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Shard of Reading

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Everything posted by Shard of Reading

  1. Well the thing with Thanos was he thought he was actually helping the universe. But Ego just wants to destroy/rule it.
  2. But Ego would still probably end up destroying the world sooo.... things don’t go better, they just go differently.
  3. Hehehe episode 2 was just as good as episode 1. This show is literally the best thing that has ever happened in the MCU. You can’t change my mind. I love seeing established characters play different roles. Plus it’s cool to compare them. I just recently rewatched guardians of the galaxy and it was cool to see how different, and yet how similar black panther was to star-lord. I also reviewed the trailer, because I’m weird like that, and the when the guardians of the galaxy are saving “New York” (probably not New York but whatever) that’s black panther star lord. Also Nebula’s blond. What?!?!?!?
  4. That was supposed to be a way of saying that that’s a good sign about the rest of college.
  5. Seeing as I am a big grown up, worldly, mature high-schooler I can tell you that the first tends to be the worst.
  6. It’s a joke that originated in the alleyverse. Basically you put an hemalurgic spike in a cookie and therefore whoever eats the cookie becomes spiked. It’s basically the shard’s version of “hey kid want some free candy?”
  7. I’ve been waiting to see if someone would make a thread for this and I got tired of waiting.... So, I really enjoyed the first episode. It was sooo cool and I thought that the writers did a good job of shortening a 2 hour movie into a 30 minute episode. My only big complaint is that the lips don’t sync up with the talking, but I’ll probably get used to that. What do you guys think of it?
  8. It’s the circle of pain (Dang I don’t know how to do strike through on mobile. Pretend pain was struck through and it said life.)
  9. Maybe they are a bot programmed to be funny... or maybe you are a bot trained to think it’s funny... or maybe I’m a bot trained to imagine this and nothing’s real... You know what I’m going to stop when I’m ahead. Also: *wins*
  10. Storming, rusting, scud!!! I log back on after like 2 months and this is how I’m greeted? Seems appropriate though. Edit: I also lost the game.
  11. Yeah, but it wasn't an intentional grammar mistake. I only like to make mistakes that put there on purpose.
  12. And she's also going to be like 25 years old in that book. And I really can't wrap my mind around that fact.
  13. First off, I love this it's super interesting. Secondly, Thomas's parents are jerks!! What sort of person blocks calls from their own son! What if he got hurt and they didn't know. (They are going to have one heck of a surprise when then get home.)
  14. I think that I enjoy Loki more than the other MCU TV shows. It's just so good. (Even if the endings are way too big of spoilers!) It's got a lot of mystery and Loki is just awesome. Episode 3 Spoilers Also, if Mobius doesn't get a jet ski before the end of the show, I will scream.
  15. And then, just because I'm not really posting, doesn't mean you can get away with a several day win!
  16. ...Yeah, sorry, I won't really be posting during the summer. My mom is going to be really trying to keep me off of screens.
  17. Does the 17th shard count as a substance? TPBM is technically in school right now.
  18. On a side note, I am once again bored. Edit: I just noticed a grammar error.... Now I'm embarrassed by that...
  19. Well.... Seeing that I'm a boy.... I really enjoy summer camp, but I think that girls camp would be a bit awkward for me. TPBM wishes they had something to read right now.
  20. Ummm.... Anyway, Thouest shalt not gain such a long win under my watch!
  21. Granted. You are now sleeping beauty. I wish for no bane.
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