustration only lasted for about 15 minutes.
  3. I’ve got one meme on the RoW spoiler boards that has 80 something upvotes. What the best movie you’ve ever seen?
  4. You’ve never heard of rock and roll ice cream? I’m an idiot I answered the wrong question I just went to last read post and didn’t even check to see if it was on the last page. My least favorite flavor of ice cream would be mint chocolate chip. Just stick with my original question that I asked.
  5. Listen to lots of rock and roll. What’s you’re favorite food?
  6. *Wins in the great state of Chicago* I mean, let's be fair Chicago and southern Illinois are so different they should be separate states now.
  7. I'll join. Are there PM's in this game? I'm assuming not because you didn't put anything in the rules, but I'd still like to make sure. Edit: Also, when does this game start?
  8. What do ya think? TPBM technically should be doing school work
  9. According to google translate, which as we all know is the most reliable thing ever, what he said was "But can you play this game? I win"
  10. I mean I kind of already beat NKG... But I will keep that in mind for Pure Vessel.
  11. I made another thread about rock and roll with that exact joke. It really is irresistible to not make it.
  12. Sooo... This might make me sound really dorky, but I just got a record player and have been listening to a bunch of old albums. The ones that I've enjoyed include, (But are not limited to) Heaven Tonight (Cheap Trick) Sports (Huey Lewis and the News) The original Boston Album (It doesn't have a name) Glass Houses (Billy Joel) An Asia album The Chicago album that has 25 or 6 to 4 (They don't name their albums so I don't know what it's called) Who are You (The Who) Leftoverture (Kansas)
  13. When you're known at school for wearing a bunch of incomprehensible T-Shirts that no one understands. (They are all sanderson related.)
  14. Well.... Scud. This book was just amazing. I personally loved it. Hesho coming back from the dead honestly didn’t go over that well with me. I feel like he died and therefore should stay dead it removed a lot of the kick from the end of Starsight. Is that to say I will complain? No. I love Hesho, and am glad I get more of him. I’m just slightly disappointed. (And then I remember I get more Hesho and the disappointment fades.) That was honestly my only major complaint. (Aside from not learning more about what really started the Human wars) I loved the twists and turns and pirate queen Spin. I didn’t see Chet coming and was completely blindsided by that. It took me a solid 5 seconds to get over that. And when I learned that the next memory was from Jason from the Phone company I almost screamed. (I would have screamed but I happened to be in class at the time and that wouldn’t have been the best idea) Sp yeah, great book but I feel like it won’t be as good to reread because a lot of the kick from this book was that there were a lot of awesome reveals.
  15. @Frustration the skill time and patience players had to have had to do that is honestly insane. And @Danex honestly my problem with NKG is bad muscle memory. I try to dodge his attacks, but they are timed just differently, and have slightly different animations, which leads me to run into things that shouldn't have hit me.
  16. I'm necroing this thread because it's an absolute crime that this is dead(ish) and, dream versions of bosses are a pain in the butt. (I can't seem to get to the second stage of any The Radiance, NKG, and Grey Prince Zote.) Any tips or tricks would be wonderful.
  17. I mean, considering that I just got a week long win, I think that's a given
  18. Welcome back szeth! Honestly, it seems like mistcloaks are by far some of the most popular costumes on the shard. Edit: Cool! A week long win!
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